Chapter 14

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I stepped out of the gym into the cold air that surrounded the night

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I stepped out of the gym into the cold air that surrounded the night. I worked out hard as hell trying to get her off of my mind. I combed my hands through my hair feeling the drops of sweat drip off of my forehead.

Adora told me she would let me know what day would be mine but it's 3am on a Saturday a week later.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I pulled it out seeing my sisters name on the screen. "Are you okay?" I ask in a hurry because Gianna never calls me unless she needs something serious.

"Emilio, I need your help please", I heard her pleading over the phone.

Panic quickly rushes through me imagining the thought of my sister being in danger. "G what's going on?", I reply getting into my car with shaky hands.

"There's a car following me home from Leo's house and I only gave one gun." She replies instantly, "Send me your location now."

I get her location across my screen and I hang up hurrying to the location. I've never drove with more adrenaline in my damn life. She was about 10 minutes away so it wouldn't be long before I showed up.

After I made it past 3 street lights and passed the one car that was around I finally found myself at a distance behind a black car that was following hers.

I quickly clicked the button on my car to scan the plates and they came back under a random persons name.

John Castillo.

That means this car was stolen which means this was a set up. I put out my phone quickly calling my father and he picks up after 6 rings.

"Emilio why the hell-", he begins to say in a sleepy voice before I cut him off, "Gianna is being followed and the plates came back unknown I need help."

If my father wasn't awake then he definitely is now.

"Send me your location were on our way."

I sent him it but right as I did that bullets started flying at Gianna's car. I'm either guessing they know i've been following them as well, or they just grew impatient with her.

"Cazzo", I huff out reaching under my belt grabbing my glock. I rolled the windows down as the cool air hit my face in a instant.

Whilst keeping my eyes on the road with one hand out the window I started shooting at the unknown car.

I was driving with my knee at this point because my other hand was typing away on my computer that was connected to the dash.

I was attempting to hack into their radio, knowing the new model car had bluetooth.

Bullets eventually came flying back at me from the passenger seat as another car pulled up behind me but it wasn't my father.

"Shit", I type faster on the computer successfully being able to access more information and to be able to chat.

My car was constantly swerving as well as Giannas as we continued fighting back then more bullets started flying and I knew my father was here but not just him, he brought help.

My fathers car raced past me and meet up by Gianna's as he continued shooting at the other cars tires.

My mother pulled up next to me helping me get the man behind me.

The vehicle in front of my suddenly swerved off of the street as my father shot out all of the tires and eventually the one behind me did as well.

All of our cars came to a quick stop and they all got out looking disheveled. My brain was moving at 90mph right now because of what just happened. I quickly tucked my gun back and got out of my car with my palms sweaty.

I approached my family and pulled Gianna into a hug. "Thank you so much E." Gianna said rubbing on my back before letting go.

"What the hell happened", mom asked looking at Gianna with a serious look.

"I have no damn clue I just caught on that someone was following me and I called E."

"I got information from their car but we should go check it out." I said already heading in the direction of the fucked up cars.

The once crisp air now smelt like burnt rubber and gas, and my eyebrows furrowed at the smell.

The men in the car were definitely dead and the crash was brutal. We all started looking in and around the cars, picking through all of the broken glass and debris.

"I got something", Mom said walking our way with a unbelievable look on her face.

"Well if it's mafia related there is only one group that has this last name."

She hands me the wallet and I am suddenly unsettled.

"Diego Hernandez." I say coldly.

"The goddamn Mexican mafia? Gianna why the hell would they follow you?" My dad says sounding shocked and as confused as I am.

"I have no clue, i've never had any relations with them other than business but it hasn't gone wrong, ask mom."

"Yeah nothing has went wrong with them other than little mishaps so this makes no damn sense", mom reply's as we all stand in a circle dumbfounded at the fact.

"I pulled some information from the car I can retrieve and look at when we return home."

"Let's go."

I turn around, my shoes kicking the gravel on the street. I get back to my car and swing the door open hopping in.

My heart rate was slowing down and I wasn't able to think. What the hell could the Mexican mafia possibly want with my sister, and who the fuck is Diego Hernandez.

I quickly take off following behind Gianna and the ride home wasn't long before we all collectively pulled into the drive way.

I pull out my phone and text Adora before heading inside.

Me: Goodnight tesoro.

hiiii guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)))

Any predictions?

i love u be safe<3333

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