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The next day, Madeline followed Terry into an expensive looking country club. She's dressed in black polo shirt and a short black tennis skirt. Terry wanted them to blend in. "How'd you hit 'em?" Terry questions Daniel, wrapping his arm around his girl. "They let anyone join these days, huh?" Daniel scowls, his scowl deepening when he sees the young girl attached to Terry's hip. "Or did you slither in through the garbage chute? By the way, how's your sensei search going? Did I hear you hit a little bit of a snag?" He smirks, raising his brow. "Sabotaging my dojo was not a smart move. Some might see it as casus belli."

"Miyagi-Do will never back down. You should know that by now. I believe you two have met." Daniel says as Chozen walks over. Madeline shrinks slightly when the man glares at her. Daniel scans her over, noticing marks on her neck. He's claimed her. "Sensei Toguchi." Terry smiles. "You might have some old friends to call upon, but not as many as me. I'm giving you the opportunity, right now, to stand down. No retaliation. No repercussions. All you have to do is stay out of my way." He says, shaking his head. "This is my backyard. I'm not the one who needs to go. Take your... trash, and leave." Daniel glares at Madeline. She straightens up, glowering.

Terry almost giggles, pointing at Daniel. "I actually like this attitude on you. It's a shame I won't get to see it again, because if you continue down this path, nothing in your life will ever be the same again. You're playing with fire, Danny Boy." Terry states, tightening his grip on his girl as Chozen steps in front of Daniel. "And I am gasoline. Boom." He says. Terry scoffs, chuckling. "Put these gentlemen's drinks on my tab." He says to the woman behind the counter before pulling Madeline away. She looks down at her feet. Trash. Is that what everyone thinks? That she's just some trashy whore tagging onto an older man? "Hey, babydoll, everything okay?"

Terry looks over at her as she sits silently in the car. She shrugs, looking out the window. "Madeline." She doesn't say anything. "Madeline Elizabeth." He grabs her jaw, making her face him. Her eyes look everywhere but him. "Sweets, you gotta talk to me." He says, fingers curling around her neck, pulling her closer. "Is there something I can do to fix it?" He whispers against her lips. She quickly kisses him. He pulls her across the center console and onto his lap, grinding her hips against his. Even in the California heat, it's hotter in the car. The windows fog up, sweat beading on his forehead.

"Terry." She moans, gripping his shoulders as he grinds himself against her heat. He smirks, slipping his hand between them and beneath her skirt. His fingers wiggle into the fabric, thumb rubbing her clit as his fingertips tease her entrance. She moans again, biting her lip to silence herself. "No, no, babydoll. Don't go quiet now. I wanna hear you." He says, nipping at her neck. He slides a finger in, thumb continuing to rub pressured circles on her clit. "God, you're soaked." He groans quietly as her fingers dig into his broad shoulders. "Terry." She whines, trying to move away from his hand. His other hand slips around her waist, holding her in place.

"Come on, doll." He coos. "You're doing so good." He gently kisses her neck, speeding his fingers up as he slides a second one in. "Terry, I'm-" She takes in sharp breath, squeezing her eyes shut as she tightens around his fingers, coming. He pulls his hand out of her skirt, sticking his fingers in his mouth. "God, you taste so good." He mumbles, pulling her down to kiss her. Her hands drop between them, undoing his pants and pulling them down his muscular thighs. He lifts his hips to help her. "Doll, you don't have to-" "I want to." She says, looking down at him. She wraps her hand around him.

She slowly pumps, not entirely sure what she's doing. Her thumb runs over the tip and his hips buck. She's obviously doing something right. She speeds up. "I wanna be inside you when I come." He says, grabbing her wrist. Her face goes red and she carefully pulls her hand away. He pulls her hips closer, moving her panties to the side. "I'll be gentle." He promises, knowing it's her first time. It's not very special, but he wants to make her feel good nevertheless. He lifts her, letting her sink down herself, a moan bubbling in her throat. "Terry-" She moans, dropping her forehead against his as she slowly sinks down.

"You're doing great, babe." He assures, grunting. It takes everything in him not to pound into her until she cries to watch tears run down her beautifully pale face. His hands tighten on her hips, lifting her before slamming into her. Her moans fill the car, her hand dragging down the fogged up window as the other tangles in his hair. "Madeline." He whines, his voice cracking. This alone makes her feel like she could come. He sounds so pathetic and it just turns her on even more. She smirks, moving her hips in time with his. "You're- Fuck- You're so good." He moans, dropping his head back, hands tightening on her.

She bites her lip, coming as he slams into her again. When she tightens around him, he grunts, coming, filling her. She whines, slowly stopping. "You did so good." He praises, kissing her sweaty forehead. She moves off his lap, fixing her panties. "I did?" The insecurity sneaks back up. Trash. She really is trashy. She just fucked a guy, old enough to be her grandfather, in a country club parking lot. "Of course." He puts himself away, kissing her forehead again. She pulls her knees up to her chest after pulling her seatbelt across herself. "Babydoll, are you sure you're okay?" "Can we just go home, please?" She asks.

He's taken aback but nods. "Of course." He says, setting his hand on her knee, smiling at her. She softly smiles, the thought still gnawing at the back of her mind. They pull up to the house and she quickly climbs out, running inside. She runs up the stairs, throwing open their bedroom door and curling into a ball on their bed. Terry carefully walks in, scanning her over. "Madeline?" He asks softly. "I just..." She sighs. "Daniel called me trash and then... Terry, you took my virginity in a car. In a country club parking lot." Her eyes well up with tears.

She looks away from him, staring at the ceiling. "Madeline, you know-" "Terry, what have I done?" She cries. Burying her face in the pillow. He sighs, rubbing her back. "Listen, I've got one thing to take care of and then we'll talk, okay? You're not trashy or anything like that. You're gorgeous, and wonderful. You've gotta believe me." He practically begs. Her shoulders shake as she cries. He kisses her head, sighing again. "Come here." He crawls into the bed, wrapping his arm around her waist, and pulling her against him as his phone rings. Through the night, she wakes up, carefully climbing out of bed.

She walks to the bathroom, stripping down and turning on only the hot water in the shower. She steps in, hissing as the water hits her back. Her cries are drowned out by the water. After about a half hour, she gets out, wrapping a towel around herself and walking back into the bedroom to get dressed. Terry's sitting up in bed, the lamp on by his side. "Hey, doll, everything okay?" He asks softly as he stands, walking to her. She nods, looking up at him. "Alright." He obviously doesn't believe her, but he doesn't wanna push. He kisses her forehead as he wraps his arms around her waist. "Let's get back to bed."

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