chapter forty two

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We were back to San Fransisco earlier than usual. School hasn't even resumed but Maya insist we must go because of the reason she didn't want to tell me but I knew it already. She just wanted to see Xavier.

"Khair I want you to accompany me somewhere." Maya said immediately she came out of the bathroom.

"To where?" I asked even though I knew the answer already.

"To....uhm a place obviously. Just want to meet a friend there." She lied.

"Who's your new friend that you didn't tell me about. Maya,do you know that I can smell your lies?" I said in all seriousness.

"Ok I just want to go and
see Xavier for once pls. Just this one time only." She pleaded with puppy eyes.

"When are we going?"


"Just tell me." I said annoyingly resisting the urge to roll my eyes but I did it anyway.

"Two days from now." She answered giddily.

"Ok whatever." I rolled my eyes once more and fall on the bed closing my eyes.

I can tell Maya was jumping with the sound of her feet stomping on the ground.

Such a childish lady!.

Applying the last touch of makeup on Maya's face,she opened her eyes and smiled sheepishly upon seeing her face.

"When did you learn makeup?" She asked still surprised.

"Err,whenever I'm bored?" I answered not that sure of how I really learnt it.

"Ok then,hurry up and do your own makeup let's get going." Maya said draping a veil on her head.

"I'm ready."

"Ready as in how? You didn't do any makeup."

"I don't know how to do it for my own self so let's just go." I said with finality pushing her out of the room.

"That's stupid Khair. How can you not know how to...."

"Don't let me change my mind Maya." I warned and she raised her hands up in surrender.

After several minutes of glaring and staring in the car, we arrived at a simple but nice looking restaurant. As we stepped into the restaurant,I realised I was wrong about saying the restaurant was 'nice'.

Music that I can't get a single word from it was blaring from an invisible speaker. Some people were eating on chairs and tables while some were dancing. The place was giving out this two weird vibes. Eating like normal people and dancing like crazy teenagers at the same time,nah!

"I'm outta here!" I said trying to get past Maya after studying the..... restau-club.

"Wait girl. You can't just leave me in here. Let's get in pls." Maya pleaded and I sighed allowing her to guide me inside.

She roamed her eyes on different angle searching for Xavier while me on the other hand,did nothing.

"He's here!" Maya said dragging me by the arm with her to where Xavier was sitting. She almost removed my arm with the kind of force she applied while dragging me.

"Hey girls" Xavier said loudly with a grin. He wore a casual black shirt and equal black pants. Maya was busy staring at him.

"Pls seat." He offered pointing at the two wooden chairs in front of him.

"Why are we in this place? Isn't there a more quiet restaurant than this?" I questioned Xavier.

"What are you saying?" He asked and I repeated myself.

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