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Tommy POV

So, I decided to confess to Y/n today. But I couldn't have done it normally. So right now we're walking through the park, to a place where I never took her before. Oh, we can already see it. "How much longer?" Y/n asks me. "See that bench on the hill?" I reply to her, pointing to a small wooden bench. "Yeah?" she looks at it. "That's where we're going." I say, and she replies with an okay. Then when we start going up the hill, when a sudden light meets our eyes. "Oh my god, you didn't tell me that we were gonna watch the sunset!" Y/n says, taking my hand and running towards the bench. "Yeah." I say as we sit down.

We watch the sunset for a bit, well it's more like she watches it. I'm sat on the bench next to her, admiring every feature on her face. How beautifully she looks in the 'golden hour'. Then we start talking for a bit when I interrupt her,"God you're gorgeous." I say. She immediately looks at me suprised, but starts blushing. And without even noticing.. I start leaning in. And surprisingly she starts leaning in too. And after not even a few seconds, our faces meet. and I feel her soft lips on mine. We kiss, only for a few seconds, even though it felt like an eternity. Then we both pull away and look at each other. Both blushing. "Y/n, I have to tell you something." I say, and she patiently waits for me to start. "I like you. A lot. And I think that I've liked you for a while-" I was confessing to her when "I like you too Tommy." she says. "I- Really?" I ask her. "Yes. Wasn't that obvious? Also because I kissed you back." Y/n says with a smile. I don't reply. I just sit there with a big smile on my face, looking at her, thinking about what she just said. And when I'm about to say something, she kisses me again. But this time, it lasts longer. Then we both pull away and smile, again. "Okay, so um, since we both like each other.. would you maybe.. want to be my girlfriend?" I ask her, and when I started I saw how her eyes started lighting up. "Yes!" she responds and hugs me. Then we go to sit on the grass, laying a blanket on it. After that we both lie down next to each other, taking each other's hands, talking and looking at the stars that were now in the sky.

We stay there for an hour and something, when we both agree that it's getting late and cold. So we stand up, fold the blanket and head back home. On the way we don't talk very much, we just enjoy each other's presence. And when we get there I walk with her infront of her front door. "I had a great time tonight." she says turning towards me. "Me too." I reply. Then she kisses me, but not for a long time. Just a soft short kiss. "Bye Tommy. I'll see you tomorrow..?" she asks. "Yeah of course! Bye." I reply and go home with butterflies in my stomach from this evening. I still can't believe that I'm the one that she likes.. I think as I go inside, and up to my room.

to be continued..


Hello beautiful person! I hope that u liked this chapter! It finally happened. But I need to ask u, do u want me to continue? because I have some ideas, but I am thinking of ending it in a few more chapters. Please tell me which one u'd like! Also the reactions will be in the nect chapter;) Have a great day/night!!<3

644 words

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