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Lorelei shook her head, "I have to deaton". Deaton sighed as he pressed his hands against the metal table. "You can't do this. It's highly dangerous- you have the darkness your father has around his heart. He only has a small part which is the most dangerous part of him. Half your heart is covered with it". The shewolf scoffed folding her arms over her chest.

Every since Landon brought Lorelei back to the vet. Deaton and Lorelei have been going at it arguing about Lorelei plan to save her pack. Her parents. "My father is strong and I'm his off spring which makes me strong too". She scowled. Deaton let out a heavy breathe.

The older man didn't want to watch Lorelei go down the path her father had been fighting so hard not to run down. "Turning off your humanity not the way to go". Deaton tried to explain to the young McCall. "If hope turns me I'll be a vampire along with whatver the fuck I am". Lorelei shot back the eagerness in her voice didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the room. "You are underage, your parents aren't here to approve and legally since they aren't around I'm your Guardian. Under my watch you are not dying. Do I make myself clear?".

Deaton stated firmly holding up his finger at her. His eyes narrowed as his lips pressed together in a thin line. Lorelei looked over at Hope giving her a pleading look. Hope shook her head holding her hands up in the air.

"Deaton, please my parents- our pack needs my help and this is the only way to help". Lorelei begged her head turning back around to facing deaton. Alan frowned as he rubbed his forehead tiredly. "Hope you're a witch no?".

Hope walked over towards the two nodding her head. "Yeah, I am". Alan eyes flickered over towards Lorelei before locking eyes with Hope once again. "There's a spell...we can use it on Lorelei to turn off her humanity. The only way to break the spell is by her self worth. Hopefully you're as strong as your father like you say you are". Deaton words made Lorelei squeal with delight. "So in other words yes".

Lorelei ran over to the older man attacking him into a bear hug. Alan hugged the girl back patting her back softly. "I'm going to miss this side of you". The doctor whispered quietly in her ear. Lorelei frowned slightly tilting her head. "You just met me". She whispered back as he placed her on the ground. Alan smiled.

"I knew about you and your existence way before you were born dear". Lorelei raised her eyebrow confusedly. "Now hope lets get to work on that spell". Deaton was quick to change the subject. Lorelei eyed the veterinarian as he walked away with hope.

Landon walked over towards Lorelei his eyes were slightly puffy. "What's the matter?". Lorelei asked wrapping her arms around herself. Landon chuckled dryly wiping away his tears. "I found Lizzie and Hope making out".

Lorelei mouth dropped at Landon words. She quickly recollected herself as she wrapped her arms around Landon pulling him close to her.  "I'm so sorry, knowing hope she has a reason for everything". She tried to reassure the boy.

"That doesn't make me feel any better but the hug does". Landon mumbled digging his head into her hair. He was bent down a little as she stood on her tippy toes. The two hugged each other for a couple more minutes before slowly moving away. "Are you sure you want to do this?". Landon asked looking down into her eyes. Both of their eyes were dilated as they stared at each other. Lorelei nodded her head.

"It's for my family, for them I would give my life up". Lorelei said proudly. Landon frowned at her words. He didn't like her words. "Okay we have the spell ready". Hope announced holding up a tube of blue liquid. The tribird eyes darting towards Landon than back towards Lorelei. Her face burned in anger at how close the two were standing. "Am I interrupting something?". Hope frowned.

Lorelei crossed her arms over her chest taking a step upwards. "No, but I'm missing something. As your best friend you didn't tell me you liked Lizzie fucking saltzman!". Hope face fell. "I-I don't like her now shut up and drink this". Lorelei giggled as she took the tube from Hope. The she wolf eyed the liquid before downing the drink. "Help me lay her down".

Hope ordered her ex boyfriend. Landon pushed Hope hands away as he struggled to pick up Lorelei. After about two minutes or so he finally placed the sleeping girl on the table.

By now everyone filled into the room. Lizzie awkwardly looking at Hope from the other side of the room. As Alan stood by Lorelei side watching over the girl. "When she wakes up her humanity will be off?". Landon asked breaking the silence as he stepped back. Still holding onto Lorelei hand. "In about five minutes or so". Alan stated his eyes never leaving Lorelei.

"Why is she doing this?". Landon continued to talk despite the tension in the room. "Lorelei is as selfish as her father". Deaton said sadly. Alan is proud of Lorelei he was just also disappointed this was the only way for her to save their pack. Their family. Everyone eyes shot down towards Lorelei who moved slightly.

The girl arms stretched to her sides. Her head moved slightly as her eyes shot open. A small smirk tugged on her lips. No emotions ran through her mind. Her eyes blinked turning from brown to red as dark veins ran down her eyes. "She looks like a vampire". Lizzie muttered quietly. "She drank a vampire spell, she has the traits of a vampire but isn't dead".

Deaton stated his arm blocking the two teens as he took a step backwards making them step back as well. Lorelei slowly sat up giggling softly. "Lorelei-". Landon words were cut short by Lorelei giggling that became louder.

"Guys step back". Deaton yelled as he turned around pushing the girls out of the room.

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