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Lorelei fingers gripped tightly on the stirring wheel. Landon and hope we're pasted out in the back seat clutching onto each other. Lizzie unfortunately was sitting in the front seat complaining about how long the drive is.

The blonde whining made Lorelei want to rip her throat out with her own teeth for a second of piece and quiet. "Lizzie please shut up". Lorelei groaned rolling her head back in annoyance. Lizzie scoffed folding her arms over her chest. "Why are we even doing this? Your father is like a all powerful alpha". The blonde whined. Lorelei shook her head cursing Lizzie underneath her breathe. "My dad is also a person despite his power he still needs help".

Lizzie rolled her eyes turning her body sideways looking out the window. Watching the trees burry past. Lorelei heart started to pick up as a huge wooden sign came into view. "Hope, Landon, wake up!". The werecoyote squealed almost jumping up and down in her seat. Hope and Landon eyes shot open locking eyes with each other. Both of their faces became flush as they moved away from each other quickly. "Great the homeless and fatherless are awake". Lizzie scowled glaring at Lorelei. Lorelei sighed, moving a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Lizzie stop your motherless and right about now all of us are homeless". Lizzie grew quiet as her ears burned with embarrassment. "I'm not motherless".

"Your mother never here". Hope cut into the conversation. Lizzie turned her head looking back at the Mikaelson. "At least my mother alive". Hope face fell at Lizzie words before quickly turning stern again. "Technically your mother is dead". The tribird pointed out.

Landon perked up at Hope words. "Your mother a real life vampire? Like from Buffy the vampire slayer?". He questioned the blonde scooting closer towards Lizzie. Lizzie turned back around facing the front completely ignoring his question. "Why did you even come?". Hope grumbled angrily. Lorelei pressed the breaks making the car come to a stop. Everyone almost flew out of their seats at the sudden action. Lizzie pressed her hands against the dashboard panting. "My god".

"Everyone shut the hell up, my father and mother are in danger along with my whole family. Please stop being fucking asshats and try to get along for once". Lorelei growled out. Her werewolf claws replaced her nails. "I'll rip out your throat right now Elizabeth don't even try it". The werecoyote threatened making Lizzie shut her mouth. "Now come on, we're at the hotel". Lorelei muttered opening open her door. No one moved as the werecoyote slammed her door shut. Landon was the first to open his door following after the werecoyote excitedly as he tugged on his backpack jumping up and down as he ran after her smiling widely.

"Wait for me lea". Landon called out for Lorelei. Lorelei turned around raising her eyebrow. "Lea?". The boy smiled sheepishly. "I thought we were friends so I gave you a nickname". Lorelei smiled at landon nodding her head, she already liked him. "Well I'm going to call you lanny because it's embarrassing but actually cute at the same time". Landon grinned widely at his new nickname. "Come on my heels on these floor not okay". Lizzie interrupted the two newly friends moment as she walked straight past.

Hope walked over towards her boyfriend leaning her head against his shoulder frowning. Lorelei shook her head walking away from the two not wanting to hear Hope whining about Lizzie rude behavior. It took about five minutes for everyone to gather into the small lobby. Lorelei leaned into the group.

"Don't say McCall". The werecoyote whispered before standing back up straightly fixing herself up. Everyone silently nodded her head in agreement. It wouldn't be safe for for them to say McCall. They couldn't trust anyone or anything. Almost everyone could be a hunter.

"Hello I would like one room please with two beds". The woman looked up at Lorelei suspiciously. "One room?". She questioned leaning her chin on her hand. Lorelei wrapped her arm around lizzie pulling the blonde closer.
"One room". Lorelei repeated herself pressing a small kiss on Lizzie lips before pulling away.

The old woman eyes widen before going back to her computer typing away. "Who's name will the room be under?". She asked not daring to make eye contact. "Lorelei Tate". Lorelei answered still holding onto a flustered Lizzie.

"Tate?". The woman asked raising her eyebrow. The four teenagers shared glances. "Yeah Tate". Lorelei replied her grip tighten on Lizzie as Hope hand tightened on Landon's. "How old are you four?". The lady smirked sitting up in her seat straightly. "Eighteen". Landon answered smoothly. He stepped forward to the girls disliking. "See were from Mexico wanting the American dream- our uber left us in this small shitty town and we just need a place to stay". Lorelei raised her eyebrow as the woman smirk fell from her lips. Hope looked at Lorelei both smelling the same emotion rolling off her.

Sympathy. "I'm so sorry, it must be hard living in Mexico here's your keys please call if you need anything". The lady placed the keys in Landon hand before cupping his hand with her own. "Please keep speaking English instead of that nonsense". Lorelei bite her tongue from saying something snarky. A small smirked made the way on her lips tugging upwards.

"vamos a nuestra habitación". Lorelei said her Spanish accent rolling off her tongue making the old lady frown with disgust. Hope grabbed Landon hand dragging him along with Lizzie.

Lorelei walked through the hallway holding onto the strap of her purse. A shiver of fear ran down her spine as she looked at all of the photos and posters of her father face with a huge red circle plastered on his face. One posted had a knife stabbed into his face. "Oh god this feels like a horror movie". Landon mumbled eyeing the blood on the walls.

That spelled out, "DIE SCOTT MCCALL". Lizzie nodded her head clutching onto Lorelei arm holding on her tightly. "I feel like we're about to die and I don't want to die by hope". The witch whined. Hope scoffed. "Lizzie shut up". Lorelei ordered her voice stern and shaky.

The knot in her stomach made Lorelei feel sick. Her eyes scanned the hallway as the group came to a stop. Landon opened the door as the girls attempted to comfort Lorelei who stood still. Her thoughts ran cold as every theory of what could be happening to her family right now ran through her mind. "It's not safe out here we should stay low and avoid the window". Landon broke the silence placing the bags on the ground. "Why ?". Lizzie asked.

"Don't you see this town? The windows have bullet holes explaining the fact that in this Area has quite a few shoot outs". Landon explained. Lizzie felt concerned that Landon new this. Even though it was self explanatory the fact he even knew the signs and what to do made her sad. "We have a long morning tomorrow let's get to bed, Lizzie and I share a bed Landon and Hope share the other not sex you two".

Lorelei eyed the couple as she finished her sentence walking into the room leaving the couple flushed. Landon nervously rubbed the back of his neck as Hope slid past him into the room. Lizzie rolled her eyes scoffing. "Hobbit be better". Landon ears burned as he walked inside. "Shut the door!". All three girls yelled scaring the boy as he quickly closed it shut.

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