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At training, Madeline hits the punching bag, another student holding it up so she doesn't knock it over. "Listen up. Gather round." Silver says as he walks into the dojo. Madeline quickly leaves her spot at the punching bag, going to her spot in front of Silver. He scans the girl over before looking at the rest of the students. "We just had a little powwow with the senseis at Miyagi-Do. From here on out, there'll be no more fighting until the tournament." He says. "So our enemies get to humiliate us, and we have to back down and take it?" Madeline asks with disgust.

"Watch the attitude, Ms. Kreese." Silver orders. "Of course not. We should always show our enemies no mercy." Kreese states. "But there's a time to fight. No need to waste a punch if it's not gonna score a point. So if your enemies do something to mess with you or laugh in your face, good! Take all that anger and store it. You're gonna need it when the time comes. Is that understood?" Silver asks. "Yes, Sensei!" Everyone answers. Silver glances at Kreese before walking away. After training, Madeline goes home, finding a new phone sitting on her bed. She smiles, picking it up and opening it.

She walks into the living room, finding Kreese sitting, watching tv. "Thanks for the phone." She says, scanning over the new device, it's much more expensive than the one she had last. "Not me you should be thanking, little one." He answers. A hand slithers onto her shoulder and she looks up, her eyes locking with Silver's. "Little one? She seems a bit too old to be your little one." Silver laughs lightly. Madeline goes red, carefully moving out from under Silver's hand. "Thank you, Sensei." She says to him, bowing slightly to show respect. "Of course. I heard what the Miyagi-Dos did."

He sits in the chair across the room from her, smirking slightly. "And please, call me Terry." Silver says, motioning to himself. "Come sit, Madeline. Your favorite show is on." Kreese pats the seat beside him. She smiles, walking over and sitting. Silver watches her, not being able to tear his eyes away from the girl. She's oblivious to his staring as she watches tv. Her nose crinkles as she laughs, eyes sparkling. Kreese looks over, noticing him staring. This angers him. He's always been protective of Madeline, and now Silver's got his eye on her? That's not good for anyone involved.

The next day, Silver walks between students as he speaks. "There are three things that make a champion. The three D's. Desire. Devotion. And discipline. First two, I can't give you. The last one, I can, but you have to be willing to receive it. Are you?" "Yes, Sensei!" Everyone exclaims, continuing to work on their kick. "All right. Junbi stance." He says. Everyone quickly gets into their stance. "Now, I understand you wanna defeat your enemies. And you will when it matters. Until then, just stay focused on your training. Is that understood?" He asks everyone. "Yes, Sensei." Everyone answers.

"With conviction." Silver says, staring at Madeline. "Yes, Sensei!" Everyone shouts louder. "Good. Arms out. Attention. Chae-ryut. Kyun-Nae." Everyone bows. "Dismissed." Silver walks away as everyone disperses. "Second sensei's working us hard today. Guy's going beast mode!" Kyler says, picking up his water bottle. "It sucks we can't give a beat down before the tournament." He continues. "Just because we can't fight doesn't mean we can't get a little payback." Robby says causing Tory, Kyler, and Madeline to smirk. "So what do you have in mind?" Tory asks the boy.

That evening, they walk into a tattoo shop. "Hey, Rico, you good?" Hawk asks from the table. "Tattoo shop's closed for the day." Robby says. Hawk looks up, eyes widening when he sees the cobras walking toward him. He kicks the table toward them, trying to fight off all three of them when Madeline gets the fabric around his neck, yanking him down against the table as the other two hold down his arms. "You weren't that hard to find, you little bitch." Kyler laughs. "You assholes just ignoring the no-fighting rules?" Hawk questions, struggling. "Oh, we're not here to fight." Robby states.

Madeline scans Hawk over as Robby pulls out the blade. "Such a shame the hawk has to go, it was really attractive." She says, using one hand to hold the fabric and the other to skim his cheek. Tory laughs. After leaving, they all high five, walking to Kyler's Jeep. "Did you really find the hawk attractive?" Tory asks. "Kind of. But I'm into older guys." Madeline shrugs as the group laughs. "Seriously? How old?" Kyler asks, looking in the rearview mirror at her. "Old enough to be my grandfather." She states with a smirk. "That's just gross." Robby laughs. "I'm serious!" Madeline exclaims, laughing.

The next day, Madeline stands off to the side as Silver reads the new rules and regulations of the All Valley. "Perfect." He says. "First LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence split, now this." He hits the paper. "Manna from heaven, baby." "And neither one of them have the fighters to compete in both divisions." Kreese states. "We're gonna win this tournament before it even starts." Silver smirks as the door opens. "Where would you like this?" A man asks. "What's all this?" Kreese asks. "Top-of-the-line gear to go with our state-of-the-art equipment." Silver answers, motioning around.

"These kids need to see we settle for nothing but the best." He says as Madeline's curiosity gets the best of her, she slowly walks over, keeping her distance. "Now is the time to show our strength and reinforce." He states before looking at Madeline. "Come look, doll. You'll enjoy this." He slides the box cutter through the tape, smirking. "Cobra Kai is gonna be the only destination for karate in the Valley. I want our logo on billboards, t-shirts-" Silver starts. "And on the backs of both All Valley champions." Kreese states. "Now we're talkin'." Silver chuckles, tearing back the paper.

He lifts a box, a chrome cobra on the top of it. Handing it to Madeline, she lifts the lid, scanning over the contents inside. "Awesome." She says, looking up at Silver. "Told you you'd like it, doll." He taps under her chin with a smirk. She smiles as Kreese scowls. "I'm gonna head to the store, you guys need anything?" She steps away from the two. "I'll come with." Silver offers. "Okay." She looks up at him, motioning him with her. They walk into the little convenience store to find Daniel LaRusso talking to Robby. "Get your things, doll. I've got something to handle." Silver says to Madeline.

"-but Silver won't stop there. Okay? This man is sick and twisted, and when he's done with you, you won't be you anymore. One day you'll find yourself with some poor kid's blood all over your shirt and you'll just hope it's not too late to change course." Daniel says. "He's not interested, Mr. LaRusso." Silver states making Daniel turn around. "New equipment just got in. Why don't you go check it out?" Silver motions Robby out. Robby nods, taking one last glance at Daniel before leaving. "It's considered unethical to poach students." Silver says, eyes shifting to Madeline before back.

"You had your opportunity with Robby, now he's with us. You should respect that." He states. "Respect. Res- You are not a sensei." Daniel says causing Madeline to set her things on the counter and walk up beside Silver, a heavy scowl on her face and her angry gaze cast on Daniel. "You're a con man. Manipulating people to turn them into something that they're not." He continues. "I didn't turn you into anything, Danny Boy. I only brought out what was already inside." Silver holds a hand out in front of Madeline to hold her back. "That's bullshit. You tortured me." Daniel says.

Silver chuckles. "Please. You were a hothead. All I had to do was wind you up and get out of the way. And... if you're being honest with yourself, you know you liked it. You were powerful, free. You just don't wanna admit there's always been a little Cobra Kai in you." He says. Daniel glances at Madeline before shaking his head. "We'll settle this on the mat. And when we win, Cobra Kai, and you, will be out of business." He states, walking past Madeline, who glares up at him, and out. "One of us will be." Silver says after him. The cashier scoffs as Madeline walks back over to him.

"Hey, man, if you're gonna use this place as a conference room, you gotta buy something." He states. Silver turns, glaring at the man who stutters. "Take your time." Madeline starts to pull out her wallet when Silver walks over, pulling her back. "Allow me." "Sensei-" She starts. He holds up a finger. "Terry." "Sorry." She looks down quickly before he slips his finger under her chin, lifting her head. "I've got it." He says, pulling out his own wallet. "Terry, I'm not letting you-" He turns on his heel, lifting her chin to force her to look up at him. "Allow me." He says softly. She slowly nods.

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