Chapter 19

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"Why the fuck is it so bright", I groan out trying to flip my pillow over my head but there's no luck

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"Why the fuck is it so bright", I groan out trying to flip my pillow over my head but there's no luck. I'm too comfortable right now for the damn sun to wake me up.

I toss and turn and nothing is working so I give up the act and open my eyes. "Oh hell."

Thoughts and images from last night instantly start to flood in as I take in this new environment around me.

I had sex with Emilio.

Oh crap.

I slowly reach my arm out and touch nothing but air next to me thanking god he isn't laying down. Maybe he left the room or even better left the damn house.

My mind keeps replying last night in depth no matter how hard I try to steer away from it. It was the best sex i've ever had.

I tossed the duvet off of me and my feet came in contact with a freezing floor making me jump. I have the chance now to actually take in the full room in it's glory.

It was beautiful.

I didn't realize I was naked until I looked down and all I seen was my boobs. "Crap", I realized I couldn't put on what I had last night because there's no way i'm wearing a dress right now.

I looked around the hotel for anything but all I seen was Emilio's white button up shirt he wore last night. Cliché.

My legs still trembled with every step I took to the shirt laying on the floor.

The shirt was on in a matter of seconds and I rushed to the bathroom only imagining what I looked like right now.

It could've been worse.

My hair was still in its ponytail, barley though. The only thing was I looked like a damn monster with mascara smeared along my eyes. If Emilio seen me right now he would leave in a instant, hell even I would.

I quickly grabbed the nearest wash cloth and ran some warm water to get this scum off of my face. I once watched a youtube vogue video where they said if you wash your face roughly your skin will bite you in the ass for it and ever since i've washed my face delicately.

The warm cloth hit my face ensuring that if I wasn't awake originally i'm definitely awake now. My head couldn't help but wonder we're Emilio is, my ego would definitely crumble if he really did leave.

He probably did. He's a mafia boss who probably has other women lined up like the first time we started talking. Not that I should be mad but I should be shouldn't I? You're not his girlfriend tonta.

My face was as decent as it was going to get and I fixed my ponytail before heading out. Oh shit morning pee. My bladder was screaming at me and I quickly relived myself only to be left with a burning sensation from the crazy sex I had last night.

I hate having sex. No I don't.

I headed back out into the bedroom and opened the door to descend into the kitchen.

He was here.

A bare tattoo filled back was looking at me while Emilio sat on the other side making food.

I never had time to notice all of the tattoos on his back and what they really were but now I do. The major one was a hades tattoo that stretched along the top of his back to the middle looking lost. It was dark but I wanted to know more about it.

"Like the view?" A deep raspy voice instantly shakes me out of my long gaze and I take a deep breath.

Emilio started making his way to me with a spatula in his hand slowly closing the space between us. "How'd you sleep tesoro?" He mumbled in my ear making goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Good, really good", I say and he pulls away from me smiling before returning back to the stove top. "Sit down i'm cooking you breakfast."

"You know how to cook?" I ask not meaning to come off rude but I was definitely surprised.

"I can cook a little, you do see who my mother is yes?" He said letting out a deep chuckle.

I contently smiled before replying, "I should've known Alessia taught her kids how to cook that woman cooks like a damn God."

I take a look around the room as I sit at the island waiting for the man in front of me to join me. "I had a really nice time last night Emilio, thank you."

His eyes finally met mine again and it felt like I was waiting for that feeling again. Warmth instantly floods between my legs as I get a good look at his disheveled hair and chest.

"The pleasure is all mine Adora, let me know when you're willing to do it again" he says throwing a towel over his shoulder, "Or we could stay here for the rest of the week while I fuck your brains out how about that?"

Holy shit.

"You wish", I reply back trying to play it off cool but no I wish we could stay here I really do. It would be heaven on earth waking up to this everyday and taking it to bed.

"un uomo può solo sognare" He says as he starts making the plates.

A man could only dream. I laugh quietly before he ask me what I want to drink. "Apple juice or orange juice?"

"Apple always." I reply getting ready to tear into my food. "Ur a monster, orange juice is the only right one."

"Im rethinking my life choices as of right now, I just had sex with a psychopath." I say in a happy tone as he begins to place my plate in front of me.

"You were already having sex with a psychopath with or without the orange juice being in play." He says seductively as he slides in the chair next to me placing his hand on my thigh again.

I'm gonna cut that hand off.

"You look sexy in my clothes Adora, you should wear them more often." He says in my ear nipping it before pulling away.

I can't make it through this morning.

I hope u guys enjoyed 🫶🏽🫶🏽

be safe xoxo <33

be safe xoxo <33

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