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"You can't keep doing this Lorelei". Doctor saltzman sighed. Leaning back into his chair. Lorelei rolled her eyes scoffing . "Doing what Alaric?". She taunted the old man dragging out his name. Alaric let out a heavy breathe as she kicked her legs up on the desk. "You're father wouldn't approve. He would be disappointed". Lorelei smirked fell from her face. "Start acting like a McCall Lorelei, not a hale". The man went on only filling her rage.

Lorelei quickly changed her face to stern and cold as she sat up straightly. "You don't even know my father and you're kissing his ass?". The angry werecoyote sneered. Alaric rubbed his forehead. "Lorelei I speak to your father every week. He knows about everything". Lorelei eyes widen in disbelief. "You speak to my father?". She questioned leaning forward.

"He loves you Lorelei". Alaric stated starring straight into her eyes. Lorelei lips tugged up slightly. Her heart pounded in her chest. She so badly wanted to ask more about her father she's never spoke too or seen. All she knew was she loved the alpha with her whole heart.

"Lorelei I hope one day you do get to meet him because I know your father is dying to meet his only child". Alaric continued on before dismissing the she-wolf. Lorelei stood up collecting her bag before waking out of the room swinging her bag over her shoulder.

Hope Mikaelson was leaned up against the wall waiting for Lorelei. Both girls smiled widely as their eyes locked. "Lor". Hope beamed with delight as she walked over towards the hybrid.

Hope and Lorelei bonded over the fact of the two being a first born hybrid. Although hope was a tribird she saw herself a a simple were-witch. "Hello witchy". Lorelei giggled as the two hugged each other tightly. After about ten seconds of hugging the two girls pulled away.

"Couldn't stay out of trouble?". Hope smirked swinging her arm over Lorelei shoulder pulling her close. Lorelei frowned pushing Hope away from her. "I didn't think he would find out you two went to the church". Hope eyes lit up at the mention of the trip she just went on. "Spill". The were-coyote yelled immediately pushing Hope into their room slamming the door shut behind her. "I seen him". Hope smiled softly.

The twinkle in her eyes made a pinch of jealousy twist in her stomach. "Landon?". Lorelei squealed immediately tugging on Hope arm. "Yes". Hope gushed falling backwards on her bed. Lorelei followed after Hope laying herself next to the tribird. "Is he here?". Lorelei questioned turning her head sideways starring at Hope side profile. "Yes, he's here taking a tour around the school with his werewolf best friend. Totally your type". Hope answered turning her head sideways locking eyes with Lorelei. "Why do you say that?". Lor asked.

"He's a werewolf". Hope smirked. Lorelei rolled her eyes turning her head away starring up at the celling. "Hope can I ask you a question?". Lorelei changed the topic. Hope hummed in agreement. "What was it like being around your father and getting to bond with him?". Hope throat became dry at the question.

"It was nice, he was so charming and made me feel like royalty". She scrambled over her words struggling to find the right way to describe it. "In a way I kinda am royalty well at least thats what our family claims- but you Lorelei McCall are supernatural royalty". Hope sat up staring down at Lorelei as she spoke confidently.

"I'm not even sure if my father sees me as his child, so how could I claim his success?". Lorelei whispered quietly. A single tear ran down her cheek as she bite her cheek holding back a sob. All she wanted was her father. Lorelei felt so selfish for wanting to cry over her absent father in front of Hope who's dad died. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying- not about this not to you". Lorelei whimpered sitting up straight as she wiped her face clean.

"Don't be sorry". Hope said sternly wrapping her arms around the hybrid . The two hugged each other tightly sobbing into each other .

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