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"You fucking pussies!". Lorelei roared, her hands holding up two hunter heads. Her friends, grandfather, and crush laid unconscious. Hunters and the supernatural fought for hours. Lorelei was the only one left standing. So far she had killed two hundred hunters. Each hunter she killed it seem like more came out of the dark charging for her.

"ENOUGH!". Araya yelled. Her works immediately stopped dropping their guns on the floor. Lorelei let out a heavy breathe. "Let's talk like adults now". Araya stated her lips pressing into a thin line. "Adults?". Lorelei mocked. The werecoyote licked her lips cleaning off the blood. "I just killed all your adults". The girl smirked her hands clasping together as she slowly rubbed her palms together. Araya grew nervous at her movements. "I'll tell you where he is". Araya said her voice shaky as she plead with the werecoyote. "Where is he?". She snarled.

"Go to the past, find young Scott McCall. Only he would have the sense of idea. You only have limited time young McCall". Araya said calmly.

Lorelei face stayed emotionless as she took in Araya words. Everything she said ran through the girl mind. The young McCall pressed her lips together in a thin line. "What?". Araya smirked slightly as she stepped over her hunters dead bodies. Struggling to walk with her cane. "I know that girl laying right here is the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, she's the death for all witches. Her magic is unstoppable surly she can send you back in time". Araya said her cane hitting the side of Hope making her roll over on her side. "Though you my dear are the death to all humanity, supernatural and humans". The old hunter continued to go on.

"You two are the most dangerous creatures on earth". Lorelei rolled her eyes letting out a dramatic sigh. "Now are you done kissing my ass? What spell can she use to send me back into the future?". The she-wolf demanded to know. "That my dear you'll have to find out".

Araya lips tugged upwards into a sly smirk. Lorelei growled quietly as her nails grew into claws. The she wolf leaped forward tackling the older woman to the ground. "If my pack dies because of you I'll come back to your country and rip your heart out in your very own home".
Lorelei threatened her claws holding onto the old woman neck drawing out blood. "Like my mother always said, kill those before they kill you". And with that Lorelei stood up wiping her hands clean from the hunter blood.

"Be careful who you trust my dear tribird, you will always be the daughter of the alpha of supernatural". Araya paused for a moment noticing Lorelei wasn't effected by the hunters words as she kept walking. "YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A ABOMINATION JUST LIKE YOUR FRIENd!". Lorelei didn't pause in her tracks as she threw Landon over her shoulder.

Her other two hands dragging the feet of hope and Lizzie's. "You're forgetting your grandfather". One of the hunters yelled out. Lorelei rolled her eyes blowing a piece of her out of her face. "Keep the old bastard". Lorelei called out. The she-wolf allowed Lizzie head to hit the way as she turned the corner. A slick smirk tugged on her lips as she looked down.

Smelling the scent of the witch blood. "Oh fuck". Lorelei hissed noticing the open wound gushing out blood from Lizzie head. Lorelei dropped Hope feet along with Lizzie's outside of the hunters house. The were-coyote carefully placed Landon down on the ground. Care not to hurt him. Lorelei bent down on her knees.

Her teeth quickly turned into fangs as she ripped open hope arm. Lorelei dropped out some of Hope blood into Lizzie mouth. McCall dropped Hope arm before closing Lizzie mouth. Making the witch sit up so the original vampire blood can go down the witch throat easily. Hope slowly sat up rubbing her forehead. "Why is my skin red?". The naked girl murmured quietly. Lorelei turned her head sideways. "Needed your blood to heal Lizzie".

Hope raised her eyebrow. "Is my spell wearing off?". Lorelei rolled her eyes turning her attention back to Lizzie eying the open wound. "If I let your girlfriend die would you do me a favor?". Hope looked down choosing to ignore Lorelei comment. "What favor lor?". Hope asked reaching for Lorelei jacket she threw towards her. Hope slid on the jacket as lorelei hummed softly. "I need you to send me back to the past". The original tribird mouth opened than closed slowly. Confusion written all over her face. "How the hell am I suppose to do that?". Lorelei shrugged her shoulder standing back up. The werecoyote picked up Landon.

"That's for you to find out in a matter of hours before I go and find that family of yours and kill the remaining people you care about or well care about you". Lorelei sang out as she walked away holding onto Landon. Hope stood up immediately to Lorelei threat. The tribird didn't recognize her best friend. "Please don't make me kill Marcel". Lorelei added as she titled her head sideways looking over her shoulder. "He's truly a good looking vampire".

Lorelei dropped the human body holding out their heart. "You see Landon, this here was a hunter trying to kill you. You need. To. Look. Around. Your. Surrounding". The girl yelled at the helpless boy. Landon nodded his head.

"If she would have killed you". Lorelei paused for a moment blinking her eyes. Before reopening them. The girl stared blankly at the boy. "I would have rain hell on everyone". Landon bite back the urge to raise his eyebrow.

The 'human' boy heart raced at her words. A knock on the door gained the two attentions. Lorelei turned on her heel walking over the woman dead body but making  sure  to stomp her foot on the girl head smashing her head in.

Lorelei twisted the door knob  swinging the door open. "I know the spell".  Hope breathe out as she bent forward clutching onto her stomach. The werecoyote lips tugged up.


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