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Lorelei leaned back against her head board holding her phone against her ear. "Yes uncle stiles, I won't do it again". The were-coyote apologized. The human man over the phone chuckled into the phone. "If you do- I'm going to make fun of you more". He threatened.

Lorelei bite her lip holding back a laugh. Stiles thought him making fun of her got her upset and sad but all it did was make her want to burst into laughter. "I love you uncle stiles, give my best to my dad". Lorelei hesitated to say the last part as her hand clutched harder against the cold mental bitting on her lip nervously .

"I always do little Scott, I love you more and happy birthday from your aunt Lydia and I ". Stiles stated before hanging up the phone. Lorelei pulled her phone away from her ear a small smile forming on her lips. Hope walked into the dorm room the two shared letting out a sigh. "Landon out cold, we put him inside your cage". She shared falling backwards on her bed.

Lorelei raised a single brow. "Why my cage?". Hope turned her head sideways locking eyes with Lorelei as she let out a heavy sigh. "Because it's a full moon- And you're the only blessed werewolf who isn't chained to the full moon". Lorelei bite her lip nodding her head.

"Thanks to my dad". Hope sat up crossing her legs as she folded her hands together. "Did he call?". The tribird questioned. Lorelei sighed as she shook her head. "No, he never does. My mom sent me a message. She doesn't know how to work a phone but I'm guessing the party hat, cake, and happy face emoji is her saying happy birthday". Hope frowned as she listened to her best friend talk. "At least she's trying".

Lorelei smiled slightly nodding her head. "So wanna tell me where my surprise party is? I overheard mg and kaleb talking". Hope rolled her eyes. "It's tonight, but first I wanted us to go on a run. Free spirited and well free". Lorelei grin grew wide as Hope stood up holding her hand out. The hybrid happily took the tribird hand. "Let's get ready birthday girl".

After a hour of the two girls getting ready. Hope snuck out to check on Landon before the two girls went off to the woods to run around freely in their wolf forms. Lorelei perked up at the sound of knocking on the door interrupting her as she placed her last fake eyelash on.

The werecoyote dropped her eyelash glue she was holding as she left the bathroom grumpily. Lorelei opened the door swinging it open. Her face had a smile on into she noticed who it was.

Dr Alaric saltzman stood outside of the door holding a basket of sunflowers where a small note rested on. "What's that?".  Lorelei asked raising a single eyebrow. Alaric smiled as he held out the basket for her. "Read it, and call the number at the bottom of the paper afterwards..happy sixteen birthday Lorelei".

And with that Alaric left Lorelei dumbfound as she held onto the basket filled with her favorite flowers. Something in her stomach twisted with worry as she turned around closing her dorm door behind her. Lorelei walked over towards her bed taking a seat. Her fingers brushed over the flowers before taking out the note. The were-coyote heart pounded in her chest as she opened the letter.

Dear Lorelei McCall, my little girl. I wish I could have personally given you this letter. I wish on the moon that one day I'll get to hold you once again. Your mother and I miss you dearly and want to see you so bad. A huge part of me hopes you never get this letter and you'll be with me on your sixteen birthday and every other day.  Please understand it's not safe for your mother and I to be near you.

You might be a full active werewolf coyote. A all powerful she wolf just like your mother and  grandmother. When I was your age my whole word flipped upside down. The day you were born sixteen years ago fixed my broken heart.

I hope you aren't as broken as I was. I hope so badly you call and don't have anger towards me or your mother. Please call me.  90995150

A single tear ran down Lorelei eye as she shut the letter throwing it on the bed . Out of anger she pushed the basket from her bed dropping it on the ground spilling all of the sunflowers. Lorelei scrambled to get her phone. She quickly typed in the number that ran through her mind.  Her heart skipped a beat as she pressed her phone against her ear listening to it ring.

After the second ring stopped the sound of movement filled her ear. Lorelei clutched onto her phone. Her fringes gripping on the cool piece of metal. "Dad?". Lorelei whimpered out.

"Lorelei help!". Scott yelled through the phone before the sound of gunshots went off. Lorelei jumped out of the bed as she heard the phone drop on the other end. "Dad?!". Lorelei screamed again. The only response Lorelei got in response was the sound of fighting and Scott groans. Lorelei quickly hung up dialing the number of her uncle stiles number.

"Uncle stiles!". Lorelei screamed into the phone right as the human answered. "What?". Stiles grumbled into the phone. The sound of her aunt Lydia in the background asking who it is would have made her smile if she wasn't so worried about her father. "My dad something happened- he's in trouble". Lorelei rushed over her words as she paced back and forth.

"What? Lydia!". Stiles yelled. Lorelei begin to sob as she heard stiles panic. Her uncle never panicked in front of her when speaking about the McCall pack. He was always calm with her.

"I have to go Lorelei, come to the beacon". Stiles ordered before the similar sound of gunshots going off in the background. Lorelei phone slipped from her hands as her aunt banshee scream filled the background calling her husband name. Hope walked into the room holding a small cupcake. Lorelei looked over at Hope with teary eyes. "I need to go to beacon hills hope".  Hope placed the cupcake on the dresser nodding her head. "When do we leave?".  Lorelei wiped her tears away angrily.

"Tonight right now".

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