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The next day, the Oracles began their duties, traveling across the lands of Tenebrae, Accordo, and Niflheim to heal the people of what ails them and bring hope to the people in despair. Sera felt her nerves quake as the Magitek soldier came bounding into her room, their guns pointed at her. That day would be the beginning of a different kind of fearful experience. Behind the soldiers stood an oddly dressed man with auburn hair and amber eyes. Sera gazed at them, trying to figure out who it was that was about to stand before her. Then, it hit her. Before her stood Ardyn Izunia, the Imperial Chancellor of Niflheim, the emperor's right hand man of sorts. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach as she realized who he was and how much of a headache this man would become as the years went on, not only for her but for her brother as well.

"Ah, if it isn't Her Ladyship, Oracle Serafina Lucis Caelum," the man said, his voice dripping with the tone of a sinister man as he made his way through the maze of troops to meet the princess's gaze. His voice was enough to send shivers down her spine, like a slippery snake slithering its way down the middle of her back.

"That's 'princess' to you, Chancellor," Sera said as her gaze narrowed. "What is it you wish from me?"

"Just came to wish you safe travels, Your Highness. After all, I'll be the one escorting you along the way."

"You will do no such thing, Chancellor Izunia. I'm not a little child, I will do alright on my own. It's not like I could run away anyway. Magitek would stop me long before I made it to the station." Ardyn smirked at her statement, finding how intelligent his descendant was.

"You're such a clever girl, Princess. What if I told you that I would be escorting you safely back to Lucis, to your family?" As Ardyn spoke, Sera froze, unsure if she should accept the offer that the Imperial Chancellor was proposing.

"Why would you do that for me? I know who and what you are, Chancellor. I know that you're after my brother so that you can take the throne for yourself." In a snap of anger, Ardyn grabbed her jaw and grasped it tightly, glaring at the princess. In attempts to remove his hand, Sera reached her hands up to his arm, a gold light surrounding her hands and his arm.

"If you know who I am, then you know that the throne was supposed to be mine, if not for my wretched younger brother!" Sera's gaze softened as she looked into his eyes for a mere moment.

"You know as well as I that by their blessing, by the stars that light the heavens above, our world will be delivered from the perils of the dark." Sera's hand reached for his cheek as the glow continued to surround her hand. Trying to avoid being touched by the glow, Ardyn pushed her away, smacking the princess in the process, almost a little too hard. The ravenette looked up at Ardyn with tears in her eyes from the growing sting on her cheek, a large red handprint forming where he had smacked her.

"My offer still stands. Free and safe passage to Lucis without the empire following you. Or you can stay in Tenebrae and not see your family and friends again. It's your choice, Princess." And with that, Ardyn left the room, the soldiers quickly following suit. Lunafreya entered shortly after and rushed to Sera's aid, helping her up.

"Are you alright, Serafina?" Lunafreya asked, looking at the red mark on her face, examining it.

"I'm alright, I promise. I'll heal before anyone knows it," Sera responded, getting up on her feet. "Did you hear what he said to me? I don't trust that slippery chancellor. 'Safe passage?' Does he take me for a fool?" Lunafreya gave her a concerned look.

"Go to Lucis, see your family. You have done your duty to become Oracle, I will take it from here. Enjoy it in Lucis -" Sera's eyes glazed over as she saw Ardyn coming for her in Lucis when she turned seventeen, dressed in her Kingsglaive uniform. Before she knew it, Sera's vision turned back to that of the worried blonde Oracle's blue gaze meeting hers.

Book One: The Oracle Of NightWhere stories live. Discover now