XI - The Glaive

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Sera laid there beside Prompto, unable to sleep. Her mind was reeling at an overwhelming speed. She kept thinking about what Noctis had said about the Glaive. But, why let that get to her? It wasn't like she was going to be a part of the Glaive for very long, just long enough to keep her busy while her brother and boyfriend were away at school. Sera rolled over and faced him, her gaze fixed on him with a soft smile.

"Sleep well, my dearest Prompto," Sera said as she gently moved hair out of his face, careful to not wake him. She curled up close to him and closed her eyes, finally able to relax and fall asleep.

The next morning, Sera woke up at sunrise, getting ready to show off her combat skills, in hopes to join the Kingsglaive. She placed a gentle kiss on Prompto's cheek, leaving a note on the pillow before leaving the apartment to head to the Citadel. She watched her back when walking through the Crown City by herself because, although it was safe and peaceful within the walls, there were still threats.

Once at the Citadel, Sera went to the training center for the Glaive. It was similar to the training grounds of Ralmuell, but it was smaller and had fewer statues of the Oracles of late. In the center, a giant pillar stood, a few glaives standing on the top of the pillar, getting ready to jump off and warp to safety.

"I remember Father mentioning that the Kingsglaive's magic stems from the King, and someday that magic will stem from myself," Sera said, having no knowledge that a member of the Glaive was standing beside her, clad in his full uniform.

"You're right, Your Highness. Everything down to summoning our weapons and the use of some royal arms to warping and casting spells," the glaive said as he looked over at the young princess with a small smile.

"Just Sera will do. You must be...?" Sera looked at the glaive, her gaze showing her curiosity regarding the Glaive's name.

"Nyx Ulric. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sera." As he spoke, he bowed his head. Sera smiled softly and bowed her head in return and in agreement.

"I was hoping you could help me become a Glaive too." Nyx's eyebrow quirked, a smirk on his face. "The schools couldn't accept me so my only other option to occupy my time, and keep my combat skills sharp, was to join the Glaive."

"I don't think the Captain would let the Princess of Lucis be a part of the one thing keeping you alive."

"I'll have you know that I've held my own against the Imperial army since I was eight years of age. If you don't believe me, I could easily have Captain Drautos let me show off against you?"

"I'll take your word for it, Highness." Before they knew it, the captain of the Kingsglaive entered the training site, his gaze immediately meeting the young princess's gaze.

"Good morning, Captain Drautos," Sera said as she stood at attention. "I hope I didn't distract your Glaives." Drautos's presence was rather intimidating yet familiar to the ravenette, like she had met him before. If she had met him, she would recall it, right?

"Not at all, Princess. His Highness told me about you wanting to join the Glaive," Drautos stated, signaling she could stand at ease. "Are you sure you want to join the Kingsglaive? You'd be putting your life in danger and it would be on me for letting you go out there."

"Captain, with all due respect, I don't need to be coddled. I am certain that I'll be fine out there, if I were able to join the Glaive." Sera didn't dare tell him that the Scourge she had absorbed seven years prior had kept any weapon from killing her. She had learned about her new gift while training with Lunafreya. Weapons did serve out pain, but it never actually caused her to bleed. In a way, she was glad that she possessed similar gifts as the Adagium. "As I was telling Nyx, I have held my own against the Imperial army for the past seven years, and I'm certain that I'll be doing just that upon my return to Tenebrae."

"Show me what you can do. How well you do will determine whether you possess the skills to become one of us." The young princess smirked as she summoned her mother's rapier, warping into the arena. "Take this one, Nyx. Do your best to keep her from winning." Nyx bowed his head and warped into the arena and stood at his guard.

Sera held her weapon at the ready, rushing in to strike, her weapon clashing with his kukris daggers. She showed no emotion, knowing that if she showed any sign of overconfidence, Nyx could use that against her to win the fight. Nyx parried her attack, striking again before she recovered. Sera could tell that he was going all out and she wasn't going to let him win, even if it meant fighting until she grew so tired she couldn't move. When the fight was over, after what seemed like an eternity, Sera stood, breathless with the Trident of the Oracle keeping her on her feet. Nyx was on all fours before rising to his feet, helping the princess stay upright.

"If that didn't impress the Captain, nothing will ever impress him," Nyx said with a small chuckle, helping Sera up out of the arena. "Where did you learn those techniques?"

"My training to become Oracle, back in Tenebrae. I mostly learned how to wield a polearm, but I applied it with all of my glaives," Sera explained before looking at the Captain of the Kingsglaive, a few beads of sweat sliding down the side of her face. "What did you think?" Drautos showed no emotion, nothing but a glazed over look in his eyes.

"Your form could use some work but overall, I'm impressed with how well you fought. Do you still want to join the Kingsglaive?" Sera gave a nod in response to his question, her eyes widening as her excitement grew. "As long as you keep up with your training and be there for the missions I assign you, you are now the newest member of the Glaive."

"One more thing I'd like to add, if I may," Sera said as she bowed to the captain, who gave her the permission needed to speak freely. "I am best at combat, but I'm also skilled in magic as well."

"Starting tomorrow, you'll report here, in uniform, which will be given to you before you leave. With that being said, you're free to spar with Nyx or you may go home." And with that, Drautos left, leaving Sera alone with Nyx. Both choosing to stay, they decided to spar.

Later that day, after Noctis and Prompto had returned from school, Sera had headed back to the apartment, wearing her Kingsglaive uniform. Prompto looked up from his phone, Noctis following suit, seeing the princess in her Glaive garb. Sera stood at attention, a smirk on her face.

"Woah!" Prompto said with a chuckle. "Looks good on you, Sera!"

"It better look good on me," Sera said as she relaxed a bit, fixing the cuffs on her jacket. "I'll be wearing this more often."

"Wait. Drautos actually let you join?" Noctis asked, in utter shock as he looked at his little sister. "I asked him to not let you join. To keep you safe."

"To keep me safe? By cooping me up in this penthouse, waiting for you and Prompto to come home? Noctis, I am not in need of anyone coddling me. I have spent the past seven years fighting any Imperial that crossed my path and meant me harm, all while training to be Oracle to guide you so that you can fulfill your fate. Why can't you see that I can protect myself?"

"Because you're my little sister. Until you go back to Tenebrae, you're my responsibility to take care of and protect."

"My dear brother, I assure you, I don't need your protection. Do you remember the day we were attacked as children? I drew in the scourge from that daemon, and the scourge that I drew in from Clara. Both those events made it impossible for me to be killed by a mortal weapon, meaning I'm practically immortal, until the True King of Light can ascend the throne and rid the Star, and myself, of the scourge that continues to plague it." Sera lowered her head before she looked up again. "I'm going for a run. Prompto, would you like to join me?"

"Yeah, sure. Let me go change," Prompto said before getting up and heading to their room. Sera followed suit, blushing softly as she closed the door behind them.

"Keep your back to me and I'll do the same. I'm not going to change as well, so I won't ruin my uniform." She kept her back facing her boyfriend as she got out of her uniform and into a pair of shorts and a tank top, lacing up her sneakers. She kept her back to him until she knew that Prompto was ready too. "Let's get going, it will be getting dark soon. I'm positive that Noctis will worry more if we're not back before nightfall."

Book One: The Oracle Of NightWhere stories live. Discover now