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A few days later, Terry disappears, stating he's got business to take care of. He told Madeline to stay home, don't go anywhere. So, of course, she listened... Not. Tory showed up, knocking sharply once on the door. "You ready?" She asks as soon as Madeline opens. "Shh! Are you trying to get me killed?" She whisper shouts, grabbing her wrist and yanking her into the house. The only spot in said house without a camera? Their bedroom/bathrooms. Terry trusted Madeline would be the obedient little pet she always is, so for today, without telling her of course, he isn't checking cameras while on business.

Tory looks around the room, whistling lowly. "Wow. Silver must really like you." She laughs. "Why do you say that?" Madeline asks, pulling her shirt off and motioning Tory to turn around. "Posters. Band posters, all over his w- Are those bruises on your hips?" Tory yells, running over, moving the waistband of Madeline's shorts. Madeline goes red, her stomach sinking. "It was one time." "Where? When? Was he good? Did you use protection?" Tory fires question after question, a giddy look on her face. She figured Madeline and Silver were sleeping together. This just proved it. "His car. The other day. Amazing."

"Spill. I want all the details." Tory giggles, flopping herself down onto the bed. "It just kinda happened, ya know? We were in his car, and he started his teasing shit, like usual, and I acted on it." Madeline shrugs, turning away from Tory after grabbing her swimsuit top. "You gotta help me cover them." "Wear high waisted bottoms. Nobody will even know." Tory says, standing and tying Madeline's top tightly. Madeline slips her shirt back on before walking to the closet. "I might have a pair." She says, rifling through the built-in dresser in there. She pulls them out. "Aha! I'll be back." She walks to the bathroom.

After changing and pulling shorts on, she walks out. "Now, we can't just up and walk out the door. We have to go through the window. I know what I'm doing, it's safe." She promises. They grab their bags, climbing out the window and racing to Tory's car, giggling the whole way. At the pool, they sit with two other cobras. Since Kyler wasn't around, they were actually talking to Madeline. "Hey, Tory!" Robby smiles when he sees her. "We'll see you later." Tory stands, grabbing Madeline's arm and pulling her with her as the cobras walk away. "Hi." Robby says and Tory lets go of Madeline, grabbing Robby.

She presses her lips to his, smiling when she pulls away. "I missed you." She says. "Missed you too." "How was Mexico?" Madeline asks. Robby glances at her, shrugging. "Hit up the beach with your dad?" Tory asks. "Uh... It wasn't really that kind of trip. But, uh, we did work out a few of our issues. There's still some that are just too big to solve." He says, looking at Miguel. "Look, um, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I was wondering if you'd consider maybe just taking a break from Cobra Kai? Both of you?" "What are you talking about?" Tory questions.

"You heard what Kreese did and he's not even half as bad as Silver. Now's the time to get out before things get worse." Madeline scowls. "We can't just quit." Tory says. "If I did it, you can do it. Trust me, Silver is gonna get inside your head, and then he's gonna-" "Robby, I'm glad you and your dad worked through some of your shit. And if you wanna leave the dojo, that's on you. But don't tell me what to do. I'm a big girl. I can make my own decisions." She says. "Okay." "Come on, let's check out the Typhoon. It's got a five-story drop that's supposed to be sick." Tory says. The two walk away. Madeline glances over at Kyler and the other cobras. They kicked her out.

She's thought about leaving Terry a few times. And since their... moment, Terry's been snappy and distant with her. It really didn't help the fact that she thought she was trashy. She hates to say it, but it feels like he was using her to get back at Kreese. And like an idiot, she fell for it. She grabs her bag, walking out of the gate to the pool area. She walks home, headphones in, angry heavy metal music playing as she decides what she's gonna do when Terry comes home. She walks up to find a frantic/fuming Terry standing in the driveway. "I've got people coming over in less than a half an hour and I'm not ready because of you!" He shouts, grabbing her upper arm.

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