The morning Dawn

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Sailor's POV:

I barely opened my eyes.
I felt so weak and tired.

I think I was in a car.
I could hear muffled talking I presumed coming from the front seats of the car.
I was laid out on two seats but I wasn't alone. A boy sat beside me.
He looked around Levi's age, at first glance I thought he was Levi but this boy had brown hair I think he might have been slightly older maybe.
He was on his phone cursing about him just being some type of babysitter?

Then I blacked out again.
I don't think I was out for long because when I woke up once again everything looked the same and I was still in the car.
I still felt drowsy.

"Where am I?" I said in a weak whisper.
"Oh you're awake.." said the boy rolling his eyes.

I wanted to sob and scream and shout about how I wanted my brothers back but I felt to weak to even move.

"Where's..." I say but felt too tired to finish the sentence.
"What?" The boy hissed.
"Where's Levi..?"
No response.

After I started to feel more awake I realised the situation I was in.
I started to cry and sit up.
It was still hard to move because of how weak I felt.

I noticed that there was a wall separating where the boy and I where. It went over the seats of the car. Like the ones you would usually have in a taxi.

"I want my brothers and Ace!" I sobbed.
"Shut up!" He shouted.
"Where am I?" I asked for the second time.
"A long way away from where you were a couple of hours ago!"
Hours ago?
How long had I been knocked out for?

"I want to go home!" I cried.
"Do you think I want to be here babysitting?"
"No?" I asked terrified.
"Of course not!" He shouted.

"Go back to sleep!"
"I don't want to I WANT MY BROTHERS!" I shouted.
"That's it!" He mumbled.
He got a needle and stabbed it into my arm.
Then it happened again.
I felt weak.

He took a sigh of relief as I slowly fell back into a deep sleep.

Levi's POV:

They all jumped out of their seats and ran outside.
"What do you mean someone took her?" Asked Cameron frantically.
"She was walking behind me and then, a man came grabbed her and stuck this needle in her arm that made her fall asleep!" I stuttered out still in shock.

Austin was on the phone to the police.
"What car?" Asked Ace.
"A black jeep, it looked huge!"
"You didn't get the licence plate did you?"
"No" I replied .
I couldn't stop crying.
This was my fault!
All my fault.

I should have held her!
I was such an idiot!

Soon the police arrived .
They asked me lots of questions.
"What did he look like?" Asked one police with a notepad, writing down every word I said.
While others were talking to Cameron and Ace.
Austin comforted Hayden who was in a state.

"It was a man, he was tall and was wearing black clothes, I couldn't really see his face!"
"That's okay, just tell us what you remember!"

Soon the police checked the cameras that were outside the pub.
They caught a glimpse of the car's license plate.
That was some sort of hope!

Soon we went home.
We were told to get some rest, but the police were already searching for her and hundreds of news stations were already notified.

I couldn't sleep.
I felt to sad, worried and guilty.
I should be reading to her right now!
But I'm not.

She could be anywhere, maybe even out of the country.
"Just try sleep Levi, tomorrow we are going to look for her, if she is not already found. The police are doing their job and they will find her!" Said Cameron who was at my door.
"Why are we wasting our time sleeping? We should be out there looking for her!"
"That's the police's job, we just have to leave it to them! I know it hard we all want her back, but please just try sleep!"

Sailor's POV:

When I woke up again I was in a woman's arms.
She placed me onto a sofa .
It wasn't the sofa at my house, I didn't know where I was.
I still felt weak and could barely keep my eyes open.

"Dawn, wake up" said a friendly woman's voice.
Who was Dawn?

Then I felt someone lightly shake me.
I didn't open my eyes.
I was too scared.

"Come on Dawn you have to wake up!" She said sweetly.
So this woman thinks my name is Dawn?
Maybe she saved me? She sounded sweet, not like a kidnapper.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the woman, the boy I had seen in the car and a man.
So I wasn't saved.
Then I realised that the woman was the woman who thought Ace kidnapped me a few months ago! The one that said she would save me from Ace!

"Morning Dawn!" She said while smiling down at me.
Was I asleep for that long?

"My names not Dawn? It's Sailor!" I said sleepily.
She smiled " I know, but your new name is Dawn!"
"Because, we don't want anyone to find you! You are all over the news, so your new name is Dawn!"
I didn't mind the name, it was nice, but I rather Sailor.

I tried to sit up but could barely move.
Whatever I was injected with really relaxed my body.

"I want my brothers!"
"We are your new family!"
Then I looked more closely at the man who stood there looking down at me.
He looked familiar.
Then it hit me.
I had seen him in a picture in our house.

It was my dad.

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