VIII - The Reunion

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The guard went in and spoke to Regis before the doors opened, revealing the gray haired king sitting atop the throne, his eyes widening at the sight of his daughter.

"S-serafina?" Regis asked in disbelief, shifting forward on the throne.

"I've come home, Father," Sera said before walking to the very bottom of the staircases. "I know what you're thinking. The Chancellor allowed me free passage home so long as I go back in two years. I couldn't pass on an opportunity to see my friends and family again." Regis smiled softly before lowering his head a bit, frowning.

"Noctis no longer lives in the Citadel. He now lives on his own with the aid of Ignis, Gladiolus and Prompto." Sera's gaze widened at the mention of Prompto being there with Noctis.

"Forgive me Father, where might his new residence be? I would like to see him as well." Regis motioned to his neck, hinting at her necklace.

"You'll find that your necklace will guide you to him, as I'm sure it has done since you two were separated." Sera bowed her head before going up the staircase to her father, embracing him once more.

"I missed you Father, I love you," Sera said before pulling away and rushing to Noctis, her crystal shard necklace guiding her to her brother. Before long, Sera arrived at the apartment she had seen in her dreams. She stepped up to the door and took a deep breath, soon bringing herself to knock on the door. Before her hand could touch the door, it opened, revealing Noctis and Prompto. Sera froze, unable to believe that she stood before her brother and her best friend.

"S-sera?" Noctis said, recognizing her almost immediately from his dreams. Sera's gaze shifted between the two boys, before leaping a bit to hug them both, tears in her eyes.

"I deeply apologize for leaving you both for so long," Sera said, trying to prevent her overwhelming emotions from showing through as they broke away at her heartstrings, making them known to the ravenette. "I missed both of you greatly."

"You came back," Prompto said, shocked and hugged the princess closer, his face buried in the crook of her neck, trying to keep from letting his tears break free. "I thought you wouldn't be back for another five years."

"I was given the opportunity to come home for two years before going back." Her eyes widened as she pulled back to look at the two. "Wait- does that mean I was able to communicate with the four of you during our dream state?" Both boys exchanged glances and looked at the princess, nodding a bit. "That doesn't matter now. Let's celebrate later, before it's too late."

"I don't see why not. We can throw a party here tonight, just as long as we let Ignis know in advance so he isn't surprised," Noctis suggested, looking at his sister. "I'm sure Gladio and Specs will be happy to see you again." Sera smiled and nodded happily before looking back in the direction of the Citadel before looking at the boys.

"You're heading somewhere, aren't you?"

"Just school," Prompto responded, showing his bag a little. "We could always have you enrolled today?"

"For two years? It doesn't seem natural for the Princess of Lucis to go to secondary school for two years just to turn around and disappear again."

"It's better than staying here by yourself," Noctis said, gesturing to the inside of the apartment. Hesitantly, Sera gave a small nod, knowing her brother was right.

"I suppose you're right. It's better that I'm not by myself as well." Prompto gave her a worried look as the three headed to the car, headed off to the local high school.

"By the way, thank you for the bracelet, Sera." The ravenette's gaze shifted over to Prompto's wrist, seeing the bracelet that she had given him through the notebook they shared.

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