am i going crazy?

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I ran into the apartment and almost tripped over an unknown object in my path. The room was pitch black, not even the usual light from the TV could be seen. The smell of blood got stronger with every step I took into the apartment. I ran my hands along the wall in search of the light switch, I flipped it multiple times to no avail. The electricity was cut.

"Kaori!" I screamed. She wasn't here. I pulled out my phone and turned on the tiny flashlight it had. Pakuyo-san always told me it would come in handy one day but I never believed him. I looked for blood first, I paced around the apartment covering my nose staring intently at the poorly lit floor panels. Finally I found it, two small puddles of blood no bigger than a sticky note.

"There's no way this is all the blood, the scent was way stronger than this!" I said frantically.

Is it Kaori's blood? After finally looking around the rest of the apartment I noticed signs of struggle, plates and pictures were knocked onto the ground and the big sliding balcony glass had been shattered. I have faith that Kaori escaped somehow, she's not as strong as Max or myself, but she's extremely smart and she at least knows the first form of Ketto. Even so I have to find her, she's not safe out there alone. I ran out on to the balcony through the shattered glass door and jumped onto the railing. "Ketto Maneuver..." The force of the jump broke the railing with a loud snap, but sent me flying over the city where I could get a better view.
"Sit tight, Kaori!"

*Kaori POV 30 minutes earlier*
"ZOROOOO!!" I screamed loudly at my TV as watching One Piece often made me do. It was a great show but it can't be good for my early onset anxiety. I decided to take a break and read my book on the balcony, my big sister has been gone a long time and I can never sleep when she does this. I found myself lost in thought and worry tracing the words on the outside of the small hard cover book. Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever, one of the books in my favorite series, Noda would love it if she ever took my book suggestions. Read Percy Jackson! Read Percy Jackson! I can hear her now, I've read thousands of books and somehow I never gave Rick Riordan a chance.

"Cough... Cough.."  The sound of someone wheezing took me out of my head. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed the railing, I peered over to see a dark figure stumbling down the sidewalk, shirtless and visibly hurt.

"Hey! Are you okay?" I screamed to the person.

   He looked at me.
"Go..pant...inside!" he said. "It's not safe."

"Who are you? Let me help you! I know how to apply first aid!" I yelled. With this I jumped over the railing and landed gracefully next to him.

"'ll get hurt." he said.

After getting closer I could finally make out his appearance. He looked to be about 16 or 17 years old, his skin was a creamy white like Max compared to the darker complexion of Noda and I. His jet black hair was long and spiky reaching about the middle of his back and pulled into a loose ponytail. The fact that he was covered in scars and injuries wasn't even the most alarming thing about him, I didn't notice before but even as he appeared to be looking at me his eyes were closed.
"Are your eyes okay?" I asked genuinely. His expression changed, he seemed to focus as if he was listening for something.

"You have to get back inside!"  he exclaimed. 

With this his body seemed to lose what little energy it had and he fell limp in front of me, I caught his unconscious body before it could hit the ground.

"How's a little girl like me supposed to carry an older kid!"  I said.

I heaved his heavy body over my shoulder, and started up the stairs to our apartment. Once inside, I laid him on the big gray cotton couch that sat in our living room and turned on the light to get a better view. My heart dropped for a second once I could really see I recognized this guy, not from school or anywhere innocent like that, but from our NNM or Neighborhood News Monitor. He was Hitoki Zero, one of the most wanted criminals that was displayed on the board everyday. What could this young guy have done to attract so much attention from the government?

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