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(A/N- Hey! just wanted to say that I'm gonna be writing in a different style, so don't worry you're still reading the same fanfic:] Also tell me which style u like more! )


It's been about an hour since we came to the coffee shop, and we already drank our drinks. So we decided that we would go back home. We started to get up but a guy from the table beside us came up to me. "Hey, I'm sorry for interrupting but you look really pretty.. so would you mind giving me your number?" the guy said. Holy shit. A guy just asked me for my number. What do I say? I have to give it to him! I mean look at him! he looks really hot. I thought, but then eventually gave him my number. The guy looked really nice. He had fluffy brown hair, brown eyes and a really cute smile. "Thanks! How should I save your contact?" he asked. "Just save it as Y/n or N/n. Whichever you like." I looked at him and smiled. "Great! I'll text you later then." he said and went back to his table. I turned around expecting Tommy to be there. But he wasn't. So I went out of the coffee shop to look for him. Why did he leave? And without saying anything? Ok, If I was Tommy, where would I go? I thought but then I saw him sitting on a bench in the park. So I went there.     "Hey! Why did you leave?" I said as I sat beside him on the bench. "Because you were talking to that guy so why should I be there?" he said looking at his hands. "You could have at least told me that you're going to wait for me outside." I said. "I guess I haven't really thought about that." he said in a weird tone. "Okayy.. let's go back home. We can play some Minecraft together!" I said as i stood up and held out my hand for him. "Sure." he said and I pulled him up, then we began walking home, talking a bit.


"We've been walking for a while now, so we should be arriving soon." Tommy said, and just as he did we saw the house. "Told you." he looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back. But then his smile changed into a grin. Uhoh.. I thought, waiting for what he was gonna say. "LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" He said as he started running to our house. "NO WAIT! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I said between laughs running behind him. But then he obviously got there first. Since he left EARLIER than me. "This wasn't fair." I said. "Yeah yeah," he said looking at me "so text me on discord when you'll be ready." he turned around and left. So I went inside thinking that I would go up to my room. But no. Because WILL didn't let me. "Hey Y/n." he said so I turned around. "Yes? What do you want?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Oh come on I just want to chat. I haven't seen you all morning!" he said making a sad face. "Well I can't do that" I turned to him "because I'm going to play Minecraft with Tommy." I said. "Really?"  "yes."  "Can I join you?"  "Let me think about it......no." I said as I began walking up the stairs. "Thanks! It was nice talking to you too!" I hear Will say from downstairs. And I just ignore it and go inside my room to start my PC.



Hello beautiful person! I hope u liked this chapter, but sorry that it's a bit short! And as I already said, I'm trying a different style of writing. but I'd appreciate if you'd tell me which one u like more! Anyways I hope that you have a great day/night!<33

649 words

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