Chapter 16- Surprise

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On Monday morning, I woke up to receive a shock of my life.

As I had seated myself on my chair for breakfast, I noticed that all four of the boys were sharing looks with each other.

Max was excitingly looking at all of us while Liam was asking him to slow down with his eyes. Zack was as usual, smirking while Damien was smiling that sweet smile of his that immediately made my heart flutter. Something was up with them. And I want to know what.

"Is there something that you guys know and I don't?" I said while glancing at each one of them.

"May I tell her please?" Max impatiently asked Zack who just shrugged.

"Tell me what?" I asked, confused.

The four or them looked at me as Max shouted, -"We all will be going to the same high school from now on! Green ville! With you!" He grinned like an overly excited child.

I just stared at them. We're they serious-

"WHAT?!" I asked looking at Damien who smiled and nodded at me.


Okay, I tried to remain calm but I couldn't.

"We transferred to your school, how- that shouldn't be your concern." Zack told me while Max hugged me from behind still grinning from ear to ear.

"Are you serious? Is this a joke-" Max kissed my cheek and said, "As Zack told you before, now that you're with us, you'll never be alone. And we'll make sure that no one bothers you."

I couldn't help but grin in excitement. This would be so good... I guess.


"C'mon, Jennifer. No buts. Eat your breakfast quickly because we don't want to be late on our first day."

Max and I were still grinning like idiots while I couldn't help but jump up and down in excitement from time to time.

"C'mon guys, hurry up! I am so excited!" Max and I said at the same time. We both looked at each other and laughed.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, a thought crossed my mind.

"Max" He looked at me. "Are you my long lost twin or something?"

Now everyone stopped eating and stared at us. They stared from me to Max and at me again.

"I don't know, Jen. I feel that sometimes too." Max replied while Zack and Liam were staring at us with open mouths. Even Damien was staring at us in amusement.

"Woah! Why didn't I think of this before? I mean, you both are so similar to each other. Damn!" Zack amused while Liam was deeply inspecting me and Max.

"Even if I am not, I'll still love to call you my sister." Max smiled at me.

"Yes... Brother."


Everyone in school was staring at the five of us as if we were aliens who just came out of their space ship.

I immediately wanted to dissolve in air to escape their piercing gazes but the boys didn't seem to mind it at all, if anything, they relished in all this attention.

Ashley tried to talk to me many times but I just ignored her. Hailey was glaring daggers at me everytime she saw me. People were whispering about me everywhere but I didn't care about them. I knew that I had my boys here with me now.

While walking to history class, I met Liam in the hallway.

"What class is it, Jen?" He asked me as we were walking down the hallway.

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