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"Do you hear that?". Scott asked whispering quietly as he jumped off the jeep. Stiles shrugged his shoulders. "No, but do you think it's been long enough?". The human questioned. Liam struggled against his chains.

"Yes and yes!". The beta shouted as the storm rolled in. "Hey. Trying to have an adult conversation over here". Stiles shouts in annoyance. Liam rolled his eyes. Lorelei and hope both stepped on a twig grabbing the attention of the boys. "All right, you're two years older than me, and I'm fine. Just let me go". Stiles shushed the beta waving his hand around hinting for Liam to zip it. Scott eyes glowed red causing a chain reaction of the girls eyes to also glow. The alpha postured straighten as stiles quickly unchained Liam.

"Who's out there!". Scott shouted. Lorelei looked over at Hope and Landon waiting for their nod of approval before stepping out first. Scott froze in his place. A realization washed over his face. "Jessie?". Scott questioned.

Stiles crocked a eyebrow along with Liam. "Who?". The two said at the same time. "Jessica?". Scott questioned again looking at the two girls in disbelief. Landon waved his hand. "I'm Jess". Hope and lorelei both shook their heads at Landon name. "You're werewolves". Scott said, pointing out half the truth. Lorelei heart raced as her father eyes landed on her. He was so young and full of life.

She had never seen her father so full of life. The first time he met her. He was so tired and exhausted. This Scott was less tired. "Uncl- stiles". Lorelei quickly corrected herself. Stiles grew suspicious as him and Liam both shared a similar look. "I'm sorry we met?". The human asked. Lorelei bite her lip nodding her head.

She so badly wanted to hug her uncle. Stiles was the closet person in her life. Other than Hope of course. "I sat behind you in English". Lorelei lied easily her heart beat never jumping. Hope pinched Lorelei arm trying not to grab the boys attention. Liam stared at the girls. He found Hope attractive. Something in the beta felt like Lorelei was family. Both Liam and Scott shared the same feeling.

The alpha more than beta. "We have to go, do you guys need a ride?". Scott questions his body slightly titled as he pointed towards stiles jeep. Stiles shot a glare towards Scott. Clearly uncomfortable with his best friend asking three random strangers if they want a ride in his jeep

"Uh yeah". Lorelei answered looking between both Landon and Hope. Stiles grumbled as he opened his jeep front door climbing in. Liam followed after stiles getting in the back. Scott turned around walking over to the other side of the door. Opening it widely. He took a step back still holding the door open.

Hope thanked him as she climbed into the car sliding into the seat next to Liam. Landon awkwardly walked past Scott thanking him as he sat down next to Hope. Lorelei wrapped her arms around herself. She thanked her father as she pushed herself up sitting on Landon lap.

Scott felt uncomfortable as he narrowed his eyes on Landon. Something inside Scott made him want to rip off Landon head. It was like he was protecting his cub. Lorelei and Scott stared into each other eyes. Scott broke the eye contact shaking his head. The girl looked like him with a mixture of Malia. It creeped the alpha out.

Liam looked at his alpha confusedly as Scott shut the door. Stiles looked back at Liam. The human eyes flickered over towards Lorelei's as a sense of familiarity filled his heart as he turned back around in his seat. Starting the engine up as Scott sat down. "So what's happening with y'all". Lorelei awkwardly asked. She wasn't great with people. Especially with family she's only ever heard their voices.

Never exactly seen their faces. Besides stiles on some occasions when he finally gave into learning how to use a iPhone. The human claimed switching from a Android to a IPhone was a betrayal. No one answered the girl. Making lorelei slump into Landon scowling as she crossed her arms over her chest with married eyes. "Is it a party?". Liam finally broke the awkward silence.

Stiles groaned in annoyance.  Clearly wanting to figure out why he felt like Lorelei was someone he loved. When he's only met her this one time."It's not a party". Stiles answered. Liam rolled his eyes pushing himself forward. Sitting on the edge of the seat. Her peered over stiles shoulder. "Then what's at midnight?".

"Your bedtime". Stiles mocked the younger boy. Liam scowled as Hope and lorelei laughed quietly. "Why aren't the girls going?". The beta questioned choosing the high road. "They're meeting us there, okay? And just stop asking questions, all right? It's a senior thing. You'll know when you're a senior". Lorelei stiffed a laugh at her uncle behavior. She never really met stiles besides the FaceTimes and phone calls. "You guys having trouble with your phones??". Scott asked ignoring her beta and best friend conversation. Lorelei shifted on Landon lap feeling something underneath her.

"Uh yeah". The youngest McCall whispered her head tilting as she eyed Landon. Landon smiled sheepishly as his arms wrapped around her waist. Both Liam and Scott shared a look as their faces scrunched up in disgust. They could smell Landon horniness. Lorelei face became flushed as she also smelt it. "So the phones are bad". The girl laughed nervously.  She definitely had Scott awkwardness. Scott hummed in response mentally wishing he wasn't a werewolf with enchanted smell.

The jeep came to a halt. Stiles began to curse as he climbed out the car asking for Scott to hand him duct tape. "Fuck that's a lot of duct tape, y'all trying to kidnap us?". Lorelei half joked pushing herself to lean over Scott shoulder looking at all the rolls of duct tape. "You out of gas?". Liam questioned also getting out of the car. Stiles let out a heavy breathe as he shook his head. "No, it's electrical. Probably the alternator again". The boys ignored her comment. Lorelei frowned as her head fell against Landon chest clearly annoyed with her family.

I noticed lorelei personality isn't really showing much, I will be making the chapters more funny and show her personality in the next chapters. Sorry this chapter boring !

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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