Chapter 10 ~ Coming Out

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"Niall you can't actually be hungry can you?" I asked laying on his bed while he eats a box of Cheezits. He gave me a smile and went back to chomping. "I'm sorry babe, I honestly think I have four stomachs like a cow does. It's not me." He plopped down on the bed and gave me a swift kiss. We had just gotten back from dinner with Somon where he told us all the details of the tour.

Kendall and I would get our own bus, our own hotel rooms, close to the boys I might add. Our own make-up artist, her name is Kaitlynn. She's super nice. The boys have one too, her name is Erinn. They have a fashion designer, at Louis' asking. Her name is Taylor.

The bad thing, I have to go to all the performances, interviews and I even have to be in them with the boys, seeing as I'm their manager. There's some interview tomorrow to introduce me into the group. I'm not happy because I have to be ready by 7 am.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Niall asked putting the box of chez it's up to my face. I took one and popped it into my mouth. "Oh my god. Niall, shared. Alexa get married to him." Louis said walking into Niall's room. I rolled my eyes rubbing my forehead. "Don't you have Kendall to annoy Louis?" I countered. He gave a fake sad lip thing and proceeded to leave the room. "Love you too, Lexa." He said as he turned the corner. 

I glanced at Niall and then back to my computer I had opened up to Twitter. "Honestly, I'm a little scared. What if they don't like me and I mess up or, or I forget to speak and I.." My babbling stopped as soon as Niall's lips met mine. I could taste the chez it's in his breath. He backed away and smiled, looking into my eyes. "You'll be perfect Lex. Don't worry." My face heated up. 

Damn it Niall. What you do to me. 

I log onto twitter and check everything. Same old hate and love from different people. "Hey Lexa, wanna get Kendall and the boys and do a twitcam?" Niall asked getting up from the bed. I looked up and smiled. "Hell yeah! Go get them!" I sang. I watched as he ran out of the room yelling for Kendall and the boys. I grabbed my computer and walked out into the living room. 

Liam and Harry were on the ground wrestling. Zayn and Louis were fighting over who would win. "Guys, what are you doing?" I asked sitting next to Zayn. "Liam and Harry wanted to see who would win a wrestle. I vote on Liam and Louis thinks Harry will win." I gave Zayn my laptop and walked over to Liam and Harry. It took me about three seconds to rip them apart and pin Harry to the ground. 

I jumped up and ran over to Liam pushing him to the ground as well. I smiled and got up as Niall came in, impressed. He started clapping and came over to hug me. "That was amazing Lexa." He whispered.He backed up quickly remembering that only Louis and Kendall knew about us.  I looked over at the boys and they all had their mouths to the floor with awe.

"Shut your mouths boys, you'll catch flies." I patted Liam who was rubbing his neck. "How in the hell did you do that?" He asked glancing at Harry and then back to me. "We're like 3 inches taller then you." Harry said fixing his shirt that rode up because of me. 

"Guys, I'm small but I can still take you down." I sat down by Zayn and took my computer back. "Who's up for a twitcam?" Niall said sittng on the head of the couch right behind me. Liam logged into his twitter and mentioned a twitcam so fangirls would be ready. "Where's Kendall?" I asked watching Liam get to camera ready. 

"Right here!" I heard from the kitchen. Kendall walked in carrying a drink in her hand. She sat down next to Louis and Liam started the cam. "Hey guys, it's me Liam, and the mates. This here is Kendall and Alexa. Alexa is now our new manager for the Take Me Home tour! Make her feel welcome guys!" Liam positioned the camera so it faced me. I smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Hi everyone! I'm Alexa. Do you have any questions?" Liam checked the chat thing. "@Malikslover says Hey Alexa, you're pretty, have you ever thought about being a model?" He said smiling at me. I felt Niall touch my back. "I'm really not, but thank you. I haven't really ever considered it before. But you never know right?" I said looking at Kendall. 

"If Kendall would do it with me then maybe." I added. Kendall scoffed and then laughed. I glared at me. She shrugged her shoulders as Liam continued to read. "@1Dinmybed says Welcome Alexa. @LikinthatStyles says when will you guys be coming to Arizona? To answer that I will have to ive you over to the manager. She's in charge of where we go. Actually today's tuesday right? She's going to figure all that stuff out on Friday. We'll keep in touch." Liam said. 

Zayn took over the computer and smiled big. "Hey guys! Anything you want us to do? Comment something." He smiled again and read some comments. "@Readyfor1D that is innapropriate." He laughed and covered his now red as a lobster face. I gave Zayn a stare like I thought he was weird. 

"@ForeverAmazing says we should play would you rather. Send in requests!" Zayn said still reading. "Hello Gracie from Montana. Hello Sasha from Navada." Liam said reading with Zayn. 

"Okay Alexa would you rather go on a date with Me or Niall?" Zayn said looking at me. He pointed the camera at me and everyone stared at me. "Niall hands down." I said with a smile. Niall ruffled up my hair and laughed his adorable laugh. I can't do this. 

"Well since I'm here, I just want to say well Niall and I are dating. We were waiting for the best time and well since I'm going to be the manager I should tell you guys." I nervously smiled as Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall's mouths dropped. 

"That's right guys. I like Alexa. No hating on her either." Niall said resting his hands on my shoulders. "Well guys we gotta go. See you later." Liam said logging off the twitter chat. 

Maybe that was a bad idea. I'm going to get so much hate for dating Niall. I mean look at the hate I got for taking apicture with him. I can't keep that bottled in though. Someone was bound to find out. It's better that I said it now then later. "Lex, babe I admire your courage but couldn't you have waited for me instead of surprising me?" Niall said looking at me. 

"I'm sorry Niall, don't be mad I just don't know what came over me. Forgive me?" I said looking into his blue eyes. "I can't stay mad at you Lex. But next time you think of doing something like that tell me first." He hugged me and went into the kitchen. 

Oh shit, what is Simon going to say?


Okay here i is guys SORRY for the long wait

Forgive me?


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