Sera spent the first seven years of her life in the palace with her father, usually participating in her studies. That is, until Regis decided to allow Sera to go to public school with her brother, Noctis.

Sera believed it to be a joke that her father made until one day, a boy about two years older than her and her brother were introduced. The boy was from House Scientia, the noble house known for being loyal to the Lucian Crown. The Scientia house was just like House Amicitia and House Fleuret.

"No need to be shy, my dear," Regis said, his usual gentle tone reassuring his frightened daughter. "He has volunteered to take on the role of yours and your brother's caretaker while you and Noctis go to public school." Sera's gaze shifted between the boy and her father.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness," the boy said as he bowed before her. "My name is Ignis Scientia."

Sera bowed her head slightly, shyly as she stood behind her father's leg, quietly speaking. "M-my name is Serafina." Before Sera knew it, her sapphire eyes glazed over, a brighter blue reflection showing on her irises. This meeting had triggered the beginning of her newfound gift.

In the reflections, she saw her, her brother, and their friends traveling all over Eos to fulfill Noctis's destiny. Lucis fell, Regis was murdered, she would be injured greatly upon escaping the Crown City and Ignis would be blinded in Altissia, in an attempt to save her and her brother. When the reflections disappeared, Sera gasped in fear, her gazing quickly shifting between her father and her new caretaker, unable to speak. It was like her vocal chords had been clamped shut everytime she even tried to mention anything regarding what she saw.

"Please excuse me," Sera said before rushing to her bedroom, clearly distressed. Her actions had left confused looks on the faces of both Regis and Ignis. Once she was safely away in her room, the door closed behind her, she took a seat at her bay window, her mind reeling from what she saw. "What did I just see? Is that the future of Lucis...?" Before long, there was a knock at her door, her father standing on the other side, awaiting her approval to enter. "Come in!"

"Is everything alright, Serafina?" Regis asked as he entered, taking note of his daughter's fearful expression.

"I saw Insomnia falling... I saw you dying." Regis stayed silent knowing this was going to happen someday. "What does that mean, Dad?"

"Your power as Oracle has been revealed. Soon, you will start your training to become an official Oracle." Sera looked at her father, confused by what he meant.

"Oracle? You mean like Queen Sylva and her daughter, Princess Lunafreya?"

"Exactly. You possess a remarkable gift, my child. You will someday be the healer of the people. Not only that, you will be the bridge between the people of Eos and the gods that watch over us." Sera looked at her father, her eyes showing a little bit of fear.

"Healer of the people... like the Tale of the Two Brothers...?" Regis gently pulled his daughter into a calming embrace, knowing that if she were to be the sacred healer, she would end up just like the eldest brother in the tale.

"You have nothing to fear. You will guide your brother to his destiny and save the people. And I will be here to help you along the way." Sera nodded and calmed down, hugging her father in return.

"I will make you proud, Dad." Regis smiled softly at her words, admiring her determination. "I won't fail you."

"I know you'll make me proud. Now, we wouldn't want you to miss your first day at your new school." With that, Sera got ready for school, leaving with Ignis and Noctis. The ride there was mostly quiet as they headed to school, the occasional chatter between the driver and Ignis filled the cabin. Sera looked over at her brother, knowing that he would be just as nervous as she was, if not more, seeing that he was a shy boy.

"We'll be alright, Noct..." Sera reassured her older brother, gently holding his hand.

"Why's Dad doing this to us?" Noctis asked, looking down like they had been abandoned.

"So that one day, we'll have friends other than those that directly work for the crown. Dad wants us to grow up like normal kids, kids who aren't royal, like us." Before long, the royal escort arrived outside of the school building, causing Sera to grow nervous.

"It is best you two make friends," Ignis said as the car stopped outside the new school. Sera looked at the building, feeling unsure about starting at a new school. "You'll do just fine, Your Highness. I'm sure of it." The young princess nodded a little before getting out of the car and followed her brother into the building.

It was strange to her. Her new classmates stared at her as she walked down the halls, well... all except for a young brunette girl who was drawing and a young blond boy who was flipping through pictures on his camera. She then took notice of a small group of students forming to make fun of the boy with the camera.

"Can't do anything better than take pictures of this same old crap?" one of the kids said as he took the boy's camera from him.

"Give it back! That's an order!" Sera said, jumping in to stand up for the blonde boy.

"What's it to you? No one asked you, Princess," a boy in the group said, pushing her aside. "Why don't you go back to sitting on your throne, spoiled brat!"

"That's enough!" The girl who was drawing jumped in. "Just because these two are new, it doesn't mean you can bully them." With that, the group walked away, grumbling as Sera rose to her feet.

"Thanks for that," Sera said as she dusted herself off.

"No problem. The name's Clara Amacitia. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Serafina."

"Nice to meet you too." Sera then turned in the direction of the blond. "And you are....?"

"P-prompto Argentum... Nice to meet you, Your Highness," Prompto said before turning back to his camera.

"Same to you."

Book One: The Oracle Of NightWhere stories live. Discover now