Sera was soon allowed to leave her room, being escorted to the ancient temple of Ralmuell by two Magitek soldiers, where she would begin her intensive training to be Oracle. She found the grounds and was greeted by the tall statue of the first Oracle on one side and the Oracle before Sylva on the other side of the entrance. The plaque at the base of the first Oracle's statue read: Here stands the first Oracle, Aera Mirus Fleuret, who valiantly sacrificed life for the Founder King of Lucis. The plaque on the other statue read: Here stands the former princess of Tenebrae, Her Majesty, Queen Sylva's sister, Rena Via Fleuret, who's unknown regarding how or where she died. Some speculate that she was captured, tortured and then assassinated. Others speculate that she had run away to another kingdom.

Sera read Rena's plaque once more, looking at the statue more. The woman looked so familiar to her, but she couldn't recall where. Had she seen this Oracle in a painting or in person? That can't be, she wasn't in any of the history books. It was like she didn't exist anywhere but where this statue stood. The ravenette then looked at the date of her death.

"The thirty-first of October, M.E. 736... She died the same day I was born..." Sera pieced together as much as she could with the little information that she had, looking up at the woman again. "I vow that no matter how hard these training sessions will be, I will keep pushing through so that you continue to live on, Your Highness." With that, Sera bowed her head and entered the training grounds, soon greeted by Lunafreya, who was holding a staff of sorts, dressed in a more sporty outfit than she was used to, her short blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail to keep from getting in her face.

"Good morning, Serafina," Lunafreya said with a smile. "Hope you slept well."

"Good morning, Lunafreya. We'll see just how well I slept once we get into training today," Sera stated, looking at the blonde, a small smile forming on her face. "I have to admit, I was a bit nervous to start training but after seeing that statue of your aunt, I'm determined to become an Oracle for her sake."

Lunafreya couldn't help but admire her cousin's determination to continue on her mother's legacy, for she felt the same way. The young Fleuret was determined to become an Oracle for her mother's sake as well, so that her legacy would continue on. She wanted to tell the young ravenette about her mother, but she promised King Regis that she'd never tell Sera until Regis was ready to tell her about Rena.

"According to what my mother said before she passed, we'll be put through many sessions of mind and matter training, consisting of balance, fasting and combat with a polearm. Are you sure that you can handle it all?" Fasting? Sera had never once gone without a meal, and if she did, it was on her own accord due to a lack of appetite. Sera looked unsure for a moment, rethinking it, before shifting back to her determined expression once more.

"I'm sure. I promised Princess Rena that I would push through it, no matter what. I'm not giving up."

"Let's begin then, shall we?" Sera gave a nod.


After seven long years of extensive training, the two princesses succeeded in their duties to become Oracles. First, Lunafreya had been officially named as the Tenebraen Oracle, holding the title as the youngest Oracle in history. Not long after, Serafina had completed her training and was soon officially named as the Lucian Oracle, their names spreading across the nations as the youngest Oracles in history. Together, they would travel the world, healing those afflicted with the Starscourge, being the voice for the Gods.

When she had finally been able to go back to Fenestala Manor, she laid down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling, a sigh of exhaustion escaping her as she relaxed into the comfortable mattress she had missed for years.. The fifteen year old girl relaxed in bed as her eyes slowly closed, slowly drifting off to the world of dreams. Before she could drift off to sleep however, she heard a bark coming from beside her on the floor, causing her eyes to open once more. Looking over, she saw the black and white Shiba Inu, Umbra.

Book One: The Oracle Of NightWhere stories live. Discover now