Thats my sister!

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The next morning I woke up to Sailor hugging onto me, still asleep.
Then someone barges into the room.
It's Cameron.
He is constantly trying to be my parent!
It's so annoying!

"Were you playing your games last night?" He whispered harshly.
How'd he know?
"No! I slept in here all night because Sailor had a nightmare!"
"So you weren't on your games at all?"
"Nope!" I lied
"Even after I told you to go to bed last night?"
See what I mean? He is acting like my parent.
I'm not two I don't need a bedtime, especially not from Cameron.
"No!" I lied, no point stopping now.
"That's funny, because your games are still on in your room!"
I never turned my PC off.

"It must have turned on by itself, or maybe I am hacked!"
"Stop lying! Your banned from your games for a week!"
I was going to kill him if he kept bossing me around.
"WHAT! That's not fair, your not my parents and can't tell me what to do!" I shouted waking up Sailor.
Cameron just walked out slamming the door behind him.
Sailor looked up at me confused.
"What's going on?" She asked still half asleep, rubbing her eyes.
"Cameron is being a bitch"
"That's a bad word"

"How?" She asked.
"He is taking my games off me for a whole week! Just for playing them after he told me to go to bed, he can't tell me what to do!"
"Just cry, that's what I do when I want something or don't get my way, it always works with Hayden especially!"
Only if I was five.
"I don't think it would work for me"
"I could cry for you and say I want you to teach me how to play the games and he can't take it off you!"
"I don't think they would let me teach you how to play GTA.."

We go downstairs to get breakfast.
Cameron is there of course!
I make toast and make Sailor cereal.
Just as I am pouring the milk in I hear
"That's way too much milk your using, you are going to waste it!"
It was Cameron of course.
Doesn't he have a job to be at?

"Let's ask Sailor!" I say.
It was her cereal after all.
"Is this too much milk Sailor?" I ask her showing her the bowl of cereal.
Come on don't let me down!
"No I don't think so!"
Ha! Stupid Cameron can shut it!

I smile at her then look over at Cameron who is looking back at me angrily.
"Well she is five I am twenty, I am the one buying the milk and food and basically everything you own so it is too much milk, don't use that much again or you can buy it next time!" He shouts.

"It's just milk you idiot!"

"Yeah you idiot!" Sailor copys.

I could get used to her helping me win arguments against Cameron.

"Hey! No cursing!"
"Idiot isn't a curse dumbass!"
"Levi this is your last chance, keep being rude and your games are gone for a month!"
I am going to kill him!
I place the cereal on the table and eat my toast.
While Cameron watches TV on the sofa.

I look over at Sailor to see her drinking her cereal?
What was she doing?
Just as I was about to remind her she had a spoon she puts the bowl on the table.
It was empty.
All the cereal was gone and so was the milk.

She gets up and walks in front of Cameron who is in the middle of watching some boring show.
"See he didn't use too much milk it's all gone!" She says showing him the now empty pink plastic bowl.

So that's what she was doing!
She was drinking all the milk that was left in the bowl to make it look like I didn't use way too much.
I smile.
That's my sister!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Please comment, I love reading them they keep me motivated and make me so happy!!! 💖

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