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*Max POV*

We had been walking in silence for a while. Chandler, my mysterious kidnapper hadn't spoken to me since he slapped a pair of green handcuffs on me and nullified my powers. Even then he only said "Sorry kid." which totally contradicted his previously smug and talkative demeanor. He strayed slightly behind me as if anticipating my possible escape.

We were no longer in the city, we had ventured all the way to the outskirts where the only thing lighting the streets was an occasional moth covered street light. He had taken my phone and tossed it into the river as we passed it, leaving me with a weird empty feeling in my right pocket. Suddenly the small walkie talkie attached to his pants started to buzz, breaking me out of my thoughts. It reminded me of the walkie talkie I ga- Oh that's right! I had given Kaori a walkie talkie that connects to the one at my secret spot. If I can make it there maybe I can talk to Noda, new found hope filled my body.

"Ch-chandler?" An injured sounding male voice said.

"Slayer. Where are you?" Chandler asked worriedly.

"I'm with Misa. She's in bad shape, I found her unconscious and covered in blood she still hasn't woken up yet. I'm not doing so well either, I stalled Pakuyo for as long as I could." Slayer said.

"Misa was beaten?!" Chandler said.

"The Torodami girl is stronger than we expected, we weren't able to capture her what should we do?" Slayer asked.

"You two get medical help immediately, I was able to capture the electric kid. I'll take him to the captain and if I see the Torodami girl, I'll take her down." Chandler ordered.

I winced at the violent mention of Nodachi.

"Roger." He said.

"So you're not the captain? I thought you were the strongest." I said to him.

"Our captain is a different story. You should tread lightly around him." He said.

The tone of his voice sent chills through my body. How tough could this captain guy be?

We continued walking through the outskirts until we came up a small clearing of trees on a very small cliff that overlooked the ocean.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He didn't reply, he just reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal device with a singular button on the front. He turned it over and firmly clicked it. A few seconds later, I started to hear the faint roar of a quiet motor coming from the direction of the ocean. A small black dot, that turned out to be a boat as it got closer, approached us slowly and parked at the base of the plateau. A large logo could be seen on the side: Tuzo Confinement.

"Took ya' long enough!" The driver of the boat spoke loudly. His voice sounded oddly familiar. I looked closer at the man, he noticed my gaze and returned a shocked expression to me. I knew this man, he was the the one who first showed me that crazy place. It was on a boat just like this that I stumbled on and he said "Hey kid, what's gotten into ya' head?"

He was a large, chubby, fair-skinned man with short brown hair. He looked to be about 40 years old, and his belly protruded from his body and poked out slightly from his green military uniform. Danny was his name, after a long unprecedented conversation about my situation and my purposes in life, he offered to show me a place I would never forget. He was actually very kind, I might even call us friends.

"Danny. What's the problem?" Chandler asked.

"W-who's this kid ya' got here Chandler? I thought ya' were here for Torodami girls." Danny said nervously.

He was acting like he didn't know me. I understood, if they found out he was associated with me he'd probably be in big trouble. I broke my gaze on him and looked down at my feet.

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