Chapter 29- Snow

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"Hey, Max!" I called out to him as I approached him near the lockers.

He was talking to a guy.

As soon as Max saw me, he became a bit tensed and nervously rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Hey, Jen." He smiled at me.

"Aren't you coming to the cafeteria?" I asked him. It was lunch time and I was really hungry.

"Um.. Yeah.. I am coming in a few minutes." He said and glanced at the guy in front of him.

"Um.. Jen.. This is Eric. My friend. And Eric, this is Jennifer, my sister." Max introduced us to each other.

Eric was a good looking guy with dirty blonde hair and bluish green eyes. He was a few inches taller than Max and had a kind aura around him.

I smiled and shook hands with him. "I know him." I said to Max before looking back at Eric.

"Eric, I don't know if you remember me, but we have been together since middle school." I said as I remembered about him.

He seemed to realise this too as his face lit up and he gave me a sweet smile. "Oh yes, I remember you, Jennifer. You were always a shy and quiet girl. Just like me." Eric chuckled.

"Damn, Eric.. You went through one hell of a glow up." I chuckled as I remembered how he looked in middle school with his big glasses and short height.

"You used to be so chubby and now look at you, so fit and look at all these muscles." I said as I traced my finger down his arm, admiring his muscles.

"Uh.. Thanks.. And you look just as cute as before, Jennifer." Eric said while blushing.

Max cleared his throat. Gazing upon his face, I saw him looking back at us with a jealous expression.

"So, you guys already know each other?" Max asked as he stared at the two of us. We both nodded and Max oddly looked quite relieved.

What's the deal with him today?

"Well, I am hungry so I am going. You can come whenever you want." I said and walked off.

It's been two days since Charlotte was back. On the very next day of her return, Zack had anonymously sent all the proofs against Colin to the police and media and within the blink of an eye, he lost everything.

Serves him right. I hope he rots in jail with dirty rats.

Charlotte however, was not so happy about all this. He was her father after all even if he was an aweful monster.

I was just about to step in the cafeteria when I was being dragged away by none other than Charlotte herself.

She looked so over the moon with a mysterious glint in her eyes and the big grin she adorned on her face.

"Jennifer!" She cheered as she made me sit beside Zack. Damien was already there too.

"Wow.. What happened? Why are you so excited?"

"We wanna know that too." Zack said and swung his arm around me as he so oftenly does.

"I have to tell you guys something!" Charlotte said while grinning from ear to ear.

"But where is Liam? And let's wait for Max too-"

"NO!" Charlotte interrupted me.

"Listen to me first Jennifer."

"Well, start please."

"Okay so.. You know that girl - Nichole?"

"Um.. Yeah.. She's quite popular. She's a nice girl though." I said.

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