When Noctis had finally recovered, the siblings had time to spend time with Lunafreya. The Tenebraen princess told stories of the Gods and how the King of Light protected the Crystal that in turn, protected the kingdom of Lucis. Noctis held a red leather bound book, the crest of House Fleuret on the front cover. The loyal dogs to the Fleuret line, Umbra and Pryna, laid on the floor, resting as Noctis flipped through the pages, the image of a blue flower pressed onto a page catching his eye.

"Nice flower," Noctis said, admiring the flower's beauty before looking at the blonde princess.

"It's the same kind we sewed our crowns from," Lunafreya responded, making a slight prayer motion.

"Oh right, those are 'sylleblossoms,'" Sera pointed out, the history of Tenebrae somehow clicking in her mind, despite never researching it in the past. After a few moments of silence had passed, Lunafreya had revealed a second notebook, this one sharing similarities to its counterpart but in the shade of a sylleblossom blue.

"So... I have a favor to ask of the both of you. Take these notebooks with you when you go," Lunafreya said, breaking the silence.

"Sure," Noctis said, closing the book, Sera nodding as well, holding the book in her arms, keeping it close to her body.

"That's not all. I want you two to put something in the books and send them back." Sera could have only guessed that something was going to happen that would alter their lives forever.

Later, when the two princesses were alone, enjoying a stroll through the fields of sylleblossoms surrounding Fenestala Manor, Lunafreya let her guard down.

"I fear that the three of us won't be able to visit the other much after tomorrow," Lunafreya said, stopping in her tracks as she looked down at the blue petalled flowers that danced in the breeze.

"What makes you say that?" Sera asked, coming to a halt and looking at the blonde princess. "Is something going to happen to Tenebrae or Lucis?"

"Mother told me that the Niflheim empire will try to ambush us at our most vulnerable state, hoping to take Mother's and King Regis's lives. They plan to take complete control over the surrounding territories..." Sera stood in shock, unable to believe what the soon-to-be Oracle had just told her before it clicked that she had seen it too.

"Her Majesty saw it too? I thought it was all in my head. A horrible nightmare that was of mere imagination." Sera looked down before putting on a brave face, looking back up at the princess. "I'm supposed to leave with Dad and Noctis when they attack. But Dad, who I assume doesn't know about the future ambush, wants me to stay here in Tenebrae to learn to become an Oracle." Sera had to make a difficult decision from now until the ambush. How could she choose to stay in Tenebrae and face the empire after they destroyed the land, just to annex it? How could she simply stand idly by and watch as her family escaped to Lucis, leaving her to watch the fields of sylleblossoms burn to ash?

~Days later~

It was the day of the ambush; Sera's nerves were on edge. Her father and brother were getting ready to go home to Lucis whereas Sera stayed in her room, finally deciding what to do. She was going to stay in Tenebrae with Lunafreya and Ravus, to learn how to be an Oracle. Despite never being away from her family for longer than a day when she was away at school, she knew she'd see Regis again just before the fall and Noctis after Insomnia fell into the hands of the Niflheim empire.

A knock was heard through the door, snapping Sera out of her thoughts. Before she knew it, the door opened and revealed Regis, a bit of a surprised look on his face.

"How come you're not ready yet? We'll be setting out shortly," Regis asked, walking over to his daughter.

"I'm not going home to Lucis. I'm staying here in Tenebrae with Her Majesty," Sera said, looking down at the floor. She didn't dare tell her father about the ambush that was only moments away. "Let's head to the train station. They'll be waiting for us." With that, Sera and Regis headed to the train station, the young princess dressed in her more formal wear as she was prepared to send her family off.

"We appreciate your hospitality, Your Majesty," Regis said to Sylva, Ravus and Lunafreya as he bowed his head to the royal family. "I thank you again for healing my daughter and my son." As he began to push Noctis's wheelchair, bombs exploded around the group, fires blazing. Imperial dropships landed, Magitek troops firing at everyone.

Regis lifted Noctis out of his wheelchair and took Lunafreya by her hand, the young blonde taking Sera's hand as they rushed to safety. As they ran, Magitek shot Sylva and killed her, along with many of the Tenebraen royal council. Ravus was on the ground, blood splattered on his face, reaching out to the Lucian royal family.

"Please, Your Majesty! Please save us," Ravus called out, causing Lunafreya and Serafina to look back at the prince. Lunafreya let go of Regis's hand and fell back, letting her and her fellow soon-to-be Oracle to be held captive by the Niflheim empire.

"No! Luna! Sera!" Noctis called out as he tried to reach out to the two girls. Luckily for her father and brother, they were able to escape and go home to Lucis. As for Sera, Lunafreya and Ravus, the Magitek troops escorted them to their rooms, only allowing the unofficial Oracles to leave their rooms for their training.

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