IX - The Entrance Exam

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Sera sat at a desk within Headmistress Wilson's office, reading over the questions carefully and answered them the best she could. Academically, she hadn't been in school for almost a decade, yet here she was, taking the test. She found the exam rather easy, the subjects covered were all subjects she had learned and advanced during her studies with Lunafreya. It was like she was doing homework.

Before long, she handed in her test with a confident smile. She bowed before the principal, grateful for her time.

"Thank you for allowing me to take this exam, I am eternally grateful for this," Sera said, clasping her hands together as if she was praying to the Hexatheon.

"I will warn you that this will take some time to look over and see how well you did," Headmistress Wilson said as she took the papers from the young princess. "In the meantime, I will have to ask that you wait off school grounds until we have finished grading the exam. We will send your brother home with the results." Sera bowed her head once more before turning and leaving the school. Prompto looked up and saw Sera walk by, his instinct telling him to reach out and grab her hand as he stood. Sera stopped and turned to him, her hands shaking.

"How did it go?" Prompto asked, looking at her, curious to know why she was shaking.

"I think it went well. The exam was rather easy itself," Sera explained, looking down a bit. "My nerves are on edge. Headmistress Wilson said that she'll send the responses home with Noctis... I'm nervous that I failed."

"Hey, hey. I'm sure you did better than both Noct and me. You always excelled in school." Sera couldn't help but smile with a soft rose tint staining her porcelain-like cheeks as the blond complimented her. "If you don't get accepted, then Noct and I don't have any business being here."

"Thank you. For now, I have to go home. I'll meet up with you all at the apartment after school." Sera couldn't believe how much he had changed in the past seven years. He was still shy but not the kind of shy that made it practically impossible for him to speak to others. The young ravenette found it rather admirable and inspiring. She then looked down at their hands and became a flustered mess before yanking her hand away and bringing it to her necklace. "Have a good rest of your day." Not long after, she headed home to her brother's apartment, where she waited for Noctis and Prompto to come home.


Night had arrived, Sera had been sent to another room for hours. She chose to change her clothes from her more casual wear to her party wear. Everyone else was downstairs, getting everything ready for the party to celebrate Sera's arrival home. Sera eventually made her way downstairs when the time came to, seeing an arrangement of foods and drinks set out on the kitchen island and living room table. Sera smiled bashfully as she saw everyone gazing at her and her beauty. Gladio and Ignis both had yet to see the princess since just before the departure and they were astonished to see her grown up.

"Welcome home, Your Highness," Ignis said as he bowed to the young princess. "It's good to see that the empire hasn't hurt you."

"Please, leave the formalities outside. In these next two years, I am not 'Her Highness, Crown Princess Serafina Lucis Caelum, Her Ladyship, the Lucian Oracle,'" Sera explained, her hand raising as the advisor and shield attempted to argue with her before stopping themselves. "I want to be addressed as 'Sera.'"

"You look breathtaking," Prompto said, without thinking about what was coming out of his mouth. Sera's cheeks flushed a rose tint at Prompto's compliment once more, causing Noctis to look over at his best friend with a bit of a glare. A small angelic sound came from the Oracle as she giggled, finding her brother and childhood friend's behavior rather adorable.

"Thank you, Prompto. I'm glad you think that about me." Sera smiled softly as she grabbed a glass of punch that had been made by Ignis. "I can't thank you all enough. You all have patiently waited for my return and it has certainly not gone unnoticed."

"You did tell us to wait for you," Gladio said, a bit of a smirk on her face.

"Of course, through my Astral projection in each of your dreams. I knew about the message regarding the treaty ceremony had reached you, but I wasn't sure about that one." A smile of true happiness tugged at the corners of her mouth as she let a smile form.

"All of your messages reached us," Noctis said, giving his younger sister a reassuring look.

"Some quicker than others," Gladio said as a jab to the prince. Sera laughed, unable to keep it at just a giggle, causing the blond to smile brightly at her laugh. She gently raised her glass in front of her, a smile on her face.

"A toast to reunion and new beginnings." The others raised their glasses with a smile.

"To reunion and new beginnings!" They cheered in unison.


After a while, Sera was found on the balcony, looking up at the starry night sky, admiring it. From the apartment, she could see the Citadel's glow illuminating that part of the sky. Footsteps were heard behind the princess.

"Got some news I hadn't had the chance to tell you yet," Noctis said as he leaned against the railing, holding an envelope in his hand. "Headmistress Wilson sent this home with me earlier."

From inside the apartment, Prompto found himself gazing at the siblings. Prior to Noctis walking outside, the shutterbug had told his best friend that he was thinking about confessing to Sera, getting Noctis's permission for it. He worried that his best friend was already telling her. But when he saw her open an envelope and jump for joy before hugging her brother close, his worries were at ease. Noctis soon pulled back and told her that he had to go for a little while, giving Prompto the signal to let him know that it was now or never.

Taking a deep breath, Prompto made his way outside to the balcony, soon standing beside his closest friend. He looked out onto Insomnia, seeing just how beautiful it really was at night.

"Once you get past the city lights that are closer to the Citadel, the more the stars shine in the night sky," Sera said, taking notice of Prompto's presence.

"Picture perfect," Prompto said as he gazed at Sera, not really paying any attention to the night life of the city.

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