Shopping disaster

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"I mean it's stupid and unfair! I shouldn't have a bed time , I'm thirteen, nearly fourteen!" Ranted Levi while pacing angrily around my room.
I just lay on the floor playing with my barbie dolls.
"Are you even listening to me?" Asked Levi.
"Yeah!" I say hoping he wouldn't realise I had been completely in my own world playing with my dolls for the past ten minutes.
"Then what was I talking about?"
"Uh...being angry about loosing your games?"
"Yes...but I still don't think you were listening to me!"
"Well I am!"

Suddenly Austin barged into my room.

"Hey guys!" He said in a sweet voice.
"Austin!" I shout and jump into his arms.
"Hey Sailor! What are you two doing in here?" He asks with me still in his arms.
"I am playing with my dolls, do you want to play with me?" I ask, I really needed any excuse to get away from Levi ranting about Cameron and his games.
It happened yesterday and he still hasn't got over it.

"Playing with your dolls? I knew you weren't listening to me!"  Levi snapped .
"No! I was! I swear!"
"She doesn't have to listen to you Levi!" Said Austin.
Levi sighed.
"Why are you in here?" Levi asked
"Just about need to promise me you won't tell Cameron about this girl?" Austin pleaded .
"Yeah we already said we wouldn't if you don't tell Cameron that I hit the child?"
"Yeah but you see I may or may not be seeing her again tonight, so promise you won't say anything!"
"I won't!" I say hugging him.
He smiles, but then looks at Levi.
"Fine I guess I won't!"
"Thank you! You are the best!"
"But wait, when are you going?" I asked
"Later today!"
"What time?" Asked Levi
"When everyone is in bed!"
"But shouldn't you be in bed then?" I asked confused.
"Don't worry Sailor he will be in bed, just not in his own!" Smirked Levi.
"Levi shush!" Warned Austin.
"I don't understand?"
"Don't listen to him!" Said a worried looking Austin.

Cameron was at work today which left Austin to look after us for the day.
"Guys, Cam said we need to go shopping today, he left me a list, so let's go now just to get it over and done with!" Said Austin
"Ugh! I hate shopping, why can't Cameron just do it himself?" Asked Levi.
"Because he is in work to get money for us! It's the least we can do!"
"Come on let's go!"

I didn't mind going shopping because I always got to sit in the seat in the trolley.

When we got there I sat in the trolley of course!
Hayden pushed it while Austin got the things we needed off the list and Levi followed behind.

"We need bread, milk, bagels, ham, butter.." started Hayden
"Slow down!" "Repeat all that again!" Said Austin.
"Seriously? We need bread,"
"Wait, one at a time let me find the bread first before you go saying the next thing!"

"Push me!" I demand.
" Sorry Sailor we can't we need the trolley to put the food in" replied Hayden.
"Can I push her around while you find everything?" Asked Levi.
Hayden glanced at Austin who was desperately looking for the bread, poor thing didn't realise he was in the wrong isle .
"Can he please?" I asked once again.
Hayden glanced back at us.
"Really quickly, he is going to go mad if he can't find you so be back quick!" Said Hayden going over to Austin.

Levi grabbed the trolley and started running up the isle.
My laughter filled the shop.
"Faster!" I shouted as he ran.
I screamed as he turned the corners and swerved around people as he tried not to hit them.
I couldn't stop giggling.

"I think we should go back to them now, hopefully they found the bread!"
"Again again!" I shouted
"I am out of breath and I nearly killed a few people by nearly ramming into them!"
"But it was fun!"
Just before we could say another word we heard
It was Austin.
Oh no we were in trouble.
"Quick!" I panicked.
Levi grabbed the handle once again and started to run back to them.
Of course I started laughing hysterically as he ran back to them.
"Excuse me, sorry!" Shouted Levi dogging people.
"Woah, sorry!" He shouted while nearly taking a child out.
My laughs echoed through the shop.
We eventually got back to Hayden and Austin.

"Where were you guys!" Asked Austin.
Looks like we had been gone for a little too long...
"Uhh.. we were just..." An out of breath Levi tried to explain.
"Forget it, I don't care let's just get this shopping done!" Answered Austin.
"What's next?" Asked Austin.
"Bananas!" Replied Hayden.
Levi gaged
"Disgusting, let's get chocolate instead?"
"No! We are getting what's on the list!"

We soon finished shopping. Thank god!
It took us nearly two hours because Austin is so blind and couldn't find anything .
I was just happy it was over.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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