13~ Style

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"What happened?" he asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I don't know where to start but I decide to tell him something else first. 

"You didn't have to save me in there you know" I mutter quietly looking at his fists that tighten around the steering wheel as I tell him that. 

"I know Sophia and what if I told you maybe I fucking wanted to?" he asks angrily. I'm shocked by his comment, but why would he?

"But why would you? Shouldn't you be happy that you got rid of me and you don't have to spend the rest of your life with someone your father forced for you to be with?" I explain to him. 

He doesn't answer and just looks out of the rear view increasing his speed. I look at the speed dial number increasing and when I see another car coming towards us " SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!" I yell at him. 

With my sudden outburst he actually complies to my words and slows the car down. I'm so mad at him right now, he could've injured himself really badly if the car went out of control. 

We spend a few seconds in silence before he speaks up again. "Is that what I am to you?" he asks with a sad expression on his face. 

I ignore him and just carry on looking out of the window with my hands crossed in front of my chest. 

But what does he mean? "Sophia, fucking answer me!" he demands angrily. 

That's it. I turn around to face him and start telling him off. " You could have fucking killed yourself right now if the car went out of control. What do you think your mother and father at home would do if their beloved son crashed? What the fuck would I do?". 

He's clearly stunned by my sudden reply and it takes him a few seconds to reply. "First off I mean the car didn't really go astray and second of all what about you? Why do you care so much about what happens to me ?" he asks. 

His current question throws me off guard for a bit as well and I have to think about it. "Because there aren't many people that make me feel safe with them. It used to be 2 people on this planet but turns out one of them was fake yet even now I can proudly say I feel the safest with you" I tell him honestly. 

Those words being said out loud basically confirmed it for me as well. It was true though I did feel the safest with Lorenzo. 

He might not be able to tell but he does and I will forever be grateful for that. He doesn't say anything and I'm glad because I didn't want to know what he felt like ; it should stay personal to him. 

I lean my head back on the head rest and I could feel something hard and dry on my face. I pulled down the little mirror thing in the car and gasped at my reflection. 

Lorenzo looked at me in confusion and then turned his gaze back onto the road. "What's the matter?" he asks. 

"Why didn't you bother telling me that I have mascara all over my face?" I ask him. 

"Oh right I just thought maybe it was some style you were going for" he reasons shrugging. I look at him in disbelief. 

"Really?" I question. He starts chuckling quietly and I can tell he's lying I playfully punch his arm before looking through his dashboard for wipes. 

I successfully find some before wiping all the black mascara off my face. "What is that?" Lorenzo asks. 

"What the black stuff that was on my face?" I double check. He nods his head. 

"That was mascara" I tell him. He looks confused when I tell him and I smile to myself knowing that he probably doesn't know what that is. 

"Yeah isn't that mascara stuff meant to stay on?" he questions. 

"It is but I didn't have my waterproof one that's at home and the non waterproof comes off if you sweat or cry" I tell him. 

My eyes widen when I realise what I just told him. Fuck Sophia why would you do that? I slap my palm to my forehead and Lorenzo just looks at me like I'm a weirdo. 

"So were you crying?" he asks the question that I was dreading and hoping he's never ask. 

"NoPe" I lie popping the P. 

"Then..." he says trailing off. 

"I- I had P.E" I tell him and pat myself on the back in my mind for coming up with a good excuse in the nick of time. 

"Righhhttt. Yeahh I should teach you how to lie shouldn't I?" he says teasingly. I drop my mouth open. 

"I'm sorry" I act shocked by his words. "And why would I?" I ask him.

"Because tesoro clearly your lying right now" he says blatantly. I'm so disappointed he figured out but its okay I'll do better next time I reassure myself. 

"We have to go to your father's house for dinner tonight or else I'd stop and ask you why you were crying" he explains. I'm so grateful he won't ask because I don't think I'd be able to explain why without crying. 

"So go inside and get ready" he tells me. 

I don't even realise that we have arrived until I see that the car is parked outside of the house. I nod my head in reply and step out of the car making my way upstairs.

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