Night Terrors.

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Syntec's hallways were like a hospital. White, clean, and fill with death and tears. Wesley personally hated it with every ounce of his being. He hated having to walk through them on a daily basis, hearing screams and cries from patients hidden behind the doors that lined some of the hallways.

Wesley was heading for Scott's office. There was another experiment going to be conducted today and he needed his assistant to stand in for him. Wes felt horrible for making the man do this, but he really couldn't sit through this.

The halls were surprisingly empty, no one running from lab to lab, moving machines around, or bringing in more supplies.

Where is everyone? Wesley tightened his grip on the folder he was carrying. Only to release the grip on the thicker piece of yellow paper. He stared at it confused, when had he gotten this?

The experiment... This probably was the file for the experiment today. Except he couldn't seem to remember, at all. Slowly he brought up his other hand to open the file. He skimmed through the contents on the first page.

Another human injection. Wesley sighed through his nose.

Patient ID Number: Not available.

Not available? Wesley squinted at the paper again. Was this a new patient that had recently been registered? No, they would get their ID before they could be admitted into any test.

He flipped to the page behind it.

Patient: Deborah Syhpus.

His heart stopped. Deborah? D? My Deborah? No no no NO! This has to be some sort of mistake! Deborah would never let herself- HE would never let her...

Wesley was suddenly desperately searching the papers for a location. Which lab, which lab which, lab... 12! Wesley nearly cried in relief; he was close to the lab, he could put a stop to this before it even began. He was going to put a stop to it.

He ran through the halls, he swerved past machines and boxes. He rushed into the lab, finding so many of his employees crowding around the two-way glass of the testing room.

He pushed past the scientists harshly, trying to get to the front of the crowd was like running through a corn field. He couldn't see any of their faces nor did any of them say anything as he pushed by them. Finally he slipped through the crowd, into a space they had left between them and the window.

For the second time in a concerning amount of time his heart stopped, dropped down to his stomach. Deborah was in the room, strapped down to the table, much like how Benjamin had been only a few weeks ago. Leather straps around her ankles to keep her from kicking, a larger strap on her abdomen to keep her from failing about, one strap keeping one of her arms to her side, while another was forcing her to hold her other arm out and expose her forearm. Easier for the other person performing the experiment.

Nelson was holding a syringe, a red chemical filling it to the brim.

"No..." Wesley murmured, "Nelson stop" he spoke, his voice was shaky and fearful. He walked closer to the window as he raised his voice, "Nelson stop!"

The man didn't stop.

"Nelson!" Wesley slammed his fists onto the glass, causing it to shake. "Nelson don't you dare! This experiment is over!" He had given his best commanding voice he could, but Nelson didn't stop.

Wesley watched his partner walk over to the helpless blonde. He pounded his fist harder into the glass, but it didn't break.

"NELSON DON'T!" Wesley cried with desperation, continuing to hit the glass as hard as he could. His fists were bleeding but that thought was thrown away when Nelson rolled up his sister's sleeve.

"STOP! PLEASE NELSON STOP!" The man was forced to watch in horror as the needle slid into his lover's arm. He was forced to listen to his love's screams.

"Wesley...?" A voice muttered in his ears, but between his crying and assaulting the window he didn't listen to it.

"Wesley...! Wesley..!" The voice chanted.

"Wesley woke up!" The blonde founder was plunged into a dark abyss for a moment, before he spotted a soft yellow glow around him.

"Wesley!?" Someone cried out his name, holding onto his shoulders. "Come on Wes wake up!" Deborah.

"Jesus-'' Deb wasn't given time to finish her sentence. Wesley flipped them over, her now lying beneath him. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, suffocating the air out of her.

"Wesley" she gasped, wriggling her arms out of his death grip. "What is wrong hun? You had a nightmare right? Did you see something?" Her hands ran through his hair and down his back.

Wes took a long deep breath before he spoke, "you..." he muttered.


"You were... being injected... I tried to stop it but I couldn't and you..." Wesley was struggling with tears again. He should have felt humiliated, horrified at how he was so affected by a single nightmare but the lingering thought of Deb suffering in such pain was...

"Shush now..." She grabbed his cheeks, "it was just a dream Wes, I'm right here and I am safe in your arms."

Wesley sighed, grabbing her arm, running his thumb over her forearm. "I'll keep you safe I promise."

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