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A/N- please read the A/N on the bottom after u finish reading this! ty<3
Tommy POV

I was just scrolling on Twitter when I heard he doorbell ring. So I went downstairs to open the door. I was expecting it to be the mailman or delivery service, but when I opened the door I saw Y/n. She looked a bit.. confused? "Hey Y/n..?" I said. "Hi Tommy. Can you hang out?" she asked. "Uh yeah. Come in." I say as I open the door completely, and tell her to come in. So she goes in and starts taking her shoes off.

"So how was your day so far? What did you do?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. After I finish she stops, then looks at me and just stares. "What? Oh it wasn't good was it?" I ask. "Yeah it wasn't the best." she replies and stands up. Then we go to my room but on the way there, I ask her why it was bad. "So why was your day bad?". She looks at me and opens her mouth to speak, but then she closes it. "I'll tell you when we get to your room." she says and goes a bit faster.

Then we get to my room, and she sits on my bed.I go to sit next to her, but then go to sit on my chair. Because it would've been weird, right? right..? "So basically.. Lucas asked me if I'd want to go out. And I said yes. So we went out, we went to the park. Everything was going great. But then something happens, and he tries to kiss me.." and as she says that, my heart breaks. I felt like crying. But I was also really jealous. Why would he do that? Does he like her? Well.. obviously. But does she like him?  I hope not. I mean there's no way that she'd feel the same, but.. still. I thought. But then she snapped me back to reality. "Tommy? You okay?" she said as she waved her hand in front of my face. "Yes sorry. I was just thinking." I answer.

"Okay anyways.. I don't want to talk about this, so should we watch something?" she asks. "Sure. What do you want to watch?" I ask while siting on my bed and turning my TV on. "Umm.. what about Stranger Things?" she suggests. "That's a great idea!!" I say and I immediately turn it on. We start watching season 4 since it came out around a month ago. I sit up straight, my back facing the wall, and Y/n comes closer. She then sits beside me and lays her head on my shoulder. But since I'm a lot taller than her I have to sit a bit lower.


We just finished the first episode. And honestly.. it was a bit boring. But the end was something else. "So what did you think about the first episode Y/n?" I ask her slowly looking at her. "I- the end was g-great." she says sarcastically. I laugh a bit at that, but then play the next episode.


It's been a while, and now we were just ending the 2nd episode.And I was just about to start the next episode when, "Tommy lay down." Y/n says. So I do as she says, and she cuddles me..? so I cuddle her back and like that we start the next episode. HOLY SHIT WHAT AM I DOING? I think. And we stay like that for another 2 episodes. And then we get married, have kids end of story.

Just kidding. This is just the beginning..


Hello beautiful person! I hope u're doing great! This chapter isn't proof read so sorry if there are any mistakes.. anyways, i'm maybe just MAYBE gonna start a new book. so if i do then make sure to check it out! hope u have a great day/night!!<3

666 words

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