man versus self

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     *Max POV*

I can't believe I showed up late while Noda-chan was in trouble. Who is this guy and why is he here targeting her of all people? Maybe if I wasn't goofing around I could have actually made it on time and Nodachi would have never had to fight at all. If something happens to Nodachi because I was late I won't be able to forgive myself, which is why I've decided to take this guy down at any cost! By the look in his eyes I could tell he was really intent on killing Nodachi  with that kunai he pulled out of his ass.

"Of course I'm staying! I won't let you fight this guy alone." Nodachi answered. I knew she would say that without even thinking about how dangerous this fight was going to be. By the looks of it this guy is strong, judging from his outfit he was apart of the government they were always dressed in dark colors and sporting an oddly colored sash.

Suddenly Nodachi snapped her head towards me, her face full of worry and anxiety.

     "Noda! Are you okay?" I asked.

"I left Kaori at home Max! If these scumbags are after me, they probably went after her too!" She screamed.

I thought for a moment. Kaori might really be in serious danger, she can defend herself but if the offender is as strong as this snake guy she won't stand a chance. Apparently I thought to myself for too long because Noda turned around and started to run towards the edge of the rooftop.

"You can't escape!" Snake guy yelled. Suddenly he began to produce dozens of kunai from the palms of his hands. They formed together in a straight line and fell limp to the ground with a metallic thud. He spun them around quickly at the sides of his body in a windmill fashion, carving large crevices in the ground beneath them. Screeeechh!

"Twin Serpents!" He thrusted the whips towards Nodachi. The whips were fast, really fast. So fast that I barely saw them close the distance between him and Nodachi and wrap her up like a real life serpent does its prey. I've never come across anyone with this type of mastery over their mark other than Pakuyo-san. What's the deal with this guy? What type of training has he been through?

Nodachi let out a pained cry. I snapped out of my thoughts and crouched down to gain momentum."Ketto Maneuver Level 2: Momentum Burst!" I somersaulted through the air and focused lightning into my extended right foot.

"Shock Spear!" My foot connected with the whip and broke through it with a loud snap! I landed on the ground about 10 feet away and attempted to catch my breath, using my mark a lot today seems to be taking a toll on me. Nodachi hit the ground, the chains unwrapping her simultaneously, and bursted off the drug store onto a neighboring building.
"As if i'd let you go after her!" I said angrily.

*Pakuyo POV*

Walking past these familiar buildings in town always brings back buried feelings of nostalgia. Growing up as a mere slave of the system from the age of 15, I never had the luxury of enjoying my precious childhood memories. It didn't help that someone wanted to potentially expose that dark side of the world to the children I swore to protect. I've always blamed myself for letting the three of them become so close with Ms. Zee. She was kind and beautiful from the impression she first gave me all those years ago, and Nodachi took a particular liking to her. Our earlier conversation revealed her true nature to me, she was still brainwashed into following the government like a lost dog. Nodachi's mark awakening has been heavy on my mind, deep down I always knew she would bear The Mark of The Devil but I always refused to believe or anticipate the terrible fact. I fear my lack of preparation for this moment could prove dangerous.

As I continued down the street lost in thought, I noticed the drug store that Noda and the others love so much. I stopped and peered into the closed shop window. The candy bars were all stacked in a colorful array below the front counter adding a child-magnet to the store that has costed me a ton of money. Max would pick the red one, Noda the purple one and Kaori the blue one and I of course got the "pleasure" of paying for it and watching them eat it on the way home from school. Clank! My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something metal hitting the ground next to me. I hopped back a couple feet and surveyed my surroundings, the streets were empty and dark only illuminated by a single street light and the bright red neon drug store sign. Looking down at the object finally, I recognized it as a Kunai knife.

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