Chapter 16 ~ Twins...

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I took the time to think about everything. How could I be so.. Stupid? I mentally slap myself. I look over at the two grown boys I had learned so much about over the while I've been here. Harry may be a huge flirt but he means well. And Zayn, he's a teddy bear. Tough on the outside and cuddly on the inside. I then think about the three others. Liam, sweeter then a dozen cupcakes. Louis the eldest of the boys. Yet he's the most immature. He never fails to make my day.

Then Niall. The boy that undoubtably stole my heart without a second glance. I'm so angry at myself for suddenly realizing the feelings that I have for him. He's the first guy I actually feel comfortable with and he doesn't even have to try. If only I could turn back time and tell him how I felt, maybe, just maybe this all would be different. The way his hair looks in the mornings. The way he smiles like he hasn't got a care in the world. They way he seems to sweep me off my feet every time we touch. The way he simply gives me a look and it sends me into the frenzy of feelings that I can't even explain. He's the greatest thing that's happened to me and I just now took the time to realize it.

"Lex, please don't cry." Zayn says slipping down beside me so he could cradle me in his arms. "Zayn, I'm the biggest idiot in the world." I roll my eyes and stare into his beautiful brown eyes. "Why do you say that love?" He asks tightening his grip around me. "I'm in love with Niall."

*******Nialls POV********

"Jesus! We need to find her!" I scream, not giving a damn if anyone heard me. I take my fist and ram it into the closest thing I see. "Fuck!" It wasn't the smartest idea. I stand back from the newly made hole in the bathroom wall of the airport. Liam came over and set his hand on my shoulder giving a tight squeeze before letting go. "Mate we will find her. I can't say I've ever been in this sort of position before but if it were Danielle you know I'd be just as pissed as you are. Even because it's Alexa I'm freaking out because you two are perfect together and I've never seen two people more in love." His words hit me like a ton of bricks. Love. Could I be in love with her? Just in the few months I've known her it feels like I've known her all my life. She's one of those girls that will bottle everything inside until she needs to let it out. She's one of those girls that doesn't give two shits about what people think about her. But the one thing that stands out to me is that, she doesn't know she's the most beautiful girl I have ever had the fortune of knowing.

She literally brightens up my darkest days, with just a simple smile. Once I see her beautiful face I know, that I could take on a pack of vicious wolves because I know she'll be right there taking care of me if anything were to happen.

"You're more like tsunami tides in my eyes.." My phone rang trough the bathroom, bringing an unwanted echo into the room. "Hello?" I answer hoping it Alexa. "Ah Niall. I see you're still alive and well. Can't say much about your girlfriend though." Simon. He's got some nerve fucking calling me. "What the fuck did you do with my girlfriend?" I snap into the phone, turning away from a worried Kendall.

"Can't you take a joke lad? She fine, she's with the two others. Now I do have some time to spare before I go on with what I have planned to do. Might as well tell you right? I am going to give you the chance to get them back. But in order to do that, you my dear boy have to never speak to Alexa again. Now the other boys can have as much contact with her as they want. Except you." What does he have against Alexa and I?

"Why can't I have contact with her?" I run my fingers through my sweaty hair. "It's simple boy. I want Alexa. You're in my way. She will be mine and we will be together. Forever. You see, I'm not really Simon. Has he ever told you he had a brother? A twin? I was the crazy one see? No one ever liked me. It was always Simon this and Simon that. Damn it, it's my turn! James will finally get his chance!" Simon had a twin? I can kind of see why he didn't want people to know about him. "Where is Simon?" I ask. My heart started speeding up.

"He's back at the house. He's a little tied up at the moment." He gave a maniacal laugh and hung up the phone. "Who the bloody hell was that?" Louis spoke. "Don't think I'm crazy but Simon has a twin who is really crazy and wants Alexa to himself and he said something about the real Simon being tied up at his house." I say rubbing my temples. "We need to get to Simons house and quick." Liam says charging out of the bathroom without so much as a second glacé back.


"Simon!" I scream as we enter his house with full caution. Nothing. Liam and I walk to the back part of the house while Louis and Kendall take the front. "Be careful." Kendall smiles meekly, holding back tears that threaten to break at any point. "We'll find them." I assure her.

Liam and I make it to Simons room and look through his closet. All I see are suits. "Wait man what's this?" Liam pushes back the suits revealing a secret door. "Get the others." I whisper. He hesitates before scrambling to get them. I cautiously open the door and walk in feeling for a light switch. As it turns on I see white. As my eyes adjust to the brightness I see Simon tied to a chair, passed out.

"Simon!" I scream running over to untie him. His eyes snap open and he starts mumbling. I tear off the tape on his mouth. "Niall! Oh am I glad to see you! Are you okay? Where are the others?" He asks so many questions. Louis, Liam and Kendall then tumble into the room eyes open wide. "Simon!" They yell.

"Where is Alexa, Harry and Zayn? Please god tell me he didn't get them." He rubbed his hands as I freed them from the restraints.

"He as in James? Si he took them. He took Alexa." Liam stammers. He had a tear leave his eye. It traveled down his face and then to the ground.

"I am so sorry guys. This never should have happened. James is my twin. He was diagnosed with Schizophrenia when his wife and two kids were killed in a plane crash. He was put into an insane asylum. He escaped and came here." Bloody hell. "Why is he saying that Alexa is his?" I ask backing up.

"Alexa looks like his wife."










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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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