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Wesley groaned when light hit his eyes. He scrunched up his face, burring his face into his pillow in an attempt to fall back asleep. He reached to over to the other side of the bed, searching for his lovely girlfriend.

He lifted his head when he couldn't find her, looked over to the other side of the bed to find it empty. Wesley looked around the room before he looked at the clock on his nightstand.

It read seven thirty-two. Wesley sat up, he swung his legs off the side of the bed. He lifted himself off the bed and trudged over to his closet.

Wesley sighed as he pulled into the Syntec parking lot, he pulled into his spot. He sat there for a moment, yawning and trying to wake up. After a few seconds he unbuckled and hopped out of the car. He walked into his building, shoving his hands into his coat pockets.

"Mr. Nathaniel!" Wes looked up, finding his assistant just about to walk into his office.

"Scott... how many times do I have to tell you?" Wes chuckled, looking down and rubbing his tired eyes, "call me Wes."

"Right! Sorry Mr- Wes, Wes" Scott began to fidget with his hands, a habit Wes learned he did when nervous.

"Why are you here? I don't mean it in a bad! I mean you own the building so you can come in whenever you want but I thought it was yours and Deb's day off? Is there something you forgot to do or..."

"I'm here to pick up D" Wes interrupted Scott, looking back up at Scott.

"Oh... she's still here?" Scott glanced over to the stair case.

"If she's not here then I have no idea where she is" Wes answered walking past Scott and towards the stairs.

Wesley walked over to Deb's office. He stretched once he got to her door, the tiredness had for some reason not gone away. He opened the door and found exactly who he had been looking for.

Deborah was laying on her asleep. She was laying on top of some papers, which told Wesley why she had stayed late this time. He sighed and shut the door behind him, even on their days off this place found a way to make them come in.

Wesley walked over to Deborah, he knelt down so he was more her level. He brushed some hair away from neck, that had come loose from her ponytail. He pressed kisses over her neck, also gently nuzzling into her.

Deborah shifted, letting Wes drag his kisses up to her cheek. He heard Deborah groan, slowly she began to wake up.

"Wes?" He looked up to find Deb's eyes open and on his.

"Good morning D" Wes whispered, sliding his hand on her back. She leaned back into her chair, letting his arm wrap around her.

Wesley slowly pushed her chair back. Once it was back far enough he moved in front of her. He slide his hand underneath her thigh and gently lifted her up. He heard a small yelp from her, but she quickly relaxed into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Let's go home D, we both need more sleep."

(Sorry it's short)

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