| chapter - 79 |

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Backup account : thatelysianbae
IG : thatelysianbae

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Happy reading!


Warning : don't read while fasting


Author pov:

The sound of a loud thump echoes inside the whole room as Jimin thumped the plate annoyingly on the dining table.

It made Hobi startle when he was just eating quietly.

Yoongi patted Hobi's back to sooth his startled soul. He looked at Yoongi in confusion, asking him silently through the eyes about Jimin's behavior. Though Yoongi only assured him with a soft nod.

Jimin was grumpy today, a bit annoyed also.

He himself doesn't know on specifically what.

Yoongi doesn't admit but he actually has troubles, double troubles, managing both of them at a time. But his loves are quite impressed on him by the way he was handling everything, with care and patience.

His own works, then taking care of them, making sure they're okay, cooking for them. Everything he does alone. Loves to pamper them though.

He sometimes have troubles understanding pregnant Jimin. Since he actually doesn't ask or say by himself so Yoongi needs to understand by his own. Of course Yoongi doesn't complain, but it worries him what if he lacks sometimes and it's too late to understand.

As it was Hobi's second time, he was a bit experienced and opened cause he knows well not to hide anything. And he does and can express, explain, control his emotions, problems well, learned from his past. But Jimin doesn't, that's where the problem was.

Thankfully Yoongi's eyes never leaves any of them. And he studies and learns about taking care of your pregnant partner for nothing. Cute.

A Yoongi in your life, and it's sorted. He is such a blessing, and they knows it.

Hobi got up from his seat, and walked to their bedroom.

They still are living at Hobi's. Though Yoongi was already planning for a better and broader apartment for his loves. He was there when Jungkook bought the land, even Namjoon was too. They're advising him and helping him choose the right one.

But he doesn't want to build one like Jungkook's, unlike him, he wants a modern apartment in the city of Seoul. And he will for sure, just needs proper planning. He wants to surprise them, his loves. But not sure if he can before their due date.

Still, starting a fresh with his full family seems like a dream come true.

Hobi was picking some robe and Yoongi helped him as he followed the man inside their bedroom. Leaving Jimin alone in the kitchen area.

Since Jimin was just eating while seating on a chair, he hopefully was in no danger. But Hobi was walking so Yoongi followed him like a magnet.

" I'm going to take shower " Hobi informed.

Yoongi nodded and was ready to pick a towel after checking on Jimin but understanding the man's intention, Hobi stopped him.

" I'll be fine, I promise I won't dance " he whines. Like the past time, Yoongi was habited to bath and shower both of them. Doesn't let them take shower alone. At least he tries to.

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