Midnight trip...

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I woke up to Cameron, Austin, Levi and Hayden talking in hushed voices. I was still in Levi's room.
I must have been asleep for a long time because Cameron was home from work.

"You're finally awake!" Cameron said in relief.
"Are you okay?" Asked Hayden.
I rub my eyes visibly confused.

Then I remember.

"Levi told us that Ace was saying scary things and put on a scary show?"
"Yeah, and the bunny died!" I said feeling myself tear up again.
"It's okay!" Hayden said softly while hugging me.

"We talked to him and he stormed out, but it's not your fault !" Said Austin.
"To make up for it, why don't we do something fun tomorrow?" Suggest Hayden.
"Like what?"
"The carnival?"
"Yes!" I shout excitedly.

I have only been to the carnival once , and it was when I was really young.
So I was very excited to go.
And besides I wouldn't miss school because it was a Saturday tomorrow.

"Do you think he will come back?" Austin asked Cameron.
"Do we want him to?" Asked Levi.
"Because I don't!" He added.
"Levi don't say that, he's still our cousin and beside it's sounds like he was describing how he was feeling" replied Cameron.
"So you're saying what he did was right?"
"No! Of course I'm not, but we shouldn't want him gone!"
"I disagree, now Sailor thinks lemonade is made of bunnies!"
"It's not Sailor don't worry, but he is staying here, what he done was wrong but if he try's it again then we will have problems!" .
"Whatever!" Levi mumbled, still angry about the situation.

A few hours later, it had gotten late and it was time for bed once again.
I had a hard time sleeping as I already slept today but eventually went to sleep.

Cameron's POV:

Sailor had finally went to bed, I was worried she was going to have nightmares .
But that wasn't the only thing I was worried about.
Ace still hadn't come home and I was worried about him.
I feel like deep down Sailor was too, before all this happened she wouldn't stop asking questions about him, like why isn't he going to school, why is he so sad, ECT.

Everyone had soon gone to bed, well nearly everyone.
I was still up, sitting on the sofa, waiting for Ace to finally walk through the door.
Well more like hoping he would.
It soon hit midnight, and he still wasn't back.

I sighed.
I just hope he is okay.

I decided it was getting late and I should just try sleep.
But just as I got up, I heard my phone ring.
I rushed over to it to see an unfamiliar number.
I answer it anyway.

It was a woman's voice.
"Hello, is this Cameron Smith?" Asked the woman in a serious tone.
Her seriousness made me nervous .
"Yes, who is this?"
"We are calling from OakHill hospital, I believe you know Ace Smith?"
My heart dropped.
"Y-Yes, I do, is he okay?" I asked frantically.
"Yes, he was the one to tell me to ring you. He requested that you could come down and see him"
"Yeah I come immediately, thank you!"

I quickly grabbed my coat and ran upstairs into Austin's room first.
"Austin!" I shouted while shaking him.
"Ace is in hospital we need to go now!"
Austin quickly jumped up.
"I'll wake the others" I said not before running out the room.

Next I woke Hayden then Levi and now Sailor.

I lightly shook her.
"Sailor, we need to go somewhere you have to get up" I said softly.
She rubbed her eyes and then sat up.
"Is it morning?" She asked sleepily.
I slightly laughed.
"Not yet, but we have to go, here I have your shoes and coat right here."
I quickly put her shoes on and gave Sailor her coat.
"But I am still in my pyjamas?"
"That's okay, just put your coat on."

I picked her up and walk out of her room to see Austin Levi and Hayden waiting for me.
"Levi will you carry Sailor to the car for me, please!"
Levi mumbled something I couldn't make out but I could tell he was extremely tired.
He looked half asleep.

I quickly grabbed my phone and then got into the car along with the others.
I looked up directions to this hospital, turns out it was a fifteen minute drive.
"Great!" I sighed.
I had recently got a new car, it was bigger then our old run down one, and had more seats so picking Ace up won't be a problem and I guess this was an excuse to use it.

Sailors POV:

"Where are we going? Is it not bedtime?" I asked .
"It is, but Ace is in hospital!" Replied Cameron.
"Is he sick?" I asked .
"No, I don't know why he is there, but we will when we get there!"

Maybe he broke his arm? Levi had to go to the hospital when he broke his arm last year. He also had to wear this funny cast, he let me draw all over it.

We finally arrived at the hospital.
It was a huge building.

Once we got in there Cameron talked with the receptionist.

"I got a call that Ace Smith was in here, could we see him?" He asked.
"Visiting hours are over!" She said not bothering to look up from her laptop.

"Yeah we are not really visiting, I had just got the call he was here, he had been missing all night!"
She sighed and looked up.
"Cameron Smith, is it?" She asked.
"Follow me, but I will have to ask if Ace wants to see you first as he is considered an adult!"

She guided us through the hospital.
I held onto Levi's hand as surprisingly the hospital was very busy.

We passed many rooms, none of them were Ace's .

I was dragged threw crowds of nurses, doctors, patients and was passed by people on beds that had wheels.
I wished my bed had wheels, I would never leave it.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when we came to a stop outside a big room.
It had many beds in it, curtains separating each one.

"Please wait here!" Said the nurse walking in.
Luckily we didn't have to wait for long, she came back out to us.
"He said you can go in, he is bed is number seven!"
"Thank you!" Said Cameron walking in followed by all of us.

We looked for bed number seven and finally found him.

We were all shocked when we seen him....

"Ace, what the hell happened to you?" Asked Cameron running to him.

He had a busted lip and a black eye.
There was also blood on his face.

"I'm fine! I just got into a fight!"
"Just got into a fight? Do you know how worried I was? Not even a phone call!"
"I know I am sorry!"
"How did you even get into a fight?"
"Just with some random man, clearly he won!" Replied Ace

"Yeah, it looks like he tried to turn you into lemonade!" I said smiling at him.

Levi burst out laughing.
While Ace just glared at me angrily.

I just continued to smile

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