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content warning for the entire book: age gap
a/n: im putting this out to see how you guys feel about it, enjoy ?
Madeline Kreese, John Kreese's granddaughter. She's had the Cobra Kai creed drilled into her head since the moment she could understand the words. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy. Recently, she's gotten to be too much for her mother to handle. She's just turned eighteen and has already been arrested for assault. "That's it, Madeline! I can't handle it anymore!" Her mother had screamed. "You're moving in with your grandfather!" She shouted, glaring at the girl as she popped her gum in annoyance. "Whatever, at least grandpa wants me around." Madeline snapped at her.

"I do want you, Madeline, but I can't handle any more fighting. You know for a fact grandpa Kreese doesn't let you swing on your own mother." "That's because grandpa Kreese swings back." Madeline hisses. "I'm not gonna swing on my daughter." "You have before, what's stopping you now?" She smirks, knowing her mother never meant to hit her, it's just the way she was raised. "Out, Madeline. Go. Grandpa Kreese will pick you up at the airport tomorrow." Madeline stomps to her room, slamming the door. She shoves her face into a pillow, screaming her heart out.

She messed up, big time. Madeline knows how her grandfather handles her attitude, and it's nothing like the way her mother does. The next morning, Madeline got up bright and early, grabbing her packed bags. She doesn't speak a word to her mother, following her out to the car. After a long plane ride, she's in California. Kreese grabs the back of his granddaughter's neck when he sees her, walking her to his car. In the car, he turns to her. "Madeline Elizabeth Kreese, what have you done? Why did Isabell send you out?" He asks as if he doesn't know. "I got in a fight." She says nonchalantly.

"With who?" "Some bitches who challenged me." She snaps. "Watch your tone. You won't speak to me the way you speak to your mother." "Great, she told you I'm disrespectful." She groans, rolling her eyes. "That's because you are, Madeline. You know that bullshit of trying to intimidate whoever you talk to doesn't work on me. You don't scare me. You'll learn discipline and respect living with me. End of story." That's the end of the conversation until they arrive at his place. She climbs out, grabbing her bags. "The rest of your things should arrive by the end of the week."

"I thought I was only staying 'til the end of the year?" "Plans changed. You'll be with me permanently until you move out." He states, not looking at her. She sighs, following him inside. In her room, she sits on the bed, staring at the white wall in front of her. "Madeline, come down here." Kreese calls up the stairs. She walks down. "You'll be joining me at Cobra Kai for the class." "You brought back Cobra Kai?" He smirks. "I didn't. But I am in charge once again." She nods. "Let me grab my phone." She walks back upstairs, grabbing the device, hoping for something from her mother.

Nothing. She walks in behind Kreese, everyone's eyes falling on her. She glares until they look away. She sits in his office, listening to his students argue when a boy walks in. Her grandfather smirks. "Well, look who showed up." The only girl says. Kreese stands, walking to the backroom after telling Madeline to stay where she is. The girl from before walks to the office, standing in the doorway. "Who are you?" "What's it to you?" Madeline snaps. "I like you already. I'm Tory Nichols." Tory sticks out her hand. "Madeline Kreese." Madeline takes it in her own. "Kreese? Holy shit!"

She turns toward everyone else who had come to see who Tory was talking to. "Guys, this is Sensei's granddaughter." Tory says, introducing the girl. "You've heard about me?" Madeline questions. "I heard you broke a girl's arm and another girl's leg." The Asian boy says. She nods proudly, smirking. "I'm Kyler." He introduces, reaching a hand out. She takes it. "You obviously know my name." "Madison, right?" She nods. "Close. Madeline." She corrects. "Sorry." Kyler apologizes. She shrugs as Kreese walks out of the backroom, a scowl on his face. "Fall in. Madeline, you can watch."

That evening, Kreese dropped Madeline off at home, stating he was going to see a friend. She lies in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her phone dings and she expects it to be from her mom, but it's actually from one of her friends from New York. It's a screenshot of a story, one praising the fact that she had finally left New York. Her eyes well up with tears. Everyone in New York thinks she's crazy. Truth was, she had snapped. She had had enough. Normally, when she gets worked up, she works out and trains, but that day, it had gotten to be too much for her and she broke... other people.

She grabs her skateboard after changing, typing the address for Cobra Kai into her phone. She saw workout material in the backroom. She gets there, slamming the door open, and walking to the back. She stops short when she sees the boy from earlier talking to Tory. "I'm sorry, didn't realize anyone would be here." Madeline says, dropping her bag to the floor. "Who are you?" The boy questions. "That's Madeline, Kreese's granddaughter. Madeline, this is Robby." Tory introduces, motioning to Madeline before turning to Robby again. "You're right to skip practice." She says.

"If you're gonna stay on defense, this isn't the right dojo for you." She snaps before walking out. Madeline watches, before sitting on the bench. "Might wanna change out the weights." Robby says, not knowing how strong the girl really is. "I think I've got it." She says, lying back and lifting the bar. Robby's eyes widen and he nods. "At least let me spot you." "Don't need anyone to spot me." She almost snaps. Robby stands above her, keeping his hands under the bar. She scowls, continuing to lift. After about ten minutes, she lifts the bar, putting back in its place. "You're stronger than you look." Robby points out. "I know."

"You can leave now." She says, walking to the punching bag. "Yeah. Great." He scoffs, leaving. She punches, hit after hit until she breaks down. Her mother won't speak to her, and everyone's glad she left New York. She chokes on her tears, sinking to the floor. This only makes her angry. She stands, getting angrier with each hit, knocking the punching bag over. She glares down at it for not holding up against her. "Fuck." She kicks it roughly before grabbing her water, chugging about half of it before grabbing her bag and her board, walking out. At home, she's met with Kreese.

"Where've you been?" "Cobra Kai. Figured I'd get some training in." She answers. "You've been crying." He notices when he looks at her. "It was nothing." "Come, sit. Let's talk." Kreese was a normally angry man with a soft spot for his granddaughter. No matter how grown she may be, she'll always be his little girl. "There's nothing to talk about." She shrugs. "It's okay to show weakness every once in a while." He assures. She sighs, biting her quivering lip. "Come here, little one." He opens his arms and she steps forward, hugging him as she breaks down again. He sighs, holding her tightly.

The next day, she stands on the mat in front of Robby as the other students walk in. "Get a load of this chump. What are you doing here?" Kyler asks. "Sensei Kreese isn't back yet, so I'm gonna get you guys warmed up." Robby answers. "You've never been a part of this team and you think you're our sensei? Get the hell outta here, man." Kyler almost laughs. "Who says we even want you?" Tory questions. "Okay, hit me. Any of you. If any of you can land a hit, I'll go." Robby says. "All right." Kyler says, charging Robby. She stands off to the side, watching Robby fight the entire class.

Then Tory gets to him. She actually lands a hit. They stare at each other for a moment before he nods. "A deal's a deal. I'll go." He says, starting to leave. "No. Stay." Tory says. The class quickly gets into place, looking at their stand in sensei. "Over at Miyagi-Do, our enemies are uniting against us. They think by working together they have the advantage. They think that they're better than us. And I should know because I used to be one of them. That officially ends today. I'll admit, at first I didn't want to join Cobra Kai. But eventually, we need to look ourselves in the mirror,"

He paces in front of everyone. "And realize who we really are. Now, we may have taken some losses, but it's not about how you start. It's about how you finish. And to beat the enemy, it helps to know the enemy's playbook. So I'm gonna teach you Miyagi-Do karate, so we can beat Miyagi-Do Karate." He finishes, looking over at Kreese. "They're warmed up for you, Sensei." Kreese nods. Class continues and at the end, Madeline changes, grabbing her board. "You skate?" Robby asks. "Yep." She nods. "How often do you skate?" "I skate everywhere since I don't have a car."

"Cool. Me too." He smiles lightly and she nods, walking past him. She refuses to get close to anyone. Kreese wouldn't allow her to have a weakness so she won't let herself have one, no matter how small. At home, she lies in bed, staring at the ceiling again. She hadn't responded to her friend yesterday so they've been blowing up her phone since then, asking if she was okay. She got fed up and blocked the number. No weaknesses. She blocks her mom's number as well, knowing if she wanted to talk to her, she would've by now. Things are less than ideal, but at least she's in California.

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