Once Upon a time...

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Ace's POV:

We all got into the car.

"Are you sure this is going to work Ace?" Asked Cameron.
"Trust me, it will, there are two entrances to this place one at the back and one at the front, I'll go in the back while you distract him with the briefcases, when you hand it to him grab Sailor, then I will come behind him and beat the shit out of him and I have a gun, just in case!"
"Where did you get a gun from?" Asked Levi.
"Don't worry about it!"
"But what if he opens the briefcase and see there is no money and shoots Sailor in the head?" Asked Cameron.
"It will work out trust me!"
"What if it's not just my dad?"
"I have a gun, with more then one bullet!"
"What if there is someone guarding the back entrance?" Asked Hayden.
"It's your dad! He is too stupid for that!"
"Ace I don't think this is going to work!" Said Cameron.
"Well you don't have ten grand and trust me just this once!"

When we arrived there I parked slightly further away from the warehouse just in case.
I snuck around the back and just like I said, there was a back entrance and no one was there!
I could hear sobbing coming from inside.
I just wanted to barge in and shoot her dad in the head, but that would ruin the plan.

Sailor's POV:

I couldn't stop crying, I was too scared, I knew they didn't have ten grand and I was probably going to die!
But then I heard footsteps.
"Sailor!" Shouted Levi.
I still couldn't see, but suddenly the blindfold was ripped off me.
Our dad had the gun pointed at Cameron who had a briefcase, I'm guessing with money in it.
"Let me go!" I cried trying to get untied from this stupid chair.
"Stop moving!" Clay hissed.

"It's okay Sailor!" Said Hayden.
"Well we still can kill you Sailor if your brothers don't hand over this money!"
"Hand over Sailor first!" Austin shouted.
"I'm not that stupid! I am not letting her go until I get the money!"

"Fine! I'll give you the money and you give me Sailor at the same time, so untie her now!" Said Cameron.
Clay untied me from the chair but had his hands on my shoulders so I couldn't move.

Cameron slowly gave our dad the case.
Just as I was about to run up to him our dad shouted, "WAIT! Before she goes I need to check the right amount of money is in here!"
Cameron looked worried.
Just as our dad opened the case the back door flung open.
There was a man with a gun aimed at our dad.
Wait no, that's Ace!

Ace's POV:

I stood there aiming the gun at their dad. He looked shocked.
Sailor ran to Cameron as I walked closer to their dad.
I also noticed there was some little ten year old and a woman, the same one that accused me of kidnapping Sailor a few months ago!

Thankfully their idiot of a dad put the gun on the ground so he could open the case.
I quickly grabbed his gun as well.
Now I had two!

"Nobody move! Or I will double shoot you!" I smiled.
I was having a bit too much fun with this.

Austin was on the phone with the police.
"Shit! We should have just killed her !" Said the boy.
"Shut up you, your about seven!"
"I'm fourteen!"

The police came and arrested them all!

Sailor's POV:

The police came and arrested them.
Then we all got back into our car. I don't think I had ever been so happy to get into our car!
Levi gave me the biggest hug.
"I'm so sorry! I'll never let that happen to you again! I should have held you that night, I'm so so sorry!"
"It's okay! It wasn't your fault!"
"Thank god you are safe, we were worried sick about you!" Said Cameron.
"Did they hurt you, are you okay?" Asked Hayden.
"I'm fine!" I smiled.
"They are in prison forever! For real this time!" Said Austin.

"Ace?" I asked.
"Yeah Sailor?"
"Where did you get a gun from?" I asked.
"Yeah I would like to know that too!" Said Cameron.
"Umm... I just always had one! For times like this!"
"For time when your little cousin gets kidnapped?" Asked Levi sarcastically.
"Yeah! Exactly!" He laughed.

Once we got home I was so tired but just wanted to be around them all.
"Sailor I think you should go to bed, it's late, but we will do something really fun tomorrow I promise you!" Said Cameron.
I yawned and agreed.
Finally I was in my own bed, at my own house!
That's all I wanted and needed!

I hopped into bed turned on my night light and closed my eyes!
Finally I was home.

But then I seen a shadow pass my bedroom.
It was Levi.

"Levi!" I whisper.
He looked into my room.

"Can you read to me?"
He smiled and sat down on my bed beside me with his torch and my favourite book!
The princess and the wizard!

Once upon a time....

The end!

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