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Lorelei grumbled angrily as Hope shoved her into the school. It was the only way for the group to know exactly what timeline and year they're in before attempting to do the spell again. Landon cheerfully tugged on his backpack looking around the famous beacon hills high. "I'm getting some serious déjà vu".

Hope murmured walking towards the classroom Scott was held captive in. "Shh". Lorelei hushed the girl pointing to her ear. Hinting to her super hearing her father just recently got. Landon pushed open the classroom doing ignoring the girls conversation. "Ah you must be Alli-"the teacher paused. He looked Landon up and down starring hard. "Allison". The teacher breathe out. Landon face scrunched up confusedly.

Realization hit his face as he immediately started to shake his head insisting his name wasn't Allison but Landon. Scott eyes flickered over to his daughters as lorelei walked into the room. The father and daughter locked eyes with each other. Scott titled his head as he stared into her eyes. He felt like he could see himself in her eyes. "Who are you two?".

The male teacher question. Lorelei and hope both shared a look. "Jessie". Lorelei lied quickly holding out her hand. The teacher slowly grabbed it shaking it before dropping her hand all together. Hope held out her hand as well.

"Jessica". Mr Curtis nodded their head pointing to the back of the classroom. The only free sits where in the back of the classroom. Lorelei slowly walked past her father her eyes not daring to lock with him. After the three sat down Allison argent walked into the room.

The vice principal cleared his throat grabbing the class attention. Scott shifted in his seat eyeing Allison. Lorelei looked over at Hope fake gagging. "Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome".  Allison weakly smiled as she walked over towards the only free seat. Which so happens to be next to stiles and behind Scott. Lorelei sat up straightly as she watched the interact between her father and his ex girlfriend. This moment was famous upon the history of the legend of true alpha of the supernatural word. The alpha of all creatures.

Lorelei hand held onto Landon's as Scott turned around smiling sheepishly as he handed Allison a pen before slowly turning back around. "We can try the spell again, he hasn't met kate argent. We can't interfere with this timeline it's to important" . Lorelei whispered quietly. As lowly as she could. Hope had up a spell where only hope and Landon could hear.

"Where could we do the spell?". Landon whispered back leaning over his table. Lorelei and hope both turned their bodies facing the boy. "The woods is our best chance". Hope answered her eyes darting over towards Lorelei for approval. Lorelei sighed slumping into her chair. "We have to be mindful- my uncle is around the woods. Hunters looking for wolves this part of my father life isn't the safest".

Landon moved a piece of Lorelei hair behind her ear giving the girl a small smile. Lorelei titled her head smiling softly and Landon before looking back over at Hope. Her smile immediately falling. "Sorry". Lorelei muttered.

Hope bite her lip her eyes flickering over towards Landon before turning back around in her seat. The faintest memory of her and Landon dancing at the square and the feeling of her father eyes watching. Just for her to turn around slightly locking eyes with her father.

The smile on Klaus face haunted her. Hope didn't understand how she could let go of the only boy her father saw her with and liked.

The trio sat down in a circle holding hands. Lorelei focused her breathing channeling the elements of the past. She had to be careful not to make the earthquake and thunderstorms interfere with her father memories or anyones besides the three. Hope begin to chant the spell loudly. Lorelei earthquake matched the loudness and quietness of her chants of the spell. The group was to focused on the spell.

To the point they didn't hear footsteps of hunters. Argent hunters. Chris backed himself up on a tree before eyeing the group. He signal for his group to wait. Chris pulled the trigger shooting Lorelei in the neck. Lorelei dropped hope and Landon hands letting out a deadly scream. The ground shook harder and more fierce. She fell onto Landon lap her blood spilling everywhere. "Hunters". Hope hissed.

The original tribird stood up growling as her eyes glowed a bright yellow. Chris backed up slightly. Stumbling backwards from the earthquake and little bit of shock. "What are you!". Chris shouted his men behind forced on the ground struggling to stand up. Hope held them their with her magic. "What wolfspain did you shoot her with?". She demanded to know. Chris stared wide eyed, his mouth opening and closing. "Klaus Mikaelson?".

Hope was caught off guard by the hunters words. "What?". The girl stuttered out slightly. Chris caught wind of her guard falling down. "The only hybrid in the world is Klaus Mikaelson who and what are you? How are you a witch and werewolf?". Hope mentally cursed underneath her breathe. Landon pleaded for lorelei eyes to stay open as Hope tried arguing her way out of Chris questions. "Hope her eyes they're closing!". Landon yelled. His outburst clearly gaining the Mikaelson and argent attention. Hope looked back over at Chris.

This time with pleading eyes. "What wolfspain did you use? She's only sixteen!". Chris looked over at the half alive teenage girl. The father side of him saw Lorelei as Allison well the other side saw her as a beast he has the urge to kill. "Purple wolfspain". Chris finally answered

Hope quickly grabbed his gun taking out a bullet before handing it back. Chris didn't understand what was happening as a slightly crack in the ground begun to grow. His eyes flickered over towards Lorelei who laid in Landon arms. The hunter stood there watching as the two teenagers fled with Lorelei.

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