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Lorelei grumbled angrily as she walked into the hotel room with a tired expression. Where everyone stood. "Your humanity on". Alan stated grabbing everyone attention. Lorelei hummed in response wrapping her arms around her waist. "What?". The rest of the group said in union. "I'm guessing the spell was temporary?". Lorelei mumbled tiredly.

The tribird heart raced as her eyes fell on Landon. Anyone with supernatural hearing could hear lorelei heartbeat. "Is the spell ready?". Lorelei changed the subject her eyes flickering over towards hopes. Hope smiled warmly as she stood up wiping off her pants.

"Yes". Lorelei lips pressed together as Hope answered wrapping her arms around lorelei slim body. Hope looked at lorelei giving her the look. Lorelei chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Hope. "Witchy". The girl breathe out as Hope pulled away still holding onto Lorelei arms. "Lor". Both girls hugged again tightly.

They finally pulled away for the final time. Deaton cleared his throat grabbing the girl's attentions. "The spell ready, only two people can go with you Lorelei". Lorelei quickly grabbed hopes holding the Mikaelson arm up. "Hope". Alan eyes landed on Landon as Lorelei eyes followed after landing on the curly head emo. "Landon". The boy jumped at his name being called by Alan. "You're going with them".

"Shouldn't I go? I'm a witch it would be better for me than him to go". Lizzie demanded, the harshness in her voice made Lorelei growl loudly. "Do not treat Landon like a piece of shit". The littlest McCall yelled. Lizzie stumbled backwards at lorelei sudden roar.

"Enough, now everyone sit in the circle". Deaton interrupt the conversation before it could get physical. Lorelei grumpily sat down as Hope followed after scooting closer to her best friend. Landon awkwardly sat across from the two best friend. Alan ordered the group to hold hands. Which they reluctantly followed.

The ground slowly shook as deaton ordered Lorelei to cause a earthquake. Hope begin to yell at the spell she was forced to learn. Alan grabbed ahold of the siphoned witch hand trying to keep steady. Slowly by slowly each time hope voice got louder the ground shook harder. Lizzie clutched onto Alan hand struggling to stand still as the hotel windows shattered. The wind blew in blowing the curtains back and forth. Alan peered over looking out the window watching the once blue sky turn into a dark stormy blue. The sun fell as the moon raised-Way to early than expected.

"Now, where's your usual partner in crime?". Sheriff deputy yelled. The three teens eyes shot open. Lorelei immediately recognizing the voice. Hope stood up wiping off her pants before leaning down holding her hand out for Lorelei. Lorelei grabbed Hope hand as the two girls ears focused on the conversation. Excitement grew in lorelei stomach as she helped Landon up. The girl knew that voice.

"Who, Scott?, Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for first day back at school tomorrow". Stiles tries to play off looking around the woods avoiding eye contact with his father. "It's just me... In the woods... Alone...". The human drawled out as his father shook his head flashing his flashlight around the woods. Scott quickly hide himself behind the tree across from the three teens completely obvious to his daughter standing behind him.

Hope quickly pulled the other two hands dragging them behind a tree away from the flashing light before it could drawl attention to them. Lorelei pressed her back against the tree cursing underneath her breathe. "This isn't the right timeline. My dad human here hope".

Hope cursed as she looked up at lorelei. Landon was looking over his ex's shoulder watching the scene in front of him unfold. "Guys..Guys..guys..GUYS!". Landon finally shouted cutting into the two girls bickering. Hope and Lorelei eyes shoot open towards where Landon was trying to show them. Scott stumbled backwards as Peter in his beast form growled at him. Flashing his deadly red eyes.

Lorelei covered her mouth as her eyes widen. She's always heard the story of how her father became a werewolf. But she's never truly imagined how traumatizing it truly was for her father. Lorelei turned around falling into Landon arms as her father fell backwards.

"AHHHHH!". Tears fell from the girl eyes as she dug her face into Landon chest. As everyone listened to Scott cries of pain. "Guys we need to go Peter coming this way". Hope hissed already running the other way. Lorelei wiped her tears as her free hand held onto Landon. Pulling him with her as she ran after Hope. Running from her grandfather.

"How the hell are we gonna get out of here?". Lorelei whined her breathe hitching her throat as she dragged Landon huffing and puffing self. Landon feet stopped running after the tenth mile. "I don't know we need to find Deaton". Hope frowned bending over holding onto her stomach. Lorelei feet came to a sudden halt making Landon fall backwards.

"Oh thank the gods". Landon cheered as his back hit the ground. He laid still enjoying each second. "Lanny get up". Lorelei ordered holding her hand out for the guy. Landon whined as she held out her hand. "No lorelei don't do this to me. What did I ever do to you?". He cried out tossing on his side ignoring her hand. Lorelei looked over towards Hope blowing a piece of her hair out of her face.

Hope shrugged her shoulders. "Everything happening to fast". Landon muttered quietly.  The tiredness in his voice made lorelei heart shattered into small pieces. "I know but this is important lanny". Lorelei mumbled bending down to his level. Landon sat up sighing heavily. "Fine". He agreed to come along.

Lorelei grinned widely as he took her hand into his. She helped him up their fingers entangling together unconsciously. "I don't think we could go to deaton". Hope whispered her face was pale. As if something hit her in the chest.

"What?". Lorelei huffed. Hope turned her head to face the two. "He can't know about us, it'll mess up the timeline. If anyone of the McCall pack sees or even interact with any of us..we mess up the future our lives". Hope reveled.

The three all shared a similar look. "We're fucked". Lorelei blurted out her head falling into Landon chest.

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