Chapter 4 ~ Heart Attack

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What just happened? Harry and I, kissed. Is that normal? Does he even like me like that? Do I like him? Nah. He was just being nice. Nice guys don't finish last I can tell you that. The gang finally joined us with 5 minutes to spare until the movie starts. Niall sat next to me and accidentally nudged me with his hand. "Lex why why are you all wet?" He whispered. 

I spilled my drink all over me. Clutzy me.." I lied. He gave me the don't-lie-to-me look. I simply smiled and continued watching the movie. During the movie I started shaking. It wasn't this cold when I first arrived. "You cold?" Harry asked. I nodded before shivering again. 

Harry took off his Jack Wills jacket and gave it to me. "Here put this on love." He helped me put it on. I could feel someone's eyes burning holes into the side of my head. I zipped up the jacket and put the hood over my head. "Thank you Harry.." I layed my head down on his shoulder. 

"Anything for you princess." I smiled.

Wait did he just call me princess? I mentally smack myself in the face. This is not happening. I mean I'm blah, and Harry is so... Hot."

Once the movie was over we all got into the cars and went to get some food. Niall suggested Nando's which no one could refuse. Kendall and I haven't ever been there before.

"I can't believe you haven't been to Nando's, it's like Niall's bestfriend." Harry said, earning a slap from Niall. "No it's not." We ordered our food and sat down. Harry and I didn't fit in the booth with everyone so we sat at a table not far from them.

That earned a scoff from one of the girls that worked there. "Hey don't listen to her scoff. She's not important." He said trying to comfort me.

"Harry," I stopped short when the waitress dropped the food and drinks all over yours truely.

"Oh god I'm so sorry. Maybe if you weren't so ugly none of this would have heppened." The girl said. That's it. I get up and run out of Nando's trying to keep the tears away. It worked until someone decided to join me. "Go away Niall." I said letting the tears fall. 

"No, I can't. not after all that happened today. What was that back there? Why did she say that? What happened in the movies? I know you lied because your drink was full. So start talking, please." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Niall that's the thing, I don't know why they say these things. It's always when I'm with Harry. It's like they think we're dating. But I don't know if I really like Harry like that. I mean we had only just met 3 weeks ago." My tears slowed. 

He looked at me and  dried my tears with his shirt. "Calm down Alexa. Yu know what you have tht they don't? You have a heart. Come er'." He pulled me into a hug and just held me. It felt nice. For the first time, Niall opened up to me more. Like he wanted me to see he was there. He'd always been there for me. Whether I knew it or not. 

It's only been 3 weeks and these boys are changing my life. They are growing on me. 

In the middle of Niall and I hugging I heard some flashing sounds. Like a camera. 

"Niall, Niall who is this??" Oh no. "Niall is she your girlfriend?"

"Nial introduce us to her!"

"NIall, what do we do?" I whispered. "On three we run." He said 

"One." He said.

"Two." I countered.

"Three!" We yelled. Niall grabbed my hand and we bolted away from Nando's. Once we lost them we went inside a building that looked like an old resturant that closed. We caught our breath. "Simon's not going to be very happy, Niall." I heaved, still out of breath. 

"I know." He answered. I looked around the restraunt getting chills. "Niall I don't like it here. Let's go." He nodded and we walked towards the door. Only to find. "It's locked..."

"Well well well. Isn't this a nice surprise." Niall took my hand in his and we turned around to see a man holding a knife. 

"Oh shit." I muttered. 

What are we going to do? Just then everything got blurry and I blacked out.


Okay huge cliff hannger ;)


Niall, Alexa

Harry Alexa?



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