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So right now we're walking towards the ice cream shop that Tommy said he saw. And to be honest- "Y/n, look!!" he said, pointing to a train..? "Do you want to go there?" I ask him. "Yeah!" as he says that, he grabs my hand, and starts running towards it. But when he stops, he looks at our hands, and immediately lets go. "I'm sorry.. I didn't realise I was holding your hand.." He says awkwardly. "It's okay." I reply, and hold his hand. Then he goes to buy the tickets. "Hello, could we get 2 tickets please?" he asks the cashier. "Yeah, of course." the cashier says, and gives us 2 tickets. "How long do we have to wait?" I ask. "You don't have to wait at all. Actually you came just in time. Because the next train leaves in 1 minute." he replies. "Oh, that's great. Thank you." Tommy says, and then we go sit in the train.

We sit in the first wagon and wait for it to start. After a little while, the train starts moving. "Where the hell are we?" Tommy asks. "Like in the middle of nowhere." I reply. "Is that a field?" he asks, aiming his phone to it. "Yes. What else did you expect?" I say laughing. "Shut up. I don't know." he says and turns his phone off. We decided to just look at nature, and not film everything. Then we see a few cows on the field eating grass. So Tommy immediately says something about how we kill them in Minecraft. So we laugh at that for another good 5 minutes. And then we just enjoy each others company and look outside until the train ride ends. But a few minutes before it ends, I see Tommy staring and smiling at me. I try to hide it, but I obviously blush. So then I look at him.. and we make eye contact. Then the train stops, which takes us back to reality. So we get off of he train, thank the people and say goodbye.

"I think we should go back. It's been like an hour." Tommy says smiling. "Yeah, we should." I say. Then, Tommy moves a bit closer to me and grabs my hand. I look down and then back up to his face, and smile at him. And like that we went back to Jack.


"Hey! Where have you been?" Jack asks as we slowly walk to him. "We went to a train." I say sitting in the chair next to him. "Didn't you want to go for ice cream?" he asks. "Yeah, but we found the train on the way. So we went there." Tommy replies. "Oh okay. Well, I caught a fish while you were away." he says confidently. "Really?" me and Tommy say in sync. "Yep." Jack says. "What should we do now? I'm bored." Tommy says. "Jack, give me your phone." He looks at Jack. "No! What do you want it for? You have your own phone!" he says. But he eventually gives it to him. Then he starts recording himself on it. And then he has a , and I quote , 'genius' idea. He puts Jack's phone in the fishing net, and puts it in the water. "TOMMY!" Jack yells at him and takes the net from him. "Okay, I'll try it with my phone." Tommy says, and puts his own phone in the net, and puts it in the water. I'm glad that I filmed this. I think. "Wait, Jack. I have a great way of drying your phone." he tells Jack. "No." Jack says. "Oh come on. Don't worry." Tommy says as he takes Jack's phone out of his hand. Which to Jack replies "I am worried.". Then he puts Jack's phone in the net, once again. And starts turning around with it. I have no idea how, but it doesn't fall out. "OKAY! That's enough." Jack says, and takes the net from him. "I think that we should go home." I say. "Yeah. Because who knows what he's gonna do again." Jack says and we both start laughing. Then we pack all our stuff, and go home.


After a kind of long ride, we get to our houses. "It was great seeing you two today. And Y/n, you should definitely join us in different vlogs. You're very fun to be with. Can I have your discord or number?" Jack asks me. "Yeah of course! My discord is Y/D/N, and my number is Y/PN." I reply. "Great! I'll text u! Bye guys!" he says, and then we get out of his car, say our goodbyes, and he drives off. "I had a really good time today." Tommy says looking into my eyes. "Me too." I say back. Then he hugs me, so I hug him back. We stay like that for a bit, until Will sees us and tells me to go inside already. "Talk to you later?" Tommy asks. "Yes." I reply, then we say goodbye and go home.


Hello beautiful person! Sorry, I had to take a break. I actually had half of this chapter already written, but I needed to finish it. Also sorry if there are any mistakes. But I hope u liked it! Have a nice day/night!!<33

888 words

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