chapter sixty five

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Maya's POV

"So this is how this city is. So damn hard to secure a job!" I said furiously to Ayanda and lying down tiredly on her bed.

"It is not. You're the one making them not to take you as an employee. You're acting like a bitch so how do you think they will hire you?" She stated the fact.

"If they weren't provoking me,I won't be a bitch to them."

"This is your seventh interview but you're messing it up. To be sincere,I'm tired." She sighed.

"The jobs aren't medically related. I'm a medical student in year three. I want something hospital based not companies or businesses." I said. The last interview I was coming back from was the most stressful of all. It involved me acting as a receptionist in a hotel. I got the job yesterday and I was fired today just because I replied a customer rudely. I wasn't even rude,I just gave the customer the reply he deserved. The customer was said to be the son of one of the shareholders of the hotel. Like I give a fudge!

All the jobs I got,it's either I get fired the second day or I don't even get hired at all. Ayanda said it's all my fault cos I was being blunt and being a bitch. Like,am I suppose to sugarcoat an insult? Am I suppose to act nice all the damn time? All these south African jobs sef.

"And I can't keep staying at home. I'm running out of money." I added

"Like I care" Ayanda rolled her eyes.

"Ayanda pleaaaase,huh? I will try my best to do whatever job idea you will give me now. If I messed this last opportunity up, don't look at me again. Act like you don't know me. Ayandaaa" I whined massaging her feet.

"I don't know what else to do for you really."

"Ahh ahn. Don't be like this naw Ayanda. My bestie,my life saver,my knight in shining armor,my..."

"Eww that's okay. I have this friend that might help you with a job but I doubt you can do it." She said.

"I can do it. No matter what. Even tho it even me being an assistant nurse or a lab scientist..well no,I don't like working in a lab. But I won't mind if I sit in a pharmacy as long as I'm paid. A therapist won't be bad cos..." Once again,she cut me off.

"Hey hey hey daydreamer. It's nothing involving hospital. My last hope for you is a school. You will work in a school."

"Definitely not as a nanny right?" I faked a laugh. I hope that's not the job she's trying to find for me. Nanny? Nah,would rather go broke.

"A teacher." She blurted.

"Come again?" My ears seemed to be malfunctioning that moment

"A secondary school teacher. You should teach subject like biology or..erm chemistry. But if you don't want to deal with senior secondary students shenanigans,you should take junior class and teach them integrated science. So a teacher it is." She beamed.

"That's worse than being a nanny. Even in my nightmares,I never saw myself as a teacher. That's the most strenuous and downgraded job ever. I think I will pass." I said in disgust and started using my phone. I looked over at Ayanda cos I didn't hear her voice for two minutes.

I saw her smiling in a creepy way.

"Huhhh Ayanda?" I said slowly getting up from her bed.

She breath in and said "Maya,get out of my house. Now!"

"Why what happened?"

"After stressing myself to look for jobs for you,you mess them up. You came back begging me again. Then I decided to help you again but you sound disgusted saying you don't want to be a teacher. Well from today,never ask me of anything job related again. Before I loose my patience, kindly get out." She continued smiling.

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