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The fights continue, Robby winning against Demetri. Madeline has since switched from being under Kreese's arm to standing beside Silver, their shoulders almost touching. He glances at the girl every few seconds for a moment, noticing her eyes scanning the crowd every once in a while. "Looking for someone, Ms. Kreese?" He asks. She stiffens. "No, Sensei." Her mother had left. She hadn't even stayed to see Cobra Kai win. Her daughter lost and she left. Isabell couldn't believe she distracted her daughter enough for her to lose her first and last All Valley. She felt horrible.

Silver looks down at her again. "Who were you searching for?" He asks. "Nobody." "Who were you searching for?" He repeats, stronger that time, expecting an answer. "Nobody, Sensei." She hisses, glaring up at him. She's still got that fire despite the unfortunate loss. He smirks, leaning and dropping his hand to her lower back. "Watch the attitude, Madeline." She shivers at the way he says her name. He taps her back, pulling his hand down. "I love it when you say my name." She whispers, copying his words from before. He chokes on the air, coughing slightly as she smirks proudly.

He glances down at her with an amused smile on his face before looking back at the mat where Tory was fighting. She won. Madeline cheers for her friend, congratulating her when she walks over. Tory smiles. "I'm sorry about your loss, Kreese. Didn't expect it." She says. "My mom showed up. Didn't expect it." Madeline shrugs with a small laugh and Silver immediately puts it together in his mind. Madeline was searching for her mother, was hoping she had stayed. "Holy shit, really?" Tory asks, eyes wide. "She came, made me lose, then left." Madeline forces an angry laugh.

"Sorry, dude." Tory bumps Madeline's shoulder with hers. "No problem. Win for Cobra Kai. Take that LaRusso bitch down." Madeline smirks. Tory laughs, nodding. "Just for you, Kreese." Up first was the boy's fight. "Time to show LaRusso and your father that you don't need them. That you're strong enough on your own." Silver says to Robby, keeping his position beside Madeline and Kreese. Robby nods, he scores the first point against Eli. Eli calls a time out. Eli gets the next point. The three minute timer goes off for the one-on-one fight and it's now sudden death overtime.

"You're showing him respect. This fight should be over by now." Silver snaps at Robby. "Do you wanna fight him?" Robby snaps back causing Madeline's brows to raise. Kreese and Madeline hold Silver back. "You're angry. Good. Use it." Kreese says to Robby. Madeline keeps her hand against Silver's chest for a moment, looking up at him before he nods, signaling it's okay for her to let go. She carefully pulls her hand down, continuing to stare up at him. Robby tears off his gi and throws it to Tory just as Madeline looks away from Silver. Robby gets Eli down but hesitates.

Eli kicks him off. He ends up winning. Everyone from Miyagi-Do rushes the mat as everyone from Cobra Kai groans, throwing their heads back in disappointment. Madeline sighs, hoping Tory wins. Cobra Kai can't shut down, it's her second home, she can't lose it too. Silver notices the nervous look on Madeline's face and he carefully sets his hand on her shoulder. "We're gonna win this, Madeline." He promises. "Sensei, I can't lose Cobra Kai, it's all I've got." She says. "And you won't, okay? We're gonna win." She nods, looking up at him. "Thank you, Sensei."

He nods, removing his hand. Kreese looks at his granddaughter. She's wrapped around Silver's finger, every little move he makes, she adjusts to move with him. "What better way to cap off this exciting exhibition of karate than with a final match for the ages? Representing Cobra Kai, the Queen Cobra herself, Tory Nichols! Coached by her senseis John Kreese and Terry Silver. And representing Miyagi-Do Karate, the Bonsai Badass, Samantha LaRusso! Coached by her father and sensei, two-time All Valley champion Daniel LaRusso, who I've just been informed will be joined by Sensei Johnny Lawrence. Oh, I stand corrected."

The announcer stands as Daniel runs off the mat. "Fellow two-time All Valley champion, Sensei Johnny Lawrence! Let's go!" "Don't worry about them." Kreese says. "You've been fighting all your life. Now it's time for all that struggle to pay off. Use all that fire inside you." He continues. "Yes, Sensei." Tory nods as Madeline takes a step closer to Silver as Robby comes back over. Silver adjusts so their arms are pressed together, sending electricity through the girl's skin. "Head in the game, Nichols." Silver says to the girl. Madeline stands straight, chewing her nails nervously.

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