XII - What Lies Ahead

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A year had passed since Serafina had returned to Lucis and joined the Kingsglaive. Sera stood in front of the full-length mirror that Prompto had put in their shared room, just for her as she readjusted her uniform to be neat and perfect. She would be getting promoted for her efforts on the front lines, to what post, she had no idea.

"Today's the day," Prompto said as he leaned against the door frame, looking at his girlfriend. "You'll be great, as always." Sera smiled softly, seeing the blond in the reflection of the mirror.

"I'm rather lucky to have you, Prompto. Your optimism and kindness always brightens my day," Sera said as she turned to him, draping her arms over his shoulders, causing him to wrap his arms around her waist. "Thank you. I'm not exactly nervous but more curious than anything. I know I'm getting promoted today, but I don't know what my post will be."

"Rumor has it you'll become a lieutenant. Noctis says you'll be the new Captain." Sera giggled and rolled her eyes.

"If only. Captain Drautos wouldn't promote me to his post, especially not at my age. I'd be the youngest captain in the history of the Glaive. Not to mention, I'm returning to Tenebrae next year and wouldn't be able to do my duty." Prompto nodded and gently kissed her forehead.

"You better get going before you're late." Sera quickly tied her hair up with a blue bandana that Prompto gave her for her 15th birthday and kissed his cheek, running out to get to the Citadel on time.

Once there, Sera fixed any stray hairs, readjusted her uniform and was about to open the doors when she heard footsteps behind her. Quickly, she summoned her kukris and spun in her heel, her blade almost grazing the neck of her fellow Glaive, one of the mages, Crowe.

"Woah! No wonder the Captain is promoting you. You're quick on your feet," the Kingsglaive mage said as she held her hands up, acting as if she was surrendering. "I was just about to head in, wanna come with?" Sera's eyes widened a bit before nodding a little, her gaze softening again as she dispelled her weapon.

"I thought I would be calm for this, but it seems my nerves had decided otherwise.." Sera explained, her hand rubbing her arm. "I can't seem to ease my anxiety, no matter what methods I use."

"Don't worry, kid. You're the youngest member of the Glaive and have only been a full fledged member for less than a year." Sera smiled softly before bowing her head.

"Thank you, Crowe." She opened the door and stood near the front with Nyx, Libertus, and Crowe standing around her. "This is it. I'm not going to fail my fellow Glaives," the princess whispered to herself as she looked forward. In the next few moments, Drautos entered the room, another one of the mages followed behind, holding a box in her hands as she approached the front. In the back, towards the door, King Regis stood, watching with pride in his eyes.

"Today, we're here to recognize our youngest member, Serafina Lucis Caelum," Drautos said, receiving murmurs from Glaives and mages alike that had no knowledge of Sera's origin. "Silence. May you come forward, Serafina?" Sera came forward, standing before the captain, her back facing her father. "Due to your efforts to keep the Imperial army from reaching the heart of Lucis, I'm awarding you a promotion." The Captain turned to the mage beside him, opening the box. Inside the box, a medal adorned with the Lucian crest. Drautos took the medal out of the box and brought it to her chest, near the lapel of her jacket. "I hereby promote you from second lieutenant to commander. From this day forward, you will be my second-in-command." And with that, Drautos stood at attention and saluted the princess, Sera saluting back. Once she was free to go, she spotted her father leaving the room, her eyes widening a bit.

"Commander, eh?" Libertus asked, with a smirk as he eyed the medal a little, Nyx and Crowe joined the two. "Good job, Highness."

"Please forgive me, but I have other matters I need to address as soon as possible," Sera said with an apologetic look. "Let's meet at our spot in about an hour, to celebrate. Does that sound good to everyone?" The three nodded, letting the princess leave to chase after her father. "Father! Wait for me!" As she chased after him, she summoned her kukris and threw it, warping in front of her father.

"Congratulations, Serafina," Regis said with a smile on his face although pain lay hidden behind his eyes. "I am so proud of you, my dearest daughter."

"I didn't come to receive your congratulations, Father," Sera started as she looked at her rather quickly aging father. "I want to ask for your forgiveness. I know I have not grown closer to you, as I have done with Noctis and my boyfriend. I do not wish for either of us to be hurt when I have to return to Tenebrae next year." She quickly pulled her father into a hug. "I love you, Father, so does Noctis. Don't forget that." She then pulled back from the hug, looking up at her father.

"Send my love to Noctis, my dear child." His eyebrow raised a bit at the mention of his daughter having a boyfriend. "This boyfriend of yours, who might this boy be? I must meet him so that I may approve of him."

"Father, no need to worry. You have already approved of Prompto Argentum. He was my best friend in primary school and is Noctis's best friend now." She couldn't help but giggle at her father's worry for who her partner may have been. "I do apologize but I have to meet up with my fellow Glaives. I'll return later, I promise." She gave a reassuring look, holding his hands in hers before placing a kiss on his cheek, running to meet up with Nyx, Crowe, and Libertus at their favorite spot in the city.

"Thought you'd never make it to your own party," Nyx teased with a playful smirk.

"Hope you didn't start without me," Sera said as she hung her jacket over the back of the chair left for her to sit in as she took a seat.

"How could we? It's your celebration," Libertus joined in. "We can't do much celebrating without the reason being here too." Sera couldn't help but giggle as she looked at the three, soon ordering drinks for the four of them. Once the drinks arrived, Crowe raised a glass and smiled.

"To our new commander. For hearth and home!" the mage said, the others soon bringing their glasses to the center above them.

"For hearth and home!" Sera, Nyx, and Libertus said in unison as they lowered their glasses and took a swig of their drinks.

Later that night, Sera had been so exhausted that she just went back to the apartment and headed to bed, not even bothering to change out of her uniform. Prompto had checked on her, taking note of her jacket having the medal pinned on it.

"I'm proud of you, Sera," Prompto whispered before kissing her forehead, letting her sleep soundly. Sera smiled softly in her sleep, dreaming peacefully. She knew that she'd only be here for one more year but she would be able to stay here for all eternity in her dreams.

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