romantic danger

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m e s s a g e f r o m t h e a u t h o r

We made it to Chapter 10! I appreciate each and every interaction left on my story, whether it's a vote, a comment or even just a read. My biggest hope is that as readers you are able to fully immerse into these pages, I want this story to be something you think about at night, or while you're supposed to be paying attention in class. I have so many ideas in store for future chapters and I hope you all stick around to enjoy! To be honest, I'm grateful to even have made it to Chapter 10, It's been a long journey to get here. From the thousands of brainstorm sessions to the countless pages of looseleaf paper, these are the reasons I appreciate all of the readers so much! Also, don't be afraid to leave any comment you have in mind! Readers have told me they have deleted comments because they didn't think it fit in with other commenters, any comment will be appreciated and read. Especially if they are questions pertaining to the plot, I'm always open for discussion, both in the comments and my private messages! Also, lately there has been a lot of new readers! I know my book isn't complete and not everybody is crazy about waiting for updates, but I usually update pretty frequently, always once or twice a week! Now prepare to continue the tantalizing journey in Chapter 10 of Project Nodachi!


l e t s  b e g i n

*Pakuyo POV*

"Keep up with me Kaori, this area is dangerous." I said. We were walking through a dark forest, following the feeling of the metal locket around Nodachi's neck. It always called to me and my metal mark, so I'm always able to find her no matter what. She does not know of this of course. For some reason, for the two days she was missing the pull was halted. It wasn't until she awoke and I heard her voice that I was able to connect with her, it was weird but I decided I was just grateful she was okay.

I had found Kaori not far from her apartment, covered in blood and tears. Slayer had obviously been sent to stall me, but my emotions didn't allow me to see it at that moment. My past really has arrived to haunt me, it's not just a saying. When Kaori told me the news about Max, I barely knew what to think let alone what to do. The old Pakuyo would have been hot on their trail right now, delivering combat lessons to anyone in the way. Even now it wasn't hard for me to track down two kids in a cave. I felt queasy about facing Nodachi, she is right to be angry. The anger she is feeling now will be nothing once everything I truly know is revealed to her. Somehow her and Kaori have become acquainted with Hitoki Zero, an odd scenario indeed. I knew he was a criminal but in this society that word often struggles to differ from victim.

"It'll be okay Pakuyo-san, Noda can't stay mad." Kaori spoke up.

"Not usually, I fear this time may be different." I smiled at her weakly. I appreciated her attempts to lighten the mood.

"What are we gonna do about Max?" She asked quietly. I turned around to look her in the eyes.

"I'm going to rescue him. Do you believe me?" I asked her.

"Of course, I do." She answered looking at me weirdly. It felt foreign to question the faith Kaori had in me.

We approached a large stone opening in the distance, and the pull from Nodachi's necklace became stronger. The cave was weakly covered in vines and shrubbery, poorly hiding the entrance. Metal formed around my hand and sharpened into a short saber, I cleared it in two strong slices.

"Pakuyo-san!" I could hear Nodachi's voice echoing through the cave as we entered.

She started to run towards me but swerved when she saw Kaori. She gave her a powerful embrace, Nodachi's hand was wrapped fiercely in Kaori's thick black hair while pressing her face into her chest. This wasn't something I took offense to, Nodachi has always loved her little sister more than anyone, it was actually the response I anticipated. I walked over to Zero who was standing awkwardly in the corner.

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