Chapter 24

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Before Emilio returned

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Before Emilio returned

Emilio just walked out of my front door to grab something from his car.

I am honestly having so much fun. He is so genuine when i'm around him and doesn't seem like a murderous mafia man—but that may be a red flag.

My thoughts were rapid ever since he left. I may be dickmatized...

I pulled out my phone to text Gianna and let her know how tonight was going since she told me to update her. I think she just wanted to find a reason to kick her brothers ass.

I've always knew Emilio to be a sweetheart but that's because I know his family of course that's what im going to hear. But the more I snooped the more I found out how evil he could ever be.

It made me wonder that if I ever did something bad or pushed him to the point would he do that to me? God I hope not.

I wanna test that theory one day.

Adora: it's going great, you never know i may be ur sister in law😗.

It takes a few minutes for Gianna to respond but her response sends me into a laughing frenzy.

My bitch👹: fuck no. wait.. maybe it may come in useful if I ever want anything.

Just as I was about to respond a knock came at the door. Why the hell is Emilio knocking if he was just in here. Idiota.

I hopped off the couch and made my way to the door and twisted the knob to open it.

My heart stilled and my blood ran cold.

What the absolute fuck.

There stood the one person who ever invoked fear in me.

Julian standing there with a evil grin plastered on his face.

Okay god this is the time you tell me you are playing and Emilio is about to be here.

"¿Mi niña está feliz de verme?" is my girl happy to see me?

That voice I know all to well sent shivers down my spine. I wanted to react and reach for the gun on my counter but I couldn't.

Yet I always blamed the people in movies when they do stupid shit and don't run but here I am frozen in place.

"Que mierda quieres?" I said in a harsh tone trying to stand my ground. The man was around 6'1 and disgusting. The only excuse I have for ever dating him is me being young. What the fuck do you want

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