chapter forty one

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I was a living dead for the past two weeks. I took fifteen minutes explaining to my parent about my sudden change of mood and the constant wet eyes.

Lying in my room and chatting on the phone to get rid of time,my mum walked in.

"Ummul Khair." She called sitting on my bed. The way her voice sounded made me drop my phone and sat upright.

"Yes mum. Where's dad?"

"At the bank. So let me get straight to the point." She said and I gulped.

"What is happening to you?" She questioned

"Me? How?"

"You know what I mean Ummul Khair. I'm your mum,don't hide things from me." She said quietly and that made me told her everything about Ibrahim. I even showed her the letter and she comforted me and advised me on what to do and what not.

Finally! I found some peace.

My happiness knew no bound when my parent decided to take me to see some families. I don't care if I would look like their big pet puppy following them everywhere, at least its better than dying of boredom.

We are going back to Abuja in three days and I couldn't be more happier.

"Salam Alaikum." Someone said entering my room.

"Uncle Haroon!" I took off with speed and hugged him.

"I don't have time for talks. Get ready we're going out." He said looking at his wristwatch. I beamed and quickly pushed him outside to change from my pyjamas to a decent cloth.

"So where are we going?" I asked as I get in the passenger's seat.

"To a newly opened restaurant. The food there are so oh my God." He exaggerated closing his eyes.

"Hey watch the road." I shouted punching the idiot and he opened his eyes with a frown.

"I know my road well in Kaduna. I can even close my eyes and take you anywhere."

"Well done Mr know road." And as I said that,nobody utter anything again until we reached the fancy restaurant.

We entered inside and ordered some food not forgetting my smoothie. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with it. I think any eatery that don't sell smoothie is not a eatery.

"Excuse me I have to pick this phone call." Uncle Haroon said standing up.

"Why can't you pick it here? In front of me?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Cos I want to talk to my fiancée and I don't want you to hear a thing." He said fully standing.


"Its PG 16." He winked and left.

"I'm more than 16. Arggh there's no point in arguing when he has left already." I said to myself and continued eating.

I finished the food on my plate and uncle is not yet back. I started sipping my smoothie slowly.

"Salam Khairee." Someone said and I jumped slightly in fright. I turned my head to where the idiot scared me and upon seeing him,my eyes widened.

He was the man from our school.

I quickly turned my head back with my heart beating wildly

"Can I sit with you?" The man asked and my eyes widened more.


"Yes pls." I blurted out and face palmed myself internally.

'That's so unladylike'. I thought.

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