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Tommy POV

We've been watching Stranger Things for a while now, and Y/n is starting to fall asleep. On me. So I slowly try to wake her up, because I don't want Will to worry about where she is. "Hey, Y/n. You have to text Will. He's probably worried about where you are." I tell her and she starts waking up. "Yeah. Could I maybe stay over for the night?" she asks. If you say no, I'll kill u. I think to myself. "Yes, of course." I reply. "Great. I'll text Will." she says and stands up to go text him.

"He isn't replying. Should I call him?" she asks. "Yeah." I answer, and she calls him. "Put it on speaker." I saw before she calls, and she just nods. After a few seconds of ringing he picks up. "Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?! WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING?? DID YOU SEE WHAT TIME IT IS?!" Will says through the phone. "Yes, I'm sorry. But don't worry I'm just next door. We were watching Stranger Things with Tommy that's why I didn't answer. I'm sorry.." she says. " You're watching Stranger Things WITHOUT ME?" He says and we laugh. "Yes sorry Will! You can come here if you want!" I shout so he can hear me. "Nah, it's okay. I'm gonna go stream. Also I expect to see you here in an hour. Y/n." he says. "Actually.. I want to ask you something.." she says looking at me. "What is it you want to ask?" he asks. "Could I maybe stay over here for the night..?" Y/n asks, and Will stays completely silent. "Hello?" Y/n says to reassure that the call ended, or if he just couldn't hear her. "What did Ms. Simons say?" Will asks. "She said she can." I say. "Okay. But know that you're very lucky I'm in a good mood right now. Because of the fact that you didn't tell me anything these past few hours, I should say no." "Yes, I know. And I already said sorry. But thank you." Y/n says smiling a bit. "Yeah it's okay. Text me if you'll need anything." he says. "Yeah. Bye Will!" she says and then hangs up.

Then she goes back to the bed and lays on me again. "Are you hungry? We haven't eaten for ages. At least me." I ask her. "No, I'm not. But we can go eat if you want." she replies. "Let's finish this episode and then we can go." I say, and we continue watching.


We just finished the episode so now we're gonna go eat. "What would you like to eat?" I ask. "Anything is fine with me." she answers. So I just order some pizza. It comes in 10 minutes, so then we take it upstairs and eat it while watching another episode of Stranger Things. After we finish it, all we do is watch Netflix. So after a while we go to bed.

Hello beautiful person! I hope u're doing great! I didn't really know if I should write more about what they did in the sleepover so I just went with this. Hope u have a great day/night!<3

540 words

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